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st: RE: help in obtaining a bar graph

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: help in obtaining a bar graph
Date   Wed, 13 Aug 2008 17:34:07 +0100

First, one rough solution. Then, a few comments. 

The following is one line. 
twoway scatteri  
`=166/528' 1  `=4569/8781' 2 `=362/528' 4  `=4212/8781' 5, 
recast(bar) barw(0.5) 
xla(1 "frog" 2 "toad" 4 "newt" 5 "snake" 
1.5 `" " " "stuff" "' 4.5 `" " " "nonsense" "', noticks) 
base(0) xtitle(category) ytitle(fraction) yla(0(0.1)0.7, ang(h)) 

Advice often given on Statalist is to give up on -graph bar- when it
does not offer a solution and to build up your own alternative using
-twoway bar-. One of the more puzzling aspects of -graph- initially is
that -graph bar- and -twoway bar- can produce quite similar graphs but
are nevertheless totally different commands. The trick is not to try to
understand this, but just to get used to it. 

In the above I didn't try a direct attack. I use -twoway scatteri- to
say exactly where I want the bars, strictly data points as yet.
Macro-like elements like `=166/528' instruct Stata to work out cell
fractions on the fly. Then I -recast()- to bars. The rest is standard
-twoway- technique. I have not tried to work out from Rich's colourless
terminology -- perhaps protecting a client! -- what the best axis labels
and titles should be but used filler terms. 

There is enormous scope for tuning all the cosmetic aspects. 

No doubt this could be automated more. 

[email protected] 

Richard Goldstein

I have two variables defined as shown in the following table:

            |         event
      type1 |         N          Y |     Total
          N |     4,403        166 |     4,569
            |     53.35      31.44 |     52.03
          Y |     3,850        362 |     4,212
            |     46.65      68.56 |     47.97
      Total |     8,253        528 |     8,781
            |    100.00     100.00 |    100.00

I want a bar graph showing 4 bars as follows:
166/528 and 4569/8781
362/528 and 4212/8781

I.e., I want the Y and Total columns rather than the N and Y columns.

I have no idea how to get this and any help/ideas would be greatly 

Note that I can live with having 6 bars (2 for the N column in addition)

if I have to.

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