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st: not quite double bounded CV

From   "Jacoba van der Gaag" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: not quite double bounded CV
Date   Sat, 24 May 2008 08:46:06 +0200


I have a survey on willingness to pay for health insurance that takes
the following form: respondents are first asked if they are willing to
pay an Amount A, if they say yes, questioning stops, if they say no,
they are offered a lower Amount B. They say either yes or no to Amount
B and then questioning stops. So there are three possible outcomes:
Yes; No-Yes; No-No.

I would like to run an ordered logit or ordered probit model where
these outcomes make up the independent variable. To complicate things,
there are 4 possible starting values of Amount A.. Each respondent is
randomly assigned one of the values.

My question is how can I take into account that there are different
values of Amount A (and subsequently B)? Is it to do with groups? Or
do I need to write a program?

As you can no doubt guess, my experience with this is quite limited,
so any information at all would be greatly appreciated.

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