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st: RE: after xtreg, using predict, getting "too many variables specified"

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: after xtreg, using predict, getting "too many variables specified"
Date   Thu, 7 Aug 2008 17:04:01 +0100

What is going on is that your syntax is illegal. 

You want 

predict predictions, xb 

Look again at the help. -predict- takes one new variable name (hence the
error message); also -xb- is an option to be specified after a comma. 

[email protected] 

Matt Grennan

Not really sure what's going on.  Have checked past messages, and only
other reference to this error message, which I am not sure is related to

What I am doing:

xtreg on 11 independent variables, with 11 fixed effects

predict xb predictions

At the predict command, I get the beautiful red error message "too many
variables specified".  I have used xtreg and then predict many times,
much larger regressions, and never had a problem.

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