see inteff help:
inteff varlist....
" where varlist must be the same as the fitted logit or probit model and
must include at least four variables. The order of these first four
variables must be dependent variable, independent variable 1,
independent variable 2, and the interaction between independent
variables 1 and 2"
I think that your comand is wrong.
version 8.2: probit y x1 x2 x1x2
inteff y x1 x2 x1x2
See the example:
* begin example
webuse lbw2
gen agerace=age*race
probit low age race agerace
inteff low age race agerace
*end example
With me, works fine:
. inteff low age race agerace
Probit with two continuous variables interacted
(0 observations deleted)
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
_probit_ie | 189 -.0002043 .0003891 -.0010417 .0005555
_probit_se | 189 .0073666 .0017391 .0009897 .0089737
_probit_z | 189 -.049685 .1073814 -1.052554 .0643528
I hope this help.
Joao Ricardo Lima
2008/5/1 Chin-Chih <[email protected]>:
> Hi all,
> I was trying to run 'Inteff" to obtain the marginal effects of
> interactive terms in probit via STATA 10.0. After running the probit
> command, I tried to run inteff and I got the following message:
> conformability error r(503); Does anyone know what conformability error
> means and how can I fix it? I have tried to fix this by adding a version
> command. e.g.,
> version 8.2: probit y x1 x2 x3
> mfx compute
> inteff
> However, I still got conformability error. Please let me know if you
> have any thoughts on it. I would appreciate your help a lot.
> Chin-Chih
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Joao Ricardo Lima
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