Dear Galina,
how about:
************************begin example**********************
sysuse auto, clear
recode rep78 1/2= 3
tab rep78 , gen(rep)
gen constant = .
levelsof rep78, local(levels)
foreach levl of local levels {
reg mpg rep1 rep2 trunk if rep78 == `levl'
replace constant=_b[_cons] if rep78 == `levl'
predict x`levl', resid
**************end example************************************
Joao Lima
2008/8/7 Galina An <[email protected]>:
> Great! Thank you very much, Kieran!
> Galina
> Kieran McCaul wrote:
>> You need modify the code that Richard suggested earlier.
>> gen r == .
>> levelsof region_code, local(levels)
>> foreach levl of local levels {
>> reg migration t4 t2 t3 if region_code == `levl'
>> predict x, resid
>> replace r = x if region_code == `levl'
>> drop x
>> }
>> ______________________________________________
>> Kieran McCaul MPH PhD
>> WA Centre for Health & Ageing (M573)
>> University of Western Australia
>> Level 6, Ainslie House
>> 48 Murray St
>> Perth 6000
>> Phone: (08) 9224-2140
>> Phone: -61-8-9224-2140
>> email: [email protected]
>> _______________________________________________
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [email protected]
>> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Galina An
>> Sent: Friday, 8 August 2008 5:07 AM
>> To: [email protected]
>> Subject: st: How to 'predict' residual by region? Seasonal adjustment?
>> Dear stata users,
>> I have another related question. I need to 'predict' residual by region.
>> When I run the following code it only uses the coefficients from the last
>> regression to predict residuals:
>> by region: reg migration t2 t3 t4
>> predict r, resid
>> if I try to do the loop, it says that r is already defined:
>> levelsof region_code, local(levels)
>> foreach levl of local levels {
>> reg migration t4 t2 t3 if region_code == `levl'
>> predict r, resid
>> }
>> Also, does anybody know a good seasonal adjustment procedure in Stata?
>> Thank you!
> --
> Galina An
> Assistant Professor
> Economics Department
> Kenyon College
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Joao Ricardo Lima
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