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st: SSC Activity, July 2008
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Over 129,000 ado-files were downloaded last month from the SSC
Archive, representing the efforts of 265 user-programmers. The -ssc
hot- command reports the most popular packages: e.g.
. ssc hot, n(25)
Top 25 packages at SSC
Rank # hits Package Author(s)
1 1519.1 outreg2 Roy Wada
2 852.6 ivreg2 Mark E Schaffer, Steven Stillman,
Christopher F Baum
3 821.5 estout Ben Jann
4 763.0 outreg John Luke Gallup
5 748.8 psmatch2 Edwin Leuven, Barbara Sianesi
6 744.7 xtabond2 David Roodman
7 457.0 gllamm Sophia Rabe-Hesketh
8 393.2 xtivreg2 Mark E Schaffer
9 386.7 overid Christopher F Baum, Vince Wiggins,
Steven Stillman, Mark E Schaffer
10 350.3 shp2dta Kevin Crow
11 335.0 tabout Ian Watson
12 323.8 spmap Maurizio Pisati
13 308.0 ranktest Mark E Schaffer, Frank Kleibergen
14 282.1 metan Jonathan Sterne, Roger Harbord, Thomas
Steichen, Doug Altman, Ross Harris,
Mike Bradburn, Jon Deeks
15 282.0 mif2dta Maurizio Pisati
16 258.3 xml_tab Zurab Sajaia, Michael Lokshin
17 253.7 oaxaca Ben Jann
18 210.5 cmp David Roodman
19 205.7 whitetst Christopher F Baum, Nicholas J. Cox
20 193.2 ineqdeco Stephen P. Jenkins
21 190.7 ivendog Christopher F Baum, Mark E Schaffer,
Steven Stillman
22 190.4 ice Patrick Royston
23 189.8 ginidesc Silvia Montoya, Roger Aliaga
24 184.5 egenmore Nicholas J. Cox
25 183.3 mfx2 Richard Williams
Statistics for the last three months are available, as always, at
Within Stata, you can always check on additions or updates to the SSC
Archive with -ssc new- (ssc whatsnew in Stata 9.2).
Please also take note of the compilation of working papers, published
articles, books and software for 27 members of the Stata user
community who have self-registered at RePEc:
If you are not registered at RePEc, please visit http://
authors.repec.org/ and let me know that you should be added to the
Stata Users Group list, which I maintain.
Kit Baum
Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)
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