Dear all,
I'm learning how to make some programs in Stata and I�m having
problems in how I could tell Stata to do an indicator I need.
I'm working with the data base for different countries of
latinamerica. In almost all of them I have the same dummy variables
which tell me if the interviwed household has or not a particular good
in the house, but there are cases where the country didn't ask the
household about having this goods, so in this cases I have the
variable with missing values.
The dummy variables, which distinguish the goods being studied, are:
'stove' (1 if has a stove; 0 other way) ; 'refri' (1 if it has a
refrigerator ; 0 other way) ; 'house' (1 if it's the owner of the
house ; 0 other way) .
My problem is that I'd like to perform the next indicator:
gen IB = (stove + refri + house)/q
where 'q' is a number between 1 and 3, depending how many variables
had values different from missing.
The data looks like this (and I agregate the value - in fraction - for
the IB that I would like to create):
id_household stove refri house IB
1 1 1 0 2/3
2 0 . 1 1/2
3 . . 0 0/1
I'd appreciate very much if you could help me, because I 'don't know
how I could tell Stata to do this.
Thank you,
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