Many apologies for sending an incomplete reply.
I'll just repeat, and complete, the last example.
(The local macro `list' holds the names of all tables to be processed.)
foreach table of local list {
drop _all
qui odbc query "RawData"
odbc load, table("`table'") dialog(complete) dsn("RawData")
/* get number of label items */
qui count
local n = r(N)
/* get variables */
qui ds
local v`table' = r(varlist)
* important: Code needs to be in position 1, label in position 2
local c`table': word 1 of `v`table''
local l`table': word 2 of `v`table''
forvalues x = 1/`n' {
/* loop over all obs and fetch var[obs] */
local a`table' = `c`table''[`x']
local b`table' = `l`table''[`x']
local b`table' `" "`b`table''" "'
/* combine to a label */
local label`table' `" `label`table'' `a`table'' `b`table'' "'
capture label drop `table'
label define `table' `label`table''
label save `list' using "_ValueLabelsFile", replace
The last bit saves all labels that were created in a do-file. Each
label has the name of the corresponding table. If you have the dataset
you are working on in memory, you only need to -run- this do-file, and
then apply the value labels to the variables. I have not automated
this last step as it is not practical for me to do so.
Hope this helps,
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