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st: RE: xtivreg2

From   "Schaffer, Mark E" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: xtivreg2
Date   Fri, 15 Aug 2008 21:36:53 +0100



	From: Fowlie, Meredith [mailto:[email protected]] 
	Sent: 15 August 2008 21:08
	To: Schaffer, Mark E
	Subject: xtivreg2

	Hi Mark-

	First off, huge thanks for making your xtivreg2 code available
to all. Much appreciated. Very useful.

	I sent this message about xtivreg2 to the Stata list this
morning- it has yet to be posted- so I thought it worth trying you as
well.  I apologize if this unsolicited email inquiry is irritating-
delete and ignore if it is!

Probably it's because your email is html format, which the Statalist
server doesn't like.  If you set your email client to text format, it
should get through.  I'm taking the liberty of replying via Statalist,
since that was your original intention.  Hope that's OK.

	My xtivreg2 issue....I have recently upgraded to Stata 10.  I
had no problems with xtivreg2 when I was using Stata 8- code ran
beautifully . Now trying to run the same code with Stata 10.  I get the
following error message when I try to use xtivreg2:

	rkstat():  3499  panelsetup() not found

	<istmt>:     -  function returned error

	I have installed the most current versions of both xtivreg2 and
ivreg2.  Error message seems to be coming from Mata (?). Have you heard
of people getting this error message before? If yes, have you any idea
how they fixed it?

I don't have this problem - I just tried running a regression with
different sets of options (nothing, robust, and cluster-robust) and it
worked just fine.  Perhaps not everything you have installed is actually
the most up-to-date available?  The way to check is to use the -which-
command for -xtivreg2- and related programs, and -update- for Stata
itself.  I get

. which xtivreg2
*! xtivreg2 1.0.08 4Nov2007
*! author mes

. which ivreg2
*! ivreg2 2.2.09  17jul2008
*! authors cfb & mes
*! see end of file for version comments

. which ranktest
*! ranktest 1.1.03  4May2008
*! author mes, based on code by fk

. update

Stata executable
    folder:               C:\Stata10\
    name of file:         wstata.exe
    currently installed:  11 Aug 2008

Ado-file updates
    folder:               C:\Stata10\ado\updates\
    names of files:       (various)
    currently installed:  11 Aug 2008

Utilities updates
    folder:               C:\Stata10\utilities
    names of files:       (various)
    currently installed:  27 May 2008

Hope this helps.


	Many thanks,


	Meredith Fowlie
	Assistant Professor of Economics and Public Policy
	University of Michigan and NBER
	Tel: (734) 615-9595
	Fax: (734) 615-4623

Heriot-Watt University is a Scottish charity
registered under charity number SC000278.

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