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Re: st: path to folder prob
My macro-fu is not the best, so there's probably a more
succinct solution, but this works for me:
local path "C:/Documents and Settings/`c(username)'/Desktop"
cd "`path'"
Martin Weiss wrote:
Dear Statalisters,
I am wondering whether there is a way to have Stata -cd- to a certain
directory on two different computers which only differ in the name of the
user profile? In other words, is there a way to have Stata -cd- to the
user`s "my files" on Windows Vista Business reliably? Among the values
thrown up by -cret li- I judge only "c(username)" to be promising. However,
when I instruct Stata to
cd C:\Users\"`c(username)'"\Documents
cd C:\Users\`c(username)'\Documents
Stata complains about "invalid syntax r(198)". Is there a way to achieve
Martin Weiss
Diplom-Kaufmann Martin Weiss
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