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st: assistance with time series data

From   "Buszin, Justin" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: assistance with time series data
Date   Wed, 6 Aug 2008 23:02:32 -0400

I am working with person-year data and trying to estimate the time it takes someone to move after they have finished their education. The data tell me for each year of a person's life, whether they moved that year and whether (and what level) of school they were in. I have a variable that tells me the age someone made a move (could have multiple moves per lifetime) and the age that someone finished school (could only finish school once in lifetime). To get what I want, the interval between finishing school and move, I subtract the persons age when they moved from the time they finished school. The works out fine unless someone made a move before finishing school, which is where I'm stuck. For instance, someone moved at age 15 and at age 22 and they finished school at age 21. I'm only interested in the move made after finishing school but with the coding, it's only accepting the first move. So the time between finish school and moving is -6 rather than +1. I've tried several !
 things but nothing is working. Can someone please suggest something? Thanks,

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