Dear StataListers,
I have been trying to crack this using the manual and online help, but I don't seem to be able to come out on top of it. I am writing a short program which should take a list of variables and give me back a set of Kernel graphs and also save the results in a series of files, the "root" of which name should be provided by the user.
However, no matter how I specify the value of the "saving" option (i.e. within parentheses and braces, parentheses only, braces only ...) I get a "syntax error" or an "option saving() required" error message.
Can anybody help me spot what I am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for any help.
I copy here under the program:
program dokern, byable(recall) sortpreserve
# delimit;
version 9;
syntax varlist [if] [in] , SAVing(string) ;
foreach `q' of local `_byvars' {;
sort `q';
marksample touse;
foreach i of local `varlist' { ;
twoway (kdensity `i') if `touse', ylabel(, angle(horizontal) labsize(vsmall)) xlabel(0(100)1000, labsize(tiny)) caption("Kernel density of `i' by `touse'") saving( `saving'_`i'_by`touse', replace ) ;
graph export `saving'_`i'_by`touse'.ps, replace ;
} ;
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