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Re: st: RE: dominance test for concentration curve

From   "Vincenzo Carrieri" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: dominance test for concentration curve
Date   Fri, 15 Aug 2008 20:27:42 +0200

Yes, it's exactly this command. I already read the description of the
sintax, but there is not an help file.So I really don't know how to
find some help. Maybe someone could help me to know if it's possible
to test for dominance for a concentration curve with categorical
variable on x-axis and 45 line because I have the feeling that one
problem in testing dominance with categorical variables is that I have
only 5 point estimates. What you suggest to do?

Many thanks


2008/8/15, Sergiy Radyakin <[email protected]>:
> In all probability the command in question is this one:
> It was already mentioned in the list earlier:
> The description of syntax and examples can be found e.g. here:
> Best regards,
>    Sergiy Radyakin
> On 8/15/08, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>> -findit- finds no Stata command called -dominance-. I don't think
>> further advice is possible without information on where to find the
>> code.
>> The FAQ advises that you say where user-written commands you are using
>> come from.
>> Nick
>> [email protected]
>> Vincenzo Carrieri
>> I drew on stata a concentration curve for hospitalization days with
>> regard to people ranked by socio-economic conditions. Now, I would
>> like to perform dominance test for my Concentration Curve against 45
>> line by using dominance.ado file.
>> My stata command was: dominance nnotti rank, sortvar (socio-economic)
>> rule (both)
>> where:
>> nnotti is my y-axis variable for hospitalization days
>> rank is to draw perfect equality curve
>> socio-economic is my categorical variable (5 groups)
>> But Stata give me the following error message:
>> standard error evaluated to missing
>> already preserved r(621);
>> Is it maybe because I cannot test for dominance with concentration
>> curve with categorical
>> variable on x-axis or there is something wrong in my command?
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