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st: Re: GMM or 2SLS with cluster adjustment or others
From |
Kit Baum <[email protected]> |
To |
"Rodrigo Alfaro A." <[email protected]> |
Subject |
st: Re: GMM or 2SLS with cluster adjustment or others |
Date |
Wed, 14 May 2008 19:11:14 -0400 |
The point I was trying to make is that the fixed effects estimator
(e.g. xtivreg, fe) is biased in the presence of a LDV, and so
Arellano-Bond should be used in that context. There is nothing to
prevent you from using Arellano-Bond in an equation without a LDV,
but given the complexity of the A-B methodology (and possibility to
generate hundreds of instruments) I would not recommend using it
routinely on a static panel data model. In that context it is
certainly appropriate to use IV-GMM, as is provided by xtivreg2, fe
with the gmm2s option. That is also a GMM estimator which will be
more efficient than standard IV.
Best wishes
Kit Baum, Boston College Economics and DIW Berlin
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:
On May 14, 2008, at 18:39 , Rodrigo Alfaro A. wrote:
Kit wrote:
The Arellano-Bond / Arellano-Bover / Blundell-Bond methodology
xtabond2) is appropriate if you have lagged dependent variables, and
unnecessary otherwise.
I am not agree with this statement. Equation (13) in the classic paper
Blundell, Bond, Devereux, and Schiantarelli (1992) "Investment and
Tobin's Q: Evidence from company panel data" Journal of
Econometrics 51
(1992) 233-257 does not have a lagged dependent variable, but it is
estimated by GMM.
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