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Re: st: quietly noisily ?
I decided to skip the log files and write my SMCL directly
with -file write-. For my purposes this turned out to be a
clear win, as the tables I'm writing are very simple, and got
around all the logging and quietly noisily nesting. The
resulting SMCL is very clean, and translates accurately into
Joseph Coveney wrote:
I'm not sure what your problem is, but it might be that you have a few too
many quietly-noisily-quietly-noisily recursions in your code. The do-file
below does the kind of thing that you're trying to do with regard to page
breaks. It and its imbedded called program produce output in the log files
in accordance with when the -noisily- command qualifier is used. In
addition, when the called program uses the -in smcl- directive for the page
break (as in the "yourlog" example), it produces page breaks properly. (It
doesn't, of course, when the -_asis- directive is used, as in the "mylog"
example below.) The SMCL log files produced aren't broken, either, because
ultimate Portable Document Format (PDF) files produced are okay, regardless
of whether printed via PDFCreator from a View window of the SMCL log file
within Stata or by converting from -translate-'s PostScript file to PDF
within GSview.
Joseph Coveney
Note that -pagem- isn't doing any keeping track of line counts; it's just
producing output and SMCL page-break directives.
clear *
set more off
program define pagem
version 10
syntax , logfile(string) [Smcl]
local type = cond("`smcl'" == "", "_asis", "in smcl")
quietly log on `logfile'
forvalues page = 1/2 {
if `page' == 2 display `type' "{newpage}"
forvalues line = 1/10 {
display `type' "Called program " _continue
display "Page `page' of 2, line `line' of 10"
quietly log off `logfile'
capture log close mylog
capture log close yourlog
quietly {
log using mylog.smcl, smcl name(mylog) replace
log off mylog
log using yourlog.smcl, smcl name(yourlog) replace
log off yourlog
quietly foreach stuff in here there everywhere {
log on mylog
if "`stuff'" != "here" noisily display in smcl "{newpage}"
noisily display in smcl as text "Do-file loop item: `stuff'"
log off mylog
noisily pagem, logfile(mylog)
log on yourlog
if "`stuff'" != "here" noisily display in smcl "{newpage}"
noisily display in smcl as text "Do-file loop item: `stuff'"
log off yourlog
noisily pagem, logfile(yourlog) smcl
quietly {
log close mylog
log close yourlog
translate mylog.smcl mylog.ps, replace
translate yourlog.smcl yourlog.ps, replace
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