sysuse auto, clear
histogram rep78, scheme(vg_s1m)
works for me under Stata 10.0, without a hitch.
The scheme comes from
i.e. the book "A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics" by Mitchell. Just follow
the instructions on the website to install it (along with several other
schemes) from web-aware Stata.
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-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2008 1:47 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: st: Using scheme vg_s1m in Stata 10
I doubt that -version- is the issue. This scheme is user-written and
must be installed from where you, or someone else, installed it when you
were using Stata 8.
[email protected]
Rafal Raciborski
use version control, see -help version-
Maria Garden
I used to work with Stata 8 but not I am using Stata 10. Currently, I
am working
on a older document, in which the graphs were produced with "scheme
vg_s1m" which worked very well with Stata 8.
I was not able to use "scheme vg_s1m" with Stata 10. (I tried the
commands: set scheme vg_s1m and findit.)
Is there a way I can use this particular scheme with Stata 10?
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