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st: Creating Double IDs in a Dataset

From   "Vladimir V. Dashkeyev" <>
Subject   st: Creating Double IDs in a Dataset
Date   Wed, 28 May 2008 11:20:05 +0400

Dear Statalist Users,

I've got N countries (id1) and need to create id2 which contains N-1
countries (country i omitted) for each country in id1. That is, if I
have country A, B, and C, I want STATA to create AB, AC, BA, BC, CA,
CB pairs, where the first letter corresponds to id1 and the second to
id2. So far I've been doing it with STATA --reshape-- command. Can it
be done with STATA programming (without using --reshape--)?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance,
Vladimir Dashkeyev
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