Dots are not allowed in variable names. Period.
So your code could read something like this:
local varlist1 "var1 var2 var3 var4"
forval i = 1/3 {
foreach X of local varlist1 {
gen `X'_y`i' = `X'_y
replace `X'_y`i' = `X'_y + (`X'_y * `i'/100)
It's not a good idea to loop over lists like 0.01 0.02 0.03, as sooner
or later precision problems will bite. I always loop over integers, and
do any arithmetic yielding fractions _inside_ the loop.
Notice that I changed your outer loop to -forval-. That's a matter of
style, not syntax.
[email protected]
Rijo John
I have the following that gives results the way I wanted.
local varlist1 "var1 var2 var3 var4 "
foreach i in 1 2 3{
foreach X of local varlist1{
gen `X'_y`i'=`X'_y
replace `X'_y`i' = `X'_y+(`X'_y*`i')
However, if I change values 1, 2, 3 to 0.01, 0.02 and 0.03 it gives me
the error saying "var1_y0.01 invalid name". As I understand variables
can not be named with dots in it? if so how do I get around? how can I
modify it to generate variabes such as var1_y1=var1-(var1_y*0.01) and
so on.
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