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st: Re: log only results of r-class commands
Thank you Sergiy for the code, which I will try adapting. I appreciate the
advice Maarten. The hundreds of lines of commands appearing in my logs are
from the do file limited to descriptive statistic production, the equivalent
of your "analysis.do" (see example below).
Roy, I include below a piece of my analysis do-file to give you the flavor
of the task.
The descriptive analysis extensively uses -fsum- (fsum.ado Full SUMmary
program v 2.4.0 fw 2may05), contributed by Fred Wolfe, as it prints variable
labels instead of variable names.
I would like to preserve the comments in the log, since they identify
analyses, but could live without that feature. Far easier to add a few
table headers to table groups than to edit out hundreds of lines of command
The variable [gradoesc06] identifies the school room, of which there can be
up to 12. There are 4 schools in all, but I am keeping the "school" files
separate until the second and further data waves are recorded. Please note
that the line breaks in this snippet are sometimes different than in the
do-file, in which line breaks within a command are always terminated with
/*. All secondary variable creation and labeling is done in other do-files.
do file fragment:
version 10
clear all
log using C:\............\Leone_v.smcl, replace
use C:\............\cuestionario_esc_leones_v_R.dta
quietly set more off
* Conducta con sus compañeros
bysort gradoesc06: fsum _2008pree1_1intcomp _2008pree1_4ayucomp
_2008pree1_9disfrpart /*
*/_2008pree1_12sabesc, stats(n mean sd min max) uselabel
* TOTAL Conducta con sus compañeros
fsum _2008pree1_1intcomp _2008pree1_4ayucomp _2008pree1_9disfrpart /*
*/_2008pree1_12sabesc, stats(n mean sd min max) uselabel
* Conducta en la aula
bysort gradoesc06: fsum _2008pree1_2paract _2008pree1_3genact
_2008pree1_5muesprob /*
*/_2008pree1_6creaprob, stats(n mean sd min max) uselabel
* TOTAL Conducta en la aula
fsum _2008pree1_2paract _2008pree1_3genact _2008pree1_5muesprob /*
*/_2008pree1_6creaprob, stats(n mean sd min max) uselabel
* Desempeño en la aula
bysort gradoesc06: fsum _2008pree1_7asumresp _2008pree1_8partproy /*
*/_2008pree1_10exprclarhabl _2008pree1_11exprclarescr _2008pree1_13intrescr
*/_2008pree1_14instroral _2008pree1_15ordlogpen _2008pree1_16explid /*
*/_2008pree1_17utbiblau _2008pree1_18leemas _2008pree1_19traematcomp, /*
*/stats(n mean sd min max) uselabel
* TOTAL Desempeño en la aula
fsum _2008pree1_7asumresp _2008pree1_8partproy /*
*/_2008pree1_10exprclarhabl _2008pree1_11exprclarescr _2008pree1_13intrescr
*/_2008pree1_14instroral _2008pree1_15ordlogpen _2008pree1_16explid /*
*/_2008pree1_17utbiblau _2008pree1_18leemas _2008pree1_19traematcomp, /*
*/stats(n mean sd min max) uselabel
* RESUMEN de las tres escalas
bysort gradoesc06: fsum cond_comp cond_aula desemp_aula, stat(n mean sd min
max) uselabel
* DIFERENCIAS significativas entre aulas
kwallis cond_comp, by(gradoesc06)
kwallis cond_aula, by(gradoesc06)
kwallis desemp_aula, by(gradoesc06)
Thanks for your help,
Steve Rothenberg
Yucatan, Mexico
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dr. Stephen Rothenberg" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 3:07 PM
Subject: log only results of r-class commands
I am setting up do-files in anticipation of running repetitive descriptive
statistics for a long-term project. I will need to produce appendices that
contain these descriptive statistics, each of which will be scores of pages
My problem is logging the output of commands like -sum- or -fsum- so I can
print the appendix stats. I'd like to produce output that contains only
the results of the commands in legible tables and my preceding comments
that identify them, without the tedious chore of editing out the commands
themselves. The commands run to nearly 400 lines in scattered places
throughout the log, despite using -bysort- to combine analyses.
Stata includes such commands as -quietly- and the various -set output-
variations, all of which suppress results output. The user-supplied
commands in the -estout- family and others do a great job in producing
tables of estimation output. They do not work with descriptive commands,
which are r-class commands. Stata allows me to open two logs
simultaneously, one showing commands, comments, results, and error
messages, the other showing only the commands, but not only results and
I've searched the FAQs, the ssc contributions, and Statalist, without
Does anyone know:
1. A way to log only results of r-class commands in presentable tables?
2. If not, can someone provide a method that will do this?
3. If nothing now exists, will StataCorp consider making output only
logging possible in future releases?
Steve Rothenberg
Yucatan, Mexico