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Re: st: troubleshooting code for simulating survival data

From   Michael McCulloch <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: troubleshooting code for simulating survival data
Date   Thu, 29 May 2008 07:50:07 -0700

Thanks Svend. I've re-run the program preceded by
. set tracedepth 1
. set trace on
and here is what is returned, but I'm not sure how to understand the error messages given.

********* begin command *************
. capture program drop sim_surv

. program define sim_surv, rclass
1. tempname lambda a id t
2. set obs 10 //create 10 observations
3. gen `id'=_n //Create ID numbers
4. set seed 1235 //set random number seed for reproducibility
5. gen `a'=0 + int(2*uniform()) //Generate treatment: discrete 0/1 uniform random variable

6. gen `lambda'=-2
7. gen `t'=(ln(uniform())/(`lambda'*exp(-0.8*`a'))) // using Bender, 2005
8. stset `t'
9. stcox `t'
10. indeplist, local
11. foreach var of varlist `X' {
12. return scalar `var' = exp(_b[`var'])
13. }
. end

. set seed 12358

. bootstrap a=r(a), eform reps(10): sim_surv

********* begin response *************

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin bootstrap ---
- version 9, missing
- local version : di "version " string(_caller()) ", missing:"
- if _caller() < 9 {
capture syntax [anything] using [, * ]
if !c(rc) {
if _by() {
error 190
`version' bootstrap_8 `0'
- capture _on_colon_parse `0'
= capture _on_colon_parse a=r(a), eform reps(10): sim_surv
- if c(rc) | `"`s(after)'"' == "" {
= if c(rc) | `" sim_surv"' == "" {
gettoken old : 0 , qed(qed)
if `qed' {
`version' bootstrap_8 `0'
else if "`old'" != "" {
capture which `old'
if !c(rc) {
`version' bootstrap_8 `0'
capture program list `old'
if !c(rc) {
`version' bootstrap_8 `0'
capture syntax [, * ]
if !c(rc) {
if _caller() < 9 {
`version' bootstrap_8 `0'
if "`e(prefix)'" != "bootstrap" {
error 301
`version' Display `0'
else {
`version' bootstrap_8 `0'
- preserve
- `version' BootStrap `0'
= version 9.2, missing: BootStrap a=r(a), eform reps(10): sim_surv
(running sim_surv on estimation sample)
'r(a)' evaluated to missing in full sample

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end bootstrap ---

Michael McCulloch wrote:

I've written the following do-file to simulate survival data, in the
case of exponential distribution with one treatment variable (a) and
no covariates. The code works when not in a program, and returns the
specified Beta-coefficient (-0.8). May I ask for help in fine-tuning
the program? I'm getting error message: "  'r(a)' evaluated to
missing in full sample".

capture program drop sim_surv
	program define sim_surv, rclass
	tempname lambda a id t
	set obs 10 //create 10 observations
	gen `id'=_n //Create ID numbers
	set seed 1235 //set random number seed for reproducibility
	gen `a'=0 + int(2*uniform()) //Generate treatment: discrete
0/1 uniform random variables
	gen `lambda'=-2
	gen `t'=(ln(uniform())/(`lambda'*exp(-0.8*`a'))) // using
Bender, 2005
	stset `t'
	stcox `t'
		indeplist, local
		foreach var of varlist `X' {
			return scalar `var' = exp(_b[`var'])

set seed 12358
bootstrap a=r(a), eform reps(10): sim_surv


It seems that contents of the local macro `X' is not defined within
the program.  That may explain why the code works when not in a
program, but not in this program.

To examine such problems try:

    set tracedepth 1
    set trace on

Other advice: Tell which command in the program that gave rise to
the error message, by copying and pasting both command and response
to you mai..

Hope this helps


Svend Juul
Institut for Folkesundhed, Afdeling for Epidemiologi
(Institute of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology)
Vennelyst Boulevard 6
DK-8000  Aarhus C, Denmark
Phone:  +45 8942 6090
Home:   +45 8693 7796
Email:  [email protected]

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