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Re: st: arranging data browser

From   Svend Juul <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: arranging data browser
Date   Fri, 23 May 2008 15:48:22 +0200

Tunga Kantarci wrote:
When browsing data, I put several variables next to each other, at the very
left or right hand side of the sheet.
Yet, it is sometimes annoying to search for the variables in big datasets,
on the spreadsheet.
Are there any commands to type on the command window to order selected
variables be put on the left of the sheet? 
I mean is it possible to command stata for data browser affairs?
Try this:
     sysuse auto
     browse make price if price>8000
     browse in 1/10
Also try:
     help browse
Svend Juul
Institut for Folkesundhed, Afdeling for Epidemiologi
(Institute of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology)
Vennelyst Boulevard 6 
DK-8000 Aarhus C,  Denmark 
Phone, work:   +45 8942 6090 
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Fax:           +45 8613 1580 
E-mail:        [email protected] 

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