Do your commands work for a subset of the data, say 10 variables and
10 observations?
On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 11:50 AM, Nicholas Harrigan
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using 'reshape' on a 1000 variable * 1000 observation dataset. It is
> actually a matrix for a graph, and contains only 1s and 0s.
> After processing for about 2-3 mins I get this error message:
> file C:\DOCUME~1\[long list of directors and then a file name].tmp could
> not be opened
> I cannot find anything about this in the manuals or online. Also, I don't
> have any other problems using my temp directory with Stata and my hard drive
> has 50Gig of space left on it.
> The command I use is:
> local variable_prefix v
> gen row=_n
> reshape long `variable_prefix',i(row) j(col)
> Thanks
> Nick
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