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st: -reshape long-

From   Man Jia <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: -reshape long-
Date   Sun, 10 Aug 2008 01:20:26 -0400 (EDT)

Hi all,

I'm not familiar of the command -reshape-. So I was wondering if anyone 
could help me with an example of how to use -reshape- command.

The data set I'm working on looks like this(w means wage)
id age80 age81 age82 age93 age84  w80  w81  w82  w83  w84

1    18      19       20      21      22     10   11    13    14    14.2
2    19      20       21      22      23     15   16    16    14    15
3    17      18       19      20      21      9     9     10    11   
When I reshape the data set, I want to limit the age to the range 
In order to use fixed effects and random effects models to analyze, I 
want to reshape the data into:
id   age   w    year
1    19   11    81
1    20   13    82
2    19   15    80
2    20   16    81
3    19   10    82
3    20   11    83
What I tried is as follows:

.reshape long age w ,i(id) j(year)
.drop if age~=19 | age~20
.sort id age

My question is, is there any better way to do this? I'm not sure if 
what I did is OK, although I havn't found any weired thing in the 
result now.

Thanks  in advance!

Mandy Jia

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