Statalist archive (ordered by thread)
(last updated Sat May 31 23:29:42 2008)
Date index
st: test of nested mlogit with survey data
Jinseok Kim
(Sat May 31 23:29:41 2008)
st: J(): 3900 unable to allocate real <tmp>[397520,280]
Dr. Roberto Mura
(Sat May 31 19:39:42 2008)
st: Rexe: a module to run an R script and return a specified output
Salah Mahmud
(Sat May 31 18:39:44 2008)
st: STATA code for identifying similar observations within group id
Chirantan Chatterjee
(Sat May 31 15:09:47 2008)
st: merge command when variable already defined
Rufus Peabody
(Sat May 31 13:29:56 2008)
st: Re: merge command when variable already defined
Michael Blasnik
(Sat May 31 13:49:42 2008)
st: predict residual after treatreg
Shehzad Ali
(Sat May 31 23:10:06 2008)
st: Dynamic factor model
Philipp Maier
(Sat May 31 11:09:59 2008)
Re: st: Dynamic factor model
Robert A Yaffee
(Sat May 31 12:09:43 2008)
st: temporary files prob
Martin Weiss
(Sat May 31 10:59:45 2008)
st: Re: Thank you and follow up question
Maarten buis
(Sat May 31 03:59:46 2008)
st: how to estima with Swamy Method or Swamy and Mehta with Stata
chockri adnen
(Sat May 31 02:49:46 2008)
st: creating survival dataset
Michael McCulloch
(Fri May 30 16:49:56 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: creating survival dataset
Scott Merryman
(Fri May 30 18:14:43 2008)
Re: st: creating survival dataset
Michael McCulloch
(Fri May 30 21:19:42 2008)
st: aggregating data & local macros
(Fri May 30 15:00:46 2008)
st: large elasticities in the latent class model
Simona Rasciute
(Fri May 30 13:49:56 2008)
[no subject]
(Fri May 30 13:10:07 2008)
st: perceptual maps in Stata
Data Analytics Corp.
(Fri May 30 12:50:48 2008)
Re: st: perceptual maps in Stata
Sergiy Radyakin
(Fri May 30 13:19:53 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: st: perceptual maps in Stata
(Fri May 30 15:32:05 2008)
Re: st: perceptual maps in Stata
Data Analytics Corp.
(Fri May 30 16:10:18 2008)
RE: st: perceptual maps in Stata
(Fri May 30 18:44:13 2008)
st: Stata code to run R code from within Stata and return certain pieces of the results as Stata macros
Salah Mahmud
(Fri May 30 12:15:01 2008)
st: RE: Stata code to run R code from within Stata and return certain pieces of the results as Stata macros
Nick Cox
(Fri May 30 12:50:51 2008)
Re: st: RE: Stata code to run R code from within Stata and return certain pieces of the results as Stata macros
Salah Mahmud
(Fri May 30 19:29:57 2008)
st: Rbridge
Enzo Coviello
(Sat May 31 02:10:05 2008)
Re: st: RE: Stata code to run R code from within Stata and returncertain pieces of the results as Stata macros
Daniel Becker
(Sat May 31 02:19:46 2008)
Re: st: RE: Stata code to run R code from within Stata and returncertain pieces of the results as Stata macros
Daniel Becker
(Sat May 31 02:39:57 2008)
Re: st: RE: Stata code to run R code from within Stata and return certain pieces of the results as Stata macros
Salah Mahmud
(Sat May 31 10:49:48 2008)
Re: st: Stata code to run R code from within Stata and return certain pieces of the results as Stata macros
Phil Schumm
(Sat May 31 09:59:45 2008)
Re: st: Stata code to run R code from within Stata and return certain pieces of the results as Stata macros
Salah Mahmud
(Sat May 31 10:39:49 2008)
Re: st: Stata code to run R code from within Stata and return certain pieces of the results as Stata macros
Sergiy Radyakin
(Fri May 30 13:10:06 2008)
Re: st: Stata code to run R code from within Stata and return certain pieces of the results as Stata macros
Salah Mahmud
(Sat May 31 04:14:56 2008)
st: Is there any test to examine disitribution overlap with Stata?
(Fri May 30 11:00:19 2008)
st: 1 week course on Advanced Stata use in London
(Fri May 30 09:15:52 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: 1 week course on Advanced Stata use in London
(Fri May 30 10:00:49 2008)
st: Simpler question: Returning a local macro within -simulate- command
(Fri May 30 08:15:11 2008)
st: RE: Simpler question: Returning a local macro within -simulate- command
Nick Cox
(Fri May 30 08:43:16 2008)
Re: st: RE: Simpler question: Returning a local macro within -simulate- command
(Fri May 30 11:00:23 2008)
RE: st: RE: Simpler question: Returning a local macro within -simulate- command
Nick Cox
(Fri May 30 11:45:28 2008)
st: Leave the full dataset in memory when bootstraping
(Fri May 30 07:59:52 2008)
Re: st: Leave the full dataset in memory when bootstraping
Maarten buis
(Fri May 30 10:00:44 2008)
st: saving a matrix with rownames
Data Analytics Corp.
(Fri May 30 07:09:54 2008)
st: RE: saving a matrix with rownames
Nick Cox
(Fri May 30 07:44:57 2008)
st: RE: RE: saving a matrix with rownames
Nick Cox
(Fri May 30 07:59:54 2008)
Re: st: RE: saving a matrix with rownames
Data Analytics Corp.
(Fri May 30 09:13:18 2008)
Re: st: saving a matrix with rownames
Gabi Huiber
(Fri May 30 07:55:36 2008)
RE: st: saving a matrix with rownames
Nick Cox
(Fri May 30 07:59:52 2008)
Re: st: saving a matrix with rownames
Sergiy Radyakin
(Fri May 30 10:15:13 2008)
st: type mismatch when using svy jackknife
Roman Kasal
(Fri May 30 06:29:46 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: type mismatch when using svy jackknife
Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP
(Fri May 30 11:14:47 2008)
st: Confidence intervals
(Fri May 30 03:49:55 2008)
Re: st: Confidence intervals
(Fri May 30 04:01:00 2008)
st: What does Wald=. or F=. mean?
Nirina F
(Fri May 30 03:39:50 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: st: What does Wald=. or F=. mean?
(Fri May 30 09:13:17 2008)
RE: st: What does Wald=. or F=. mean?
(Fri May 30 10:00:43 2008)
st: Problem with ivreg2
Benjamin Villena Roldan
(Fri May 30 01:14:53 2008)
st: RE: Problem with ivreg2
Nick Cox
(Fri May 30 03:49:56 2008)
Re: st: Problem with ivreg2
Clive Nicholas
(Fri May 30 04:14:48 2008)
st: Merge Question
Lektzian, David
(Thu May 29 16:50:11 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: Merge Question
Lektzian, David
(Fri May 30 12:31:00 2008)
st: Svy: ordinal regression assumptions
Simon, Alan (CDC/CCHIS/NCHS)
(Thu May 29 14:20:18 2008)
Re: st: Svy: ordinal regression assumptions
Richard Williams
(Thu May 29 14:41:32 2008)
st: troubles reading data in
Lucia Costanzo
(Thu May 29 14:14:49 2008)
Re: st: troubles reading data in
Sergiy Radyakin
(Thu May 29 17:10:30 2008)
Re: st: troubles reading data in
Lucia Costanzo
(Fri May 30 07:15:05 2008)
Re: st: troubles reading data in
Sergiy Radyakin
(Fri May 30 09:51:41 2008)
st: interpretation of latent class model results
Simona Rasciute
(Thu May 29 14:10:00 2008)
st: RE: interpretation of latent class model results
Mentzakis, Emmanouil
(Fri May 30 06:05:08 2008)
st: "reshape" data
(Thu May 29 13:50:57 2008)
Re: st: "reshape" data
Phil Schumm
(Thu May 29 15:10:40 2008)
st: Testing for program effectiveness with heckman
Riemer, Richard A CIV DMDC
(Thu May 29 13:30:05 2008)
st: RE: Testing for program effectiveness with heckman
Shehzad Ali
(Thu May 29 13:50:58 2008)
st: RE: Testing for program effectiveness with heckman
Shehzad Ali
(Thu May 29 13:50:59 2008)
Re: st: Testing for program effectiveness with heckman
Maarten buis
(Thu May 29 13:51:00 2008)
RE: st: Testing for program effectiveness with heckman
Riemer, Richard A CIV DMDC
(Thu May 29 14:41:31 2008)
Re: st: Testing for program effectiveness with heckman
Austin Nichols
(Thu May 29 19:09:53 2008)
RE: st: Testing for program effectiveness with heckman
Riemer, Richard A CIV DMDC
(Fri May 30 09:40:07 2008)
RE: st: Testing for program effectiveness with heckman
Maarten buis
(Fri May 30 04:01:01 2008)
Re: st: Testing for program effectiveness with heckman
Austin Nichols
(Fri May 30 09:20:10 2008)
RE: st: Testing for program effectiveness with heckman
Riemer, Richard A CIV DMDC
(Fri May 30 11:45:29 2008)
RE: st: Testing for program effectiveness with heckman
Maarten buis
(Sat May 31 03:39:44 2008)
st: treatment effects on the treated and untreated
funke alaba
(Sat May 31 11:59:53 2008)
st: A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics, Second Edition
Michael Mitchell
(Thu May 29 12:40:04 2008)
st: Returning a local macro within -simulate- command: Type mismatch error?
(Thu May 29 11:30:03 2008)
st: RE: Returning a local macro within -simulate- command: Type mismatch error?
Nick Cox
(Thu May 29 12:14:53 2008)
st: RE: RE: Returning a local macro within -simulate- command: Type mismatch error?
Nick Cox
(Thu May 29 12:19:48 2008)
Re: st: RE: RE: Returning a local macro within -simulate- command: Type mismatch error?
(Thu May 29 13:10:29 2008)
RE: st: RE: RE: Returning a local macro within -simulate- command: Type mismatch error?
Nick Cox
(Thu May 29 13:30:06 2008)
Re: st: RE: RE: Returning a local macro within -simulate- command: Type mismatch error?
(Thu May 29 14:10:06 2008)
Re: st: RE: RE: Returning a local macro within -simulate- command: Type mismatch error?
Maarten buis
(Thu May 29 14:30:27 2008)
Re: st: RE: RE: Returning a local macro within -simulate- command: Type mismatch error?
(Thu May 29 14:41:31 2008)
st: creating age variable for all ids
(Thu May 29 09:42:17 2008)
Re: st: creating age variable for all ids
Eva Poen
(Thu May 29 09:51:12 2008)
Re: st: creating age variable for all ids
(Thu May 29 10:40:15 2008)
RE: st: creating age variable for all ids
Nick Cox
(Thu May 29 12:19:48 2008)
Re: st: creating age variable for all ids
Maarten buis
(Thu May 29 10:01:17 2008)
st: Regression analysis using monthly data
Pavlos C. Symeou
(Thu May 29 07:19:46 2008)
st: RE: Regression analysis using monthly data
Nick Cox
(Thu May 29 09:10:46 2008)
st: right censoring of dependent and independent variable
Garry Anderson
(Thu May 29 06:59:58 2008)
Re: st: right censoring of dependent and independent variable
Maarten buis
(Thu May 29 07:50:22 2008)
RE: st: right censoring of dependent and independent variable
Garry Anderson
(Thu May 29 08:42:04 2008)
RE: st: right censoring of dependent and independent variable
Garry Anderson
(Fri May 30 04:01:02 2008)
Re: st: right censoring of dependent and independent variable
Steven Samuels
(Fri May 30 07:59:54 2008)
Re: st: right censoring of dependent and independent variable
Austin Nichols
(Fri May 30 09:00:09 2008)
Re: st: right censoring of dependent and independent variable
Steven Samuels
(Fri May 30 09:15:55 2008)
Re: st: right censoring of dependent and independent variable
Austin Nichols
(Fri May 30 09:35:43 2008)
Re: st: right censoring of dependent and independent variable
Steven Samuels
(Fri May 30 09:51:41 2008)
Re: st: right censoring of dependent and independent variable
Steven Samuels
(Fri May 30 10:15:15 2008)
st: Re: tobit
Maarten buis
(Thu May 29 06:19:51 2008)
Re: st: Re: tobit
Johannes Geyer
(Thu May 29 06:59:57 2008)
st: Probit with nonlinear term
Leda Inga
(Thu May 29 00:10:17 2008)
st: Re: Re: log only results of r-class commands
Dr. Stephen Rothenberg
(Wed May 28 17:40:17 2008)
st: Saving 1 observation
Sergiy Radyakin
(Wed May 28 17:40:16 2008)
st: Re: Saving 1 observation
Michael Blasnik
(Wed May 28 18:19:48 2008)
Re: st: Re: Saving 1 observation
Sergiy Radyakin
(Wed May 28 19:10:38 2008)
Re: st: Re: Saving 1 observation
Michael Blasnik
(Wed May 28 23:10:25 2008)
Re: st: Re: Saving 1 observation
Jeph Herrin
(Thu May 29 08:42:04 2008)
Re: st: Re: Saving 1 observation
Sergiy Radyakin
(Fri May 30 10:10:58 2008)
RE: st: Re: Saving 1 observation
Nick Cox
(Fri May 30 12:43:14 2008)
st: RE: Saving 1 observation
Peter J. Burke
(Wed May 28 19:29:57 2008)
Re: st: RE: Saving 1 observation
Richard Williams
(Wed May 28 19:59:53 2008)
Re: st: RE: Saving 1 observation
Richard Williams
(Wed May 28 20:09:50 2008)
RE: st: RE: Saving 1 observation
Nick Cox
(Thu May 29 08:50:28 2008)
Re: st: xtlogit and starting values
Jean Marie Linhart, StataCorp LP
(Wed May 28 16:16:02 2008)
st: 2 stage estimation with missing values
Paulo Regis
(Wed May 28 14:40:43 2008)
st: RE: 2 stage estimation with missing values
Mentzakis, Emmanouil
(Thu May 29 05:39:51 2008)
st: Reshaping data
Pavlos C. Symeou
(Wed May 28 14:11:48 2008)
Re: st: Reshaping data
Scott Merryman
(Wed May 28 14:50:28 2008)
st: troubleshooting code for simulating survival data
Michael McCulloch
(Wed May 28 14:00:45 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: troubleshooting code for simulating survival data
Michael McCulloch
(Wed May 28 14:11:38 2008)
Re: st: troubleshooting code for simulating survival data
Svend Juul
(Thu May 29 07:19:48 2008)
Re: st: troubleshooting code for simulating survival data
Michael McCulloch
(Thu May 29 10:01:22 2008)
RE: st: troubleshooting code for simulating survival data
Nick Cox
(Thu May 29 10:30:15 2008)
RE: st: troubleshooting code for simulating survival data
Michael McCulloch
(Thu May 29 11:45:09 2008)
RE: st: troubleshooting code for simulating survival data
Nick Cox
(Thu May 29 12:00:27 2008)
st: Change justification of graph axis labels?
Nick Winter
(Wed May 28 13:11:02 2008)
Dario Pozzoli
(Wed May 28 10:12:03 2008)
Richard Williams
(Wed May 28 11:04:16 2008)
st: predxcon predxcat
Susanna Khavul
(Wed May 28 09:51:38 2008)
st: RE: predxcon predxcat
Nick Cox
(Wed May 28 10:15:06 2008)
st: Odd behavior
Pitts, Stephen R. (CDC/CCHIS/NCHS) (CTR)
(Wed May 28 09:00:43 2008)
Re: st: Odd behavior
Eva Poen
(Wed May 28 09:51:40 2008)
Re: st: Odd behavior
Jeph Herrin
(Wed May 28 10:02:23 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: st: Odd behavior
Pitts, Stephen R. (CDC/CCHIS/NCHS) (CTR)
(Wed May 28 14:15:21 2008)
st: RE: Replacing values within a matched study
Nada Khan
(Wed May 28 08:53:15 2008)
st: Replacing values within a matched study
Nada Khan
(Wed May 28 06:20:10 2008)
Re: st: Replacing values within a matched study
Vladimir V. Dashkeyev
(Wed May 28 07:00:14 2008)
st: RE: Replacing values within a matched study
Nick Cox
(Wed May 28 07:09:55 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Replacing values within a matched study
Svend Juul
(Wed May 28 07:20:05 2008)
st: Misclassification in the dependent variable of a probit model
Adele Bergin
(Wed May 28 05:49:50 2008)
st: Graphs With Log Scale: A Bug?
Vladimir V. Dashkeyev
(Wed May 28 04:39:58 2008)
Re: st: Graphs With Log Scale: A Bug?
Maarten buis
(Wed May 28 05:29:48 2008)
Re: st: Graphs With Log Scale: A Bug?
Vladimir V. Dashkeyev
(Wed May 28 06:53:38 2008)
Re: st: Graphs With Log Scale: A Bug?
Vladimir V. Dashkeyev
(Wed May 28 06:53:38 2008)
RE: st: Graphs With Log Scale: A Bug?
Nick Cox
(Wed May 28 07:31:06 2008)
Re: st: Graphs With Log Scale: A Bug?
Vladimir V. Dashkeyev
(Wed May 28 07:52:57 2008)
RE: st: Graphs With Log Scale: A Bug?
Nick Cox
(Wed May 28 09:01:27 2008)
Re: st: Graphs With Log Scale: A Bug?
Vladimir V. Dashkeyev
(Thu May 29 07:40:19 2008)
RE: st: Graphs With Log Scale: A Bug?
Nick Cox
(Thu May 29 08:50:34 2008)
st: Ordered logit/probit with endogenous dummies and a continuous instrument?
(Wed May 28 04:30:13 2008)
st: Importing beta coefficients from other softwares
Yaseen Ghulam
(Wed May 28 03:59:57 2008)
Re: st: Importing beta coefficients from other softwares
Maarten buis
(Wed May 28 05:39:54 2008)
Re: st: Importing beta coefficients from other softwares
Richard Williams
(Wed May 28 09:21:03 2008)
Re: st: Importing beta coefficients from other softwares
Yaseen Ghulam
(Wed May 28 11:04:16 2008)
Re: st: Importing beta coefficients from other softwares
Richard Williams
(Wed May 28 11:21:48 2008)
Re: st: Importing beta coefficients from other softwares
Maarten buis
(Wed May 28 11:29:52 2008)
Re: st: Importing beta coefficients from other softwares
Richard Williams
(Wed May 28 12:40:02 2008)
RE: st: Importing beta coefficients from other softwares
Nick Cox
(Wed May 28 11:41:29 2008)
st: Creating Double IDs in a Dataset
Vladimir V. Dashkeyev
(Wed May 28 02:29:52 2008)
Re: st: Creating Double IDs in a Dataset
Maarten buis
(Wed May 28 02:50:00 2008)
Re: st: Creating Double IDs in a Dataset
Vladimir V. Dashkeyev
(Wed May 28 03:10:51 2008)
st: I can get no dissertation
Maarten buis
(Tue May 27 17:00:11 2008)
Re: st: I can get no dissertation
Nirina F
(Tue May 27 18:39:52 2008)
Re: st: I can get no dissertation
Keith Dear
(Tue May 27 19:00:00 2008)
st: RE: I can get no dissertation
Nick Cox
(Wed May 28 07:09:55 2008)
st: RE: I can get no dissertation
(Wed May 28 09:51:39 2008)
st: RE: RE: I can get no dissertation
Verkuilen, Jay
(Wed May 28 12:50:27 2008)
st: Multiclass ROC in Stata?
J Jones
(Tue May 27 14:01:13 2008)
st: example of using rsource in stata
Ben Dwamena
(Tue May 27 13:41:01 2008)
st: RE: example of using rsource in stata
Martin Weiss
(Tue May 27 14:11:56 2008)
st: RE: example of using rsource in stata
Newson, Roger B
(Tue May 27 14:57:57 2008)
st: xtlogit and starting values
E. Michael Foster
(Tue May 27 15:31:01 2008)
st: double clustering
(Fri May 30 09:15:52 2008)
Re: st: double clustering
Jeph Herrin
(Sat May 31 12:19:41 2008)
Re: st: double clustering
Steven Samuels
(Sat May 31 12:39:52 2008)
st: Short course on survival analysis using Stata
Paul Allison
(Tue May 27 12:43:56 2008)
st: system estimation with dynamic panel
Ozlem Onaran
(Tue May 27 12:30:23 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: system estimation with dynamic panel
(Tue May 27 14:10:52 2008)
Re: st: system estimation with dynamic panel
(Wed May 28 12:13:05 2008)
st: path for winexec?
Martin Weiss
(Tue May 27 11:41:25 2008)
st: RE: path for winexec?
Rodrigo Alfaro A.
(Tue May 27 12:01:27 2008)
st: RE: path for winexec?
Martin Weiss
(Tue May 27 12:21:41 2008)
Re: st: path for winexec?
Steven Dubnoff
(Tue May 27 13:30:12 2008)
Re: st: path for winexec?
Jeph Herrin
(Tue May 27 20:40:02 2008)
Re: st: path for winexec?
Sergiy Radyakin
(Wed May 28 16:33:36 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: path for winexec?
Jeph Herrin
(Tue May 27 12:31:44 2008)
RE: st: path for winexec?
Martin Weiss
(Tue May 27 13:01:52 2008)
st: HC3 after wls
Sergio R
(Tue May 27 11:36:09 2008)
st: Different approcah to estimate treatment effect
(Tue May 27 10:41:30 2008)
st: RE: Different approcah to estimate treatment effect
Shehzad Ali
(Wed May 28 06:10:03 2008)
Re: st: RE: Different approcah to estimate treatment effect
Austin Nichols
(Wed May 28 08:41:21 2008)
st: capture minimum/maximum
Shehzad Ali
(Tue May 27 10:00:31 2008)
st: RE: capture minimum/maximum
Martin Weiss
(Tue May 27 10:16:01 2008)
st: RE: RE: capture minimum/maximum
Shehzad Ali
(Tue May 27 10:31:06 2008)
Re: st: capture minimum/maximum
Olalekan Uthman
(Tue May 27 12:00:58 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: capture minimum/maximum
n j cox
(Tue May 27 10:10:49 2008)
st: horizontal dot graph with c.i. from logit
Nicholas Harrigan
(Tue May 27 09:51:30 2008)
Re: st: horizontal dot graph with c.i. from logit
Maarten buis
(Tue May 27 10:30:58 2008)
st: Endogenous count variable in a binary model
Leda Inga
(Tue May 27 09:40:52 2008)
Re: st: Endogenous count variable in a binary model
Viktor Slavtchev
(Tue May 27 09:40:52 2008)
Re: st: Endogenous count variable in a binary model
Leda Inga
(Tue May 27 18:49:57 2008)
Message not available
st: Six Endogenous variables in a path model
Paul Millar
(Tue May 27 22:49:54 2008)
st: tabulate and graph bar
P�l R�nning
(Tue May 27 07:15:01 2008)
Re: st: tabulate and graph bar
Maarten buis
(Tue May 27 07:30:40 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Re: st: tabulate and graph bar
n j cox
(Tue May 27 09:15:04 2008)
Re: Re: st: tabulate and graph bar
P�l R�nning
(Tue May 27 09:51:36 2008)
st: Modified Lorenz Curve
fleur wouterse
(Tue May 27 07:09:50 2008)
st: RE: Modified Lorenz Curve
philippe van kerm
(Tue May 27 08:09:55 2008)
st: Re: Using variable label in stata as you would a macro
Martin Weiss
(Tue May 27 06:59:54 2008)
st: matrix not positive definite
(Tue May 27 06:30:50 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: matrix not positive definite
(Tue May 27 07:15:01 2008)
st: Prefix commands and returned matrix results
Newson, Roger B
(Tue May 27 05:30:03 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Prefix commands and returned matrix results
Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP
(Tue May 27 12:21:36 2008)
RE: st: Prefix commands and returned matrix results
Newson, Roger B
(Tue May 27 14:31:34 2008)
st: SSC updates: -ineqdeco-, -ineqdec0- (inequality indices, with decomposition by population subgroups)
Stephen P. Jenkins
(Tue May 27 03:59:59 2008)
st: -samplepps- update on SSC (help file only)
Stephen P. Jenkins
(Tue May 27 03:49:56 2008)
st: RE: -samplepps- update on SSC (help file only)
Martin Weiss
(Tue May 27 04:09:52 2008)
Re: st: -samplepps- update on SSC (help file only)
Ben Jann
(Tue May 27 07:15:02 2008)
st: Update to -valuesof- available from SSC
Ben Jann
(Tue May 27 03:10:00 2008)
st: Update to -fairlie- available from SSC
Ben Jann
(Tue May 27 02:59:53 2008)
st: Bugfix to -kdens- available from SSC
Ben Jann
(Tue May 27 02:49:51 2008)
st: Part II - Chosing minimum value out of 6 variables
Ziad El-Khatib
(Tue May 27 00:15:03 2008)
Re: st: Part II - Chosing minimum value out of 6 variables
Maarten buis
(Tue May 27 02:40:32 2008)
Re: st: Part II - Chosing minimum value out of 6 variables
Ziad El-Khatib
(Tue May 27 23:30:06 2008)
st: Using variable label in stata as you would a macro
Conner Mullally
(Mon May 26 16:39:55 2008)
Re: st: Using variable label in stata as you would a macro
Maarten buis
(Mon May 26 16:59:52 2008)
st: questions about duplicate observations
Wen Xia Ge
(Mon May 26 14:29:53 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: questions about duplicate observations
n j cox
(Tue May 27 09:30:31 2008)
RE: st: questions about duplicate observations
Wen Xia Ge
(Tue May 27 11:21:13 2008)
Re: RE: st: questions about duplicate observations
n j cox
(Tue May 27 11:21:48 2008)
RE: RE: st: questions about duplicate observations
Wen Xia Ge
(Tue May 27 21:19:58 2008)
st: Predictions after -intreg-
Mentzakis, Emmanouil
(Mon May 26 11:00:07 2008)
st: changing the column width of stata output
Mingfeng Lin
(Mon May 26 11:00:07 2008)
st: Chosing minimum value out of 6 variables
Ziad El-Khatib
(Mon May 26 09:50:27 2008)
Re: st: Chosing minimum value out of 6 variables
Maarten buis
(Mon May 26 10:11:05 2008)
Re: st: Chosing minimum value out of 6 variables
Mingfeng Lin
(Mon May 26 10:11:06 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Chosing minimum value out of 6 variables
Ziad El-Khatib
(Mon May 26 10:19:52 2008)
Re: st: Chosing minimum value out of 6 variables
Svend Juul
(Mon May 26 15:49:52 2008)
st: estimating random effects in panel probit models
Saygın Şahinöz
(Mon May 26 08:19:56 2008)
st: RE: estimating random effects in panel probit models
Nick Cox
(Mon May 26 11:00:07 2008)
st: cmissing for xtline
Carlos Eduardo Hernandez Castillo
(Mon May 26 02:09:56 2008)
st: RE: cmissing for xtline
Nick Cox
(Mon May 26 11:00:08 2008)
Re: st: Re: Keeping groups
Joseph Coveney
(Sun May 25 22:59:51 2008)
RE: st: Re: Keeping groups
Nick Cox
(Mon May 26 11:29:54 2008)
st: Keeping groups
David Musselwhite
(Sun May 25 14:40:01 2008)
st: Re: Keeping groups
Michael Blasnik
(Sun May 25 18:19:52 2008)
st: problems with xtivreg fe
(Sun May 25 12:20:19 2008)
Re: st: problems with xtivreg fe
Maarten buis
(Sun May 25 12:40:40 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: problems with xtivreg fe
(Sun May 25 13:59:53 2008)
Re: st: error message after using -reoprob-
J. Li
(Sat May 24 15:39:57 2008)
Re: st: error message after using -reoprob-
Maarten buis
(Sat May 24 16:19:58 2008)
st: Newton-Raphson algorithm with normal MLE
(Sat May 24 15:30:12 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: st: Newton-Raphson algorithm with normal MLE
(Mon May 26 11:29:53 2008)
st: glcurve error: "could not restore sort order"
Shehzad Ali
(Sat May 24 09:39:59 2008)
st: showing Headers in _list_ command whenever ID changes
Michael McCulloch
(Sat May 24 05:49:55 2008)
Re: st: showing Headers in _list_ command whenever ID changes
Maarten buis
(Sat May 24 05:59:56 2008)
st: not quite double bounded CV
Jacoba van der Gaag
(Sat May 24 01:50:01 2008)
st: R: not quite double bounded CV
Carlo Lazzaro
(Sat May 24 03:00:05 2008)
st: RE: not quite double bounded CV
Mentzakis, Emmanouil
(Sat May 24 06:59:58 2008)
st: pooling data
Tunga Kantarci
(Fri May 23 15:00:00 2008)
st: RE: pooling data
Nick Cox
(Mon May 26 11:14:49 2008)
st: getting log-odds with xtlogit
Daniel Macneil
(Fri May 23 13:39:59 2008)
Re: st: getting log-odds with xtlogit
Joao Ricardo F. Lima
(Fri May 23 14:20:12 2008)
Statalist: who we are
Nick Cox
(Fri May 23 12:40:05 2008)
Re: Statalist: who we are
Austin Nichols
(Fri May 23 12:50:01 2008)
[no subject]
(Fri May 23 12:10:24 2008)
[no subject]
(Fri May 23 12:10:24 2008)
[no subject]
(Fri May 23 12:10:24 2008)
st: Re: log only results of r-class commands
Dr. Stephen Rothenberg
(Fri May 23 12:10:22 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: Re: log only results of r-class commands
Roy Wada
(Fri May 23 19:00:08 2008)
st: macro concat
Keith Dear
(Sat May 24 01:30:08 2008)
Re: st: macro concat [9.2]
Keith Dear
(Sat May 24 01:50:01 2008)
Re: st: macro concat
Maarten buis
(Sat May 24 05:10:01 2008)
Re: st: macro concat
Keith Dear
(Sat May 24 05:30:09 2008)
Re: st: macro concat
Maarten buis
(Sat May 24 05:30:09 2008)
Re: st: macro concat
Michael Blasnik
(Sat May 24 07:19:54 2008)
Re: st: macro concat
Keith Dear
(Sat May 24 22:09:56 2008)
st: Re: log only results of r-class commands
Dr. Stephen Rothenberg
(Sat May 24 13:29:54 2008)
st: tackling endogeneity using stata
alazar aklilu
(Fri May 23 11:31:05 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: tackling endogeneity using stata
(Tue May 27 12:10:26 2008)
RE: st: tackling endogeneity using stata
Shehzad Ali
(Tue May 27 12:31:56 2008)
st: Dealing with Missing Values
Leonor Saravia
(Fri May 23 11:12:25 2008)
Re: st: Dealing with Missing Values
Maarten buis
(Fri May 23 11:20:01 2008)
st: RE: Dealing with Missing Values
Nick Cox
(Fri May 23 11:20:01 2008)
Re: st: RE: Dealing with Missing Values
Austin Nichols
(Fri May 23 11:20:02 2008)
Re: st: RE: Dealing with Missing Values
Leonor Saravia
(Fri May 23 12:10:22 2008)
st: Importing data from excel with multiple worksheets
Rijo John
(Fri May 23 10:30:16 2008)
Re: st: Importing data from excel with multiple worksheets
Philipp Rehm
(Fri May 23 10:50:08 2008)
st: RE: Importing data from excel with multiple worksheets
Martin Weiss
(Fri May 23 11:00:31 2008)
st: RE: RE: Importing data from excel with multiple worksheets
Lachenbruch, Peter
(Fri May 23 11:20:02 2008)
Re: st: RE: RE: Importing data from excel with multiple worksheets
Jeph Herrin
(Fri May 23 13:00:05 2008)
Message not available
Re: st: RE: Importing data from excel with multiple worksheets
Rijo John
(Fri May 23 11:20:02 2008)
Re: st: Importing data from excel with multiple worksheets
Steven Dubnoff
(Fri May 23 13:00:05 2008)
Re: st: Importing data from excel with multiple worksheets
Rijo John
(Fri May 23 14:09:58 2008)
Re: st: Importing data from excel with multiple worksheets
Friedrich Huebler
(Fri May 23 14:30:04 2008)
Re: st: Importing data from excel with multiple worksheets
Steven Dubnoff
(Fri May 23 14:40:08 2008)
st: basic econometric question..
Anita Sayal
(Fri May 23 10:00:06 2008)
st: AGAIN: omit output of some coefficients with outreg2
John Bunge
(Fri May 23 08:50:01 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: AGAIN: omit output of some coefficients with outreg2
Roy Wada
(Fri May 23 16:00:12 2008)
Re: st: AGAIN: omit output of some coefficients with outreg2
John Bunge
(Sat May 24 05:59:56 2008)
Re: st: AGAIN: omit output of some coefficients with outreg2
Paulo Regis
(Sat May 24 15:10:04 2008)
Re: st: AGAIN: omit output of some coefficients with outreg2
Roy Wada
(Sun May 25 02:29:56 2008)
st: arranging data browser
Tunga Kantarci
(Fri May 23 08:00:01 2008)
Re: st: arranging data browser
Maarten buis
(Fri May 23 08:50:01 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: arranging data browser
Svend Juul
(Fri May 23 15:00:00 2008)
st: svy:logit
alazar aklilu
(Fri May 23 06:20:05 2008)
Re: st: svy:logit
Richard Williams
(Fri May 23 07:30:06 2008)
Re: st: svy:logit
Olalekan Uthman
(Fri May 23 10:50:08 2008)
st: missing p-value from t-test
Ngoc Anh Vo Thi
(Fri May 23 04:30:00 2008)
Re: st: missing p-value from t-test
Maarten buis
(Fri May 23 04:40:08 2008)
st: RE: missing p-value from t-test
Martin Weiss
(Fri May 23 04:40:08 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: missing p-value from t-test
(Fri May 23 09:30:07 2008)
st: RE: missing p-value from t-test
Newson, Roger B
(Fri May 23 10:10:16 2008)
st: merging without repeat obs in master dataset
Mingfeng Lin
(Thu May 22 21:59:58 2008)
st: Re: merging without repeat obs in master dataset
Michael Blasnik
(Fri May 23 06:10:03 2008)
Re: st: Re: merging without repeat obs in master dataset
Mingfeng Lin
(Fri May 23 06:40:04 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: merging without repeat obs in master dataset
Svend Juul
(Fri May 23 06:20:06 2008)
st: autocorrelation and endogeneity
Yu-Luen Ma
(Thu May 22 16:31:12 2008)
st: RE: autocorrelation and endogeneity
Schaffer, Mark E
(Thu May 22 17:00:42 2008)
st: RE: RE: autocorrelation and endogeneity
Yu-Luen Ma
(Thu May 22 17:10:28 2008)
st: RE: RE: RE: autocorrelation and endogeneity
Schaffer, Mark E
(Thu May 22 18:40:01 2008)
st: Beware of Stata's Syntax
Sergiy Radyakin
(Thu May 22 16:22:11 2008)
st: RE: Beware of Stata's Syntax
Rodrigo Alfaro A.
(Thu May 22 16:36:17 2008)
Re: st: RE: Beware of Stata's Syntax
Ben Jann
(Fri May 23 07:40:05 2008)
Re: st: Beware of Stata's Syntax
Austin Nichols
(Thu May 22 16:45:37 2008)
Re: st: Beware of Stata's Syntax
Sergiy Radyakin
(Thu May 22 17:51:43 2008)
Re: st: Beware of Stata's Syntax
Maarten buis
(Fri May 23 03:30:02 2008)
RE: st: Beware of Stata's Syntax
Nick Cox
(Fri May 23 09:30:07 2008)
st: log only results of r-class commands
Dr. Stephen Rothenberg
(Thu May 22 15:19:17 2008)
Re: st: log only results of r-class commands
Sergiy Radyakin
(Thu May 22 16:13:38 2008)
Re: st: log only results of r-class commands
Maarten buis
(Thu May 22 16:13:38 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: log only results of r-class commands
Roy Wada
(Thu May 22 16:31:12 2008)
st: need mata or perhaps egen help
David Merriman
(Thu May 22 15:15:09 2008)
Re: st: need mata or perhaps egen help
Scott Merryman
(Thu May 22 16:13:38 2008)
Re: st: need mata or perhaps egen help
David Merriman
(Thu May 22 16:45:39 2008)
Re: st: need mata or perhaps egen help
Sergiy Radyakin
(Thu May 22 16:45:39 2008)
Re: st: need mata or perhaps egen help
David Merriman
(Thu May 22 16:52:36 2008)
st: Rescaling odds ratios
(Thu May 22 14:50:43 2008)
Re: st: Rescaling odds ratios
Maarten buis
(Thu May 22 16:02:26 2008)
Re: st: Rescaling odds ratios
Tim Wade
(Thu May 22 21:10:32 2008)
Re: st: "Difference-in-differences" program needed
Reza Daniels
(Thu May 22 12:00:18 2008)
Re: st: "Difference-in-differences" program needed
Austin Nichols
(Thu May 22 12:40:38 2008)
st: mean of variables
Andrea Rispoli
(Thu May 22 11:19:59 2008)
st: R: mean of variables
Carlo Lazzaro
(Thu May 22 11:50:14 2008)
Re: st: mean of variables
Jeph Herrin
(Thu May 22 11:50:18 2008)
Re: st: mean of variables
Andrea Rispoli
(Sat May 24 03:29:58 2008)
st: RE: duration data: stock sampling
Stephen P. Jenkins
(Thu May 22 11:12:23 2008)
st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac
Fred Wolfe
(Thu May 22 11:07:18 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac
Chinh Nguyen
(Thu May 22 12:50:15 2008)
Re: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac
Fred Wolfe
(Thu May 22 13:13:06 2008)
Re: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac
Phil Schumm
(Thu May 22 13:30:10 2008)
Re: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac
David Airey
(Thu May 22 22:30:06 2008)
Re: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac
(Thu May 22 15:01:14 2008)
st: xtmixed syntax
David Airey
(Thu May 22 10:50:57 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: xtmixed syntax
(Thu May 22 15:15:10 2008)
Re: st: xtmixed syntax
David Airey
(Thu May 22 22:19:59 2008)
RE: st: xtmixed syntax [anova]
Feiveson, Alan H. (JSC-SK311)
(Fri May 23 08:40:17 2008)
st: omit output of some coefficients with outreg2
John Bunge
(Thu May 22 10:30:23 2008)
st: RE: omit output of some coefficients with outreg2
Rodrigo Alfaro A.
(Thu May 22 10:40:34 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: omit output of some coefficients with outreg2
Roy Wada
(Thu May 22 16:52:36 2008)
st: omit output of some coefficients with outreg2
Roy Wada
(Fri May 23 03:00:00 2008)
st: instrumental variable for quantile regression
alessia matano
(Thu May 22 05:50:00 2008)
Re: st: instrumental variable for quantile regression
Austin Nichols
(Thu May 22 09:07:04 2008)
Re: st: instrumental variable for quantile regression
alessia matano
(Thu May 22 11:19:59 2008)
Re: st: instrumental variable for quantile regression
Austin Nichols
(Thu May 22 12:31:15 2008)
Re: st: instrumental variable for quantile regression
alessia matano
(Fri May 23 05:20:06 2008)
Re: st: instrumental variable for quantile regression
Austin Nichols
(Fri May 23 07:40:04 2008)
Re: st: instrumental variable for quantile regression
alessia matano
(Fri May 23 07:50:04 2008)
Re: st: instrumental variable for quantile regression
alessia matano
(Tue May 27 05:14:51 2008)
Re: st: instrumental variable for quantile regression
Austin Nichols
(Tue May 27 09:30:31 2008)
Re: st: instrumental variable for quantile regression
alessia matano
(Wed May 28 07:31:06 2008)
Re: st: instrumental variable for quantile regression
Austin Nichols
(Wed May 28 08:53:22 2008)
Re: st: instrumental variable for quantile regression
alessia matano
(Wed May 28 11:41:42 2008)
Re: st: instrumental variable for quantile regression
Brian P. Poi
(Thu May 22 12:40:38 2008)
st: difference-in-means for xt data
Lloyd Dumont
(Wed May 21 18:30:00 2008)
Re: st: difference-in-means for xt data
Austin Nichols
(Wed May 21 19:30:15 2008)
st: Graphics question
Swati Tyagi
(Wed May 21 17:30:18 2008)
Re: st: Graphics question
Austin Nichols
(Wed May 21 17:40:43 2008)
Re: st: Graphics question
Maarten buis
(Thu May 22 01:00:29 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Graphics question
Swati Tyagi
(Thu May 22 08:09:58 2008)
Re: st: Graphics question
Swati Tyagi
(Thu May 22 08:20:28 2008)
st: Rescale using covariance matrix for weighted PCA?
J Jones
(Wed May 21 16:30:23 2008)
Re: st: Rescale using covariance matrix for weighted PCA?
Maarten buis
(Wed May 21 16:51:20 2008)
Re: st: Rescale using covariance matrix for weighted PCA?
J Jones
(Wed May 21 17:20:05 2008)
RE: st: Rescale using covariance matrix for weighted PCA?
Verkuilen, Jay
(Wed May 21 17:40:38 2008)
st: external validation of logistic regression
Mitchell F. Berman
(Wed May 21 15:32:59 2008)
st: Inteff with fixed effects
Heather D. Hill
(Wed May 21 14:50:12 2008)
st: Collpasing Data by every 4 observations
Michael W. Beets
(Wed May 21 14:08:10 2008)
Re: st: Collpasing Data by every 4 observations
Scott Merryman
(Wed May 21 14:22:56 2008)
st: reshape question
sara borelli
(Wed May 21 13:20:48 2008)
Re: st: reshape question
Friedrich Huebler
(Wed May 21 13:52:00 2008)
Re: st: reshape question
sara borelli
(Thu May 22 05:30:05 2008)
st: strsadjust
Enzo Coviello
(Wed May 21 12:07:26 2008)
st: ivprobit
Prashanth Mahagaonkar
(Wed May 21 10:23:34 2008)
Re: st: ivprobit
Austin Nichols
(Wed May 21 10:31:03 2008)
st: duration data: stock sampling
marcel spijkerman
(Wed May 21 09:30:20 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: duration data: stock sampling
Stephen P. Jenkins
(Thu May 22 04:06:57 2008)
st: Heckprob ("initial values not feasible")
Luis Ortiz
(Wed May 21 09:20:56 2008)
st: estout and stats option
raoul reulen
(Wed May 21 09:00:49 2008)
Re: st: estout and stats option
Ben Jann
(Wed May 21 10:02:13 2008)
Re: st: estout and stats option
raoul reulen
(Thu May 22 03:30:03 2008)
st: path to folder prob
Martin Weiss
(Wed May 21 08:50:17 2008)
st: RE: path to folder prob
Nick Cox
(Wed May 21 09:00:49 2008)
st: RE: RE: path to folder prob
Martin Weiss
(Wed May 21 09:07:45 2008)
Re: st: path to folder prob
Jeph Herrin
(Wed May 21 09:21:09 2008)
st: RE: path to folder prob
(Wed May 21 10:02:14 2008)
RE: AW: AW: st: maximum number of outcomes in mlogit
(Wed May 21 08:00:56 2008)
st: 3SLS regression over 3 periods
(Wed May 21 07:50:37 2008)
st: -merge- which one would make sense?
Nirina F
(Wed May 21 07:31:01 2008)
Re: st: -merge- which one would make sense?
Friedrich Huebler
(Wed May 21 10:02:10 2008)
Re: st: -merge- which one would make sense?
Friedrich Huebler
(Wed May 21 13:43:44 2008)
Re: st: -merge- which one would make sense?
Nirina F
(Wed May 21 18:00:21 2008)
Re: st: -merge- which one would make sense?
Friedrich Huebler
(Wed May 21 19:00:01 2008)
Re: st: -merge- which one would make sense?
Nirina F
(Thu May 22 05:08:52 2008)
Re: st: -merge- which one would make sense?
David Bell
(Thu May 22 08:00:08 2008)
Re: st: -merge- which one would make sense?
Nirina F
(Thu May 22 13:40:10 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: -merge- which one would make sense?
(Wed May 21 10:02:14 2008)
Re: st: -merge- which one would make sense?
David Bell
(Wed May 21 13:07:28 2008)
st: Permute, using seed option with cc command
Farren Briggs
(Wed May 21 06:50:03 2008)
st: dtobit Interpretation
Abra Marie Jeffers
(Wed May 21 05:50:04 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: dtobit Interpretation
(Tue May 27 12:10:27 2008)
Re: st: how to balance a panel?-Thanks
Claudio Cruz Cazares
(Wed May 21 05:40:01 2008)
st: bivariate probit
Chiara Mussida
(Wed May 21 05:07:37 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: Bivariate Probit
Chiara Mussida
(Fri May 23 07:50:03 2008)
Re: st: Bivariate Probit
Friedrich Huebler
(Fri May 23 09:30:06 2008)
Re: st: Bivariate Probit
Chiara Mussida
(Fri May 23 09:50:03 2008)
Re: st: Bivariate Probit
Austin Nichols
(Fri May 23 10:30:16 2008)
Altay Turk
(Tue May 20 13:09:17 2008)
st: dtobit/outreg 2 error
Abra Marie Jeffers
(Tue May 20 12:00:29 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: dtobit/outreg 2 error
Roy Wada
(Tue May 20 14:20:20 2008)
Re: st: dtobit/outreg 2 error
Abra Marie Jeffers
(Tue May 20 14:31:22 2008)
Re: st: dtobit/outreg 2 error
Roy Wada
(Tue May 20 15:30:47 2008)
Re: st: dtobit/outreg 2 error
Abra Marie Jeffers
(Sat May 24 05:19:59 2008)
st: codebook transfer
fernando andrade
(Tue May 20 11:35:23 2008)
st: RE: codebook transfer
Martin Weiss
(Tue May 20 12:20:10 2008)
Message not available
Re: st: RE: codebook transfer
fernando andrade
(Tue May 20 15:08:01 2008)
Re: st: RE: codebook transfer
Steven Samuels
(Tue May 20 15:40:23 2008)
RE: st: RE: codebook transfer
Nick Cox
(Wed May 21 06:07:58 2008)
RE: st: RE: codebook transfer
Nick Cox
(Wed May 21 06:30:01 2008)
RE: st: RE: codebook transfer
Richard Williams
(Wed May 21 07:20:18 2008)
RE: st: RE: codebook transfer
Nick Cox
(Wed May 21 08:50:28 2008)
st: exogenous variables in Heckman treatment effect model
(Tue May 20 11:00:25 2008)
st: how to balance a panel?
Claudio Cruz Cazares
(Tue May 20 10:50:34 2008)
Re: st: how to balance a panel?
Davide Cantoni
(Tue May 20 11:21:31 2008)
Re: st: how to balance a panel?
Jeremy Page
(Tue May 20 15:08:01 2008)
st: IV method for treatment effect
(Tue May 20 10:42:33 2008)
st: maximum number of outcomes in mlogit
Tiemann, Michael
(Tue May 20 10:22:01 2008)
Re: st: maximum number of outcomes in mlogit
Maarten buis
(Tue May 20 11:21:18 2008)
Re: st: maximum number of outcomes in mlogit
Steven Samuels
(Tue May 20 11:50:23 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: st: maximum number of outcomes in mlogit
(Tue May 20 20:20:09 2008)
RE: st: maximum number of outcomes in mlogit
Richard Williams
(Tue May 20 22:20:02 2008)
AW: st: maximum number of outcomes in mlogit
Tiemann, Michael
(Wed May 21 03:10:02 2008)
Re: AW: st: maximum number of outcomes in mlogit
Maarten buis
(Wed May 21 04:50:17 2008)
AW: AW: st: maximum number of outcomes in mlogit
Tiemann, Michael
(Wed May 21 05:07:37 2008)
RE: AW: st: maximum number of outcomes in mlogit
Nick Cox
(Wed May 21 05:40:01 2008)
RE: AW: st: maximum number of outcomes in mlogit
Richard Williams
(Wed May 21 06:30:01 2008)
RE: AW: st: maximum number of outcomes in mlogit
Nick Cox
(Wed May 21 08:50:22 2008)
Re: AW: st: maximum number of outcomes in mlogit
Richard Williams
(Wed May 21 06:40:18 2008)
Re: AW: st: maximum number of outcomes in mlogit
Steven Samuels
(Wed May 21 09:00:52 2008)
st: pretest to choose among fixed, random effects and hausman-taylor
John Bunge
(Tue May 20 09:40:12 2008)
st: how to tabstat by two variables?
Martin Wang
(Tue May 20 09:11:51 2008)
Re: st: how to tabstat by two variables?
Maarten buis
(Tue May 20 09:11:51 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: how to tabstat by two variables?
(Tue May 20 13:09:19 2008)
Re: Re: st: how to tabstat by two variables?
Martin Wang
(Wed May 21 06:00:13 2008)
st: -mfx-, categorical variables or dummy?, interpretation of betas with reg and probit
Nirina F
(Tue May 20 07:30:01 2008)
Re: st: -mfx-, categorical variables or dummy?, interpretation of betas with reg and probit
Richard Williams
(Tue May 20 11:00:25 2008)
st: Importing variable and value labels from txt file
Guillermo Villa
(Tue May 20 07:30:00 2008)
st: RE: Importing variable and value labels from txt file
Martin Weiss
(Tue May 20 08:10:11 2008)
Re: st: Importing variable and value labels from txt file
Eva Poen
(Tue May 20 08:50:57 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: Importing variable and value labels from txt file
Guillermo Villa
(Tue May 20 10:01:27 2008)
Re: st: Importing variable and value labels from txt file
Eva Poen
(Tue May 20 16:02:05 2008)
Re: st: Importing variable and value labels from txt file
Eva Poen
(Tue May 20 16:09:47 2008)
st: thank you
Nirina F
(Tue May 20 07:20:14 2008)
st: Matrix help
Data Analytics Corp.
(Tue May 20 06:50:09 2008)
Re: st: Matrix help
Sergiy Radyakin
(Tue May 20 11:00:31 2008)
Re: st: Matrix help
Data Analytics Corp.
(Wed May 21 08:30:15 2008)
RE: st: Matrix help
Nick Cox
(Wed May 21 08:30:14 2008)
Re: st: Matrix help
Data Analytics Corp.
(Wed May 21 08:50:28 2008)
RE: st: Matrix help
Nick Cox
(Wed May 21 09:21:10 2008)
Re: st: Matrix help
Data Analytics Corp.
(Wed May 21 09:50:49 2008)
st: collapse prob
Martin Weiss
(Tue May 20 03:20:17 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: collapse prob
Svend Juul
(Tue May 20 07:00:17 2008)
RE: st: collapse prob
Martin Weiss
(Tue May 20 07:00:21 2008)
RE: st: collapse prob
Nick Cox
(Wed May 21 06:20:55 2008)
st: List long table
Ronnie Babigumira
(Tue May 20 01:30:16 2008)
st: RE: List long table
Martin Weiss
(Tue May 20 02:30:28 2008)
Re: st: RE: List long table
Ronnie Babigumira
(Tue May 20 02:50:36 2008)
st: Decreasing Returns to SCALE
Altay Turk
(Mon May 19 17:50:23 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Decreasing Returns to SCALE
Joseph Coveney
(Mon May 19 19:25:17 2008)
st: On multiple comparisons after multiple regression
Leny Mathew
(Mon May 19 15:31:24 2008)
st: RE: On multiple comparisons after multiple regression
Newson, Roger B
(Tue May 20 06:20:59 2008)
Re: st: RE: On multiple comparisons after multiple regression
Leny Mathew
(Tue May 20 13:51:42 2008)
Re: st: RE: On multiple comparisons after multiple regression
David Airey
(Tue May 20 14:02:41 2008)
st: Re: stcox and graphing
P�l R�nning
(Mon May 19 15:02:28 2008)
st: nlcom when the numbers are already known...
(Mon May 19 12:41:37 2008)
Re: -by:- is sweet [was: Re: Re: st: Creating a new variable withinformation from other observations]
n j cox
(Mon May 19 12:21:09 2008)
st: Regression on rankings
Pavlos Symeou
(Mon May 19 12:00:25 2008)
st: RE: Regression on rankings
Verkuilen, Jay
(Mon May 19 12:20:52 2008)
st: gen..replace over period of time
Ziad El-Khatib
(Mon May 19 11:51:36 2008)
Re: st: gen..replace over period of time
Maarten buis
(Mon May 19 11:51:35 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: gen..replace over period of time
n j cox
(Mon May 19 12:02:04 2008)
Re: st: gen..replace over period of time
Ziad El-Khatib
(Mon May 19 12:02:04 2008)
Re: st: gen..replace over period of time
Ziad El-Khatib
(Mon May 19 12:11:12 2008)
Re: st: gen..replace over period of time
n j cox
(Mon May 19 12:41:37 2008)
Re: st: gen..replace over period of time
Ziad El-Khatib
(Mon May 19 13:00:37 2008)
Re: st: counting with stata
n j cox
(Mon May 19 11:51:35 2008)
st: Difficulty with -aflogit-
Edward White
(Mon May 19 11:51:33 2008)
Re: st: Difficulty with -aflogit-
Richard Williams
(Mon May 19 12:11:11 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Difficulty with -aflogit-
n j cox
(Mon May 19 12:10:43 2008)
Re: Re: st: how to calculate marginal effectsfor the multiply imputed survey dataset
(Mon May 19 11:21:44 2008)
RE: st: RE: Wech One-way ANOVA
(Mon May 19 11:20:54 2008)
Re: st: RE: Wech One-way ANOVA
Steven Samuels
(Mon May 19 11:51:37 2008)
RE: st: RE: Wech One-way ANOVA
Verkuilen, Jay
(Mon May 19 12:01:32 2008)
st: Constrained clogit?!
Guido Tiemann
(Mon May 19 10:50:36 2008)
Re: st: Constrained clogit?!
Maarten buis
(Mon May 19 11:30:12 2008)
-by:- is sweet [was: Re: Re: st: Creating a new variable with information from other observations]
n j cox
(Mon May 19 09:56:10 2008)
Re: -by:- is sweet [was: Re: Re: st: Creating a new variable with information from other observations]
Davide Cantoni
(Mon May 19 12:11:21 2008)
Re: -by:- is sweet [was: Re: Re: st: Creating a new variable with information from other observations]
Teresio Poggio
(Mon May 19 14:02:52 2008)
RE: -by:- is sweet [was: Re: Re: st: Creating a new variable with information from other observations]
Nick Cox
(Mon May 19 15:40:46 2008)
st: 6th German Stata Users' Group Meeting - Final Announcement andProgram
Ulrich Kohler
(Mon May 19 09:31:30 2008)
st: Non-Linear three stage least square
Yaseen Ghulam
(Mon May 19 06:20:37 2008)
Re: st: Non-Linear three stage least square
Tamazian, Artur
(Mon May 19 06:50:24 2008)
st: Re: (Backed Up) message
Maarten buis
(Mon May 19 03:10:11 2008)
st: Constrained MA model
H�chle, Daniel (MI Switzerland)
(Mon May 19 02:20:11 2008)
st: Re: Fixed effects
Winky K O Ho [BRE]
(Mon May 19 02:04:59 2008)
st: some dummy variables are dropped by stata
(Mon May 19 00:40:15 2008)
st: Problem Using Bootstrapping with Ordered Logit 'gweight not allowed'
Rodwan M Abouharb
(Sun May 18 20:40:01 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Problem Using Bootstrapping with Ordered Logit 'gweight not allowed'
Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP
(Mon May 19 17:50:23 2008)
RE: st: Problem Using Bootstrapping with Ordered Logit 'gweight not allowed'
Rodwan M Abouharb
(Tue May 20 00:40:29 2008)
RE: st: Problem Using Bootstrapping with Ordered Logit 'gweight notallowed'
Even Bergseng
(Tue May 20 02:00:06 2008)
Re: st: Problem Using Bootstrapping with Ordered Logit 'gweight not allowed'
Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP
(Tue May 20 09:00:13 2008)
st: keeping dates which are n periods apart
Rajesh Tharyan
(Sun May 18 20:04:51 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: keeping dates which are n periods apart
Scott Merryman
(Sun May 18 21:00:03 2008)
RE: st: keeping dates which are n periods apart
Rajesh Tharyan
(Mon May 19 04:04:57 2008)
RE: st: keeping dates which are n periods apart
Rajesh Tharyan
(Mon May 19 08:40:44 2008)
Re: st: keeping dates which are n periods apart
n j cox
(Mon May 19 09:56:10 2008)
RE: st: keeping dates which are n periods apart
Rajesh Tharyan
(Mon May 19 12:11:14 2008)
Re: st: keeping dates which are n periods apart
(Mon May 19 10:24:03 2008)
RE: st: keeping dates which are n periods apart
n j cox
(Mon May 19 12:21:09 2008)
st: Re: showing the mean in histogram
Martin Weiss
(Sun May 18 15:00:01 2008)
st: Creating a new variable with information from other observations
Davide Cantoni
(Sun May 18 07:30:21 2008)
Re: st: Creating a new variable with information from other observations
Teresio Poggio
(Sun May 18 08:20:10 2008)
Re: st: Creating a new variable with information from other observations
Teresio Poggio
(Sun May 18 08:20:10 2008)
Re: st: Creating a new variable with information from other observations
Davide Cantoni
(Mon May 19 06:40:30 2008)
Re: st: Creating a new variable with information from other observations
Maarten buis
(Mon May 19 07:04:52 2008)
RE: st: Creating a new variable with information from otherobservations
Even Bergseng
(Mon May 19 07:04:52 2008)
Re: st: Creating a new variable with information from other observations
Davide Cantoni
(Mon May 19 07:12:21 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Re: st: Creating a new variable with information from other observations
n j cox
(Mon May 19 09:31:02 2008)
st: Beyond grc1leg : common legend from many graphs
Anupam Tyagi
(Sun May 18 04:50:07 2008)
st: Correlation estimates near boundary value in asmprobit
Groeneveld, Rolf
(Sun May 18 06:20:30 2008)
Re: st: Beyond grc1leg : common legend from many graphs
Maarten buis
(Sun May 18 13:40:06 2008)
st: Measures for goodness of fit in GLLAMM
Mohammad Vesal
(Sun May 18 00:30:37 2008)
st: Likelihood (backed up) message
Altay Turk
(Sat May 17 17:30:03 2008)
Re: st: Likelihood (backed up) message
Maarten buis
(Sun May 18 13:50:04 2008)
st: showing the mean in histogram
Tunga Kantarci
(Sat May 17 15:40:01 2008)
Re: st: showing the mean in histogram
Scott Merryman
(Sun May 18 11:30:06 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: showing the mean in histogram
Svend Juul
(Sun May 18 15:10:00 2008)
st: showing the mean in histogram
Tunga Kantarci
(Mon May 19 03:40:08 2008)
Re: st: showing the mean in histogram
n j cox
(Mon May 19 10:24:15 2008)
Re: st: showing the mean in histogram
(Mon May 19 11:51:27 2008)
Re: st: text manipulation of tabulate output
(Sat May 17 12:00:09 2008)
st: McDonald and Moffitt’s (1980) decompo sition method for Tobit coefficients.
Joao Ricardo F. Lima
(Sat May 17 09:50:09 2008)
st: midpoints of income interval
fritz the cat
(Sat May 17 09:30:32 2008)
Re: st: RE: Help with loops
Joseph Coveney
(Sat May 17 07:50:07 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Re: st: RE: Help with loops
n j cox
(Mon May 19 10:24:15 2008)
st: please remove my email from Stata list of users
Zaid Albarzinji
(Fri May 16 20:30:02 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: st: please remove my email from Stata list of users
(Fri May 16 21:03:19 2008)
st: estimating shifting logistic model
Yasushi Yoshida
(Fri May 16 19:30:07 2008)
st: RE: how to calculate marginal effects forthemultiply imputed survey dataset
(Fri May 16 17:50:22 2008)
st: Wech One-way ANOVA
Yamamoto, Satomi
(Fri May 16 16:33:35 2008)
Re: st: Wech One-way ANOVA
David Airey
(Fri May 16 16:50:06 2008)
RE: st: Wech One-way ANOVA
Yamamoto, Satomi
(Fri May 16 17:00:10 2008)
st: RE: Wech One-way ANOVA
Verkuilen, Jay
(Fri May 16 16:50:06 2008)
st: RE: Wech One-way ANOVA
Yamamoto, Satomi
(Fri May 16 17:00:11 2008)
Re: st: RE: Wech One-way ANOVA
Steven Samuels
(Sun May 18 20:50:02 2008)
st: license problem under ubuntu8.04
Stata Jackie
(Fri May 16 13:20:26 2008)
Re: st: license problem under ubuntu8.04
David Airey
(Fri May 16 13:45:30 2008)
st: Quotes around r() macros
(Fri May 16 10:41:40 2008)
Re: st: Quotes around r() macros
Sergiy Radyakin
(Fri May 16 13:00:18 2008)
st: RE: Quotes around r() macros
Nick Cox
(Fri May 16 13:20:26 2008)
st: Messages again and again
Martin Weiss
(Fri May 16 09:52:53 2008)
Re: st: Messages again and again
Marcello Pagano
(Fri May 16 12:50:10 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Messages again and again
Alan Neustadtl
(Fri May 16 09:52:55 2008)
Re: st: Messages again and again
Stefano Costalli
(Fri May 16 10:02:47 2008)
Re: Re: st: Messages again and again
Martin Wang
(Fri May 16 10:41:42 2008)
Re: st: Messages again and again
Arun Rajamohan
(Fri May 16 10:41:44 2008)
Re: st: Messages again and again
Stefano Costalli
(Fri May 16 13:00:16 2008)
st: Problems with STATA 10, e.g. saving file causes variables to dropout,
(Fri May 16 09:46:37 2008)
st: SFA Results generated by Stata and Frontier4.1
Benny Wong
(Fri May 16 09:10:14 2008)
[utf-8] st: Re: How to run loops with outre[utf-8] g (was st: How to regress and outreg byyear?)
[utf-8] Ziyang Wang
(Fri May 16 08:16:25 2008)
st: Explained variation / variance partitioning using xtmixed
Patrick P. Phillips
(Fri May 16 06:00:16 2008)
Re: st: Explained variation / variance partitioning using xtmixed
Jeph Herrin
(Fri May 16 09:26:44 2008)
st: Weighted kappa for multiple raters
Paul Walsh
(Fri May 16 06:00:16 2008)
Re: st: Weighted kappa for multiple raters
Laura Gibbons
(Fri May 16 10:50:54 2008)
st: Piecewise model and LR chi2
(Fri May 16 04:10:42 2008)
st: Converting macro string of numbers to matrix or vector
E. Paul Wileyto
(Thu May 15 17:20:14 2008)
Re: st: Converting macro string of numbers to matrix or vector
Phil Schumm
(Thu May 15 17:50:02 2008)
st: how to calculate marginal effects for themultiply imputed survey dataset
(Thu May 15 16:50:50 2008)
Re: st: how to calculate marginal effects for the multiply imputed survey dataset
Todd Wagner
(Thu May 15 17:10:17 2008)
st: RE: how to calculate marginal effects for themultiply imputed survey dataset
Rodrigo Alfaro A.
(Thu May 15 17:30:05 2008)
st: Stata and R
David Airey
(Thu May 15 16:04:30 2008)
st: RE: Stata and R
Nick Cox
(Thu May 15 16:21:12 2008)
Re: st: RE: Stata and R
David Airey
(Thu May 15 16:40:25 2008)
RE: st: RE: Stata and R
Nick Cox
(Fri May 16 13:03:46 2008)
Re: st: RE: Stata and R
David Airey
(Fri May 16 13:30:33 2008)
st: RE: Stata and R
(Fri May 16 09:46:31 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: Stata and R
(Fri May 16 09:46:27 2008)
Re: st: Stata and R
(Sat May 17 19:20:00 2008)
Re: st: Stata and R
David Airey
(Sat May 17 20:50:02 2008)
st: Help with loops
Rijo John
(Thu May 15 16:00:06 2008)
st: RE: Help with loops
Nick Cox
(Thu May 15 16:12:59 2008)
Re: st: RE: Help with loops
Rijo John
(Thu May 15 16:40:25 2008)
st: RE: Help with loops
(Fri May 16 09:46:38 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: Help with loops
(Fri May 16 09:46:28 2008)
st: r(varlist) after command lookfor
(Thu May 15 15:52:00 2008)
st: RE: r(varlist) after command lookfor
Nick Cox
(Thu May 15 16:04:30 2008)
st: RE: r(varlist) after command lookfor
Martin Weiss
(Thu May 15 16:04:31 2008)
st: Re: RE: r(varlist) after command lookfor
Michael Blasnik
(Thu May 15 16:30:34 2008)
st: Re: RE: r(varlist) after command lookfor
(Fri May 16 08:43:30 2008)
st: -ds-
David Jacobs
(Thu May 15 19:30:18 2008)
st: RE: -ds-
Martin Weiss
(Fri May 16 02:20:09 2008)
st: RE: RE: -ds-
Nick Cox
(Fri May 16 13:50:22 2008)
st: RE: r(varlist) after command lookfor
(Fri May 16 09:46:30 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: r(varlist) after command lookfor
(Fri May 16 09:46:24 2008)
st: Problems with STATA 10, e.g. saving file causes variables to dropout,
(Thu May 15 12:40:42 2008)
st: SSC Archive
Kit Baum
(Thu May 15 12:00:22 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: SSC Archive
Kit Baum
(Tue May 27 07:40:05 2008)
st: Adding cumulatively
Rijo John
(Thu May 15 11:30:55 2008)
st: RE: Adding cumulatively
Nick Cox
(Thu May 15 11:51:10 2008)
Re: st: RE: Adding cumulatively
Rijo John
(Thu May 15 11:51:12 2008)
RE: st: RE: Adding cumulatively
Martin Weiss
(Thu May 15 12:00:43 2008)
RE: st: RE: Adding cumulatively
Nick Cox
(Thu May 15 12:10:11 2008)
RE: st: RE: Adding cumulatively
(Fri May 16 09:46:29 2008)
st: RE: Adding cumulatively
Martin Weiss
(Thu May 15 11:51:10 2008)
st: RE: Adding cumulatively
(Fri May 16 09:46:33 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: Adding cumulatively
(Fri May 16 09:46:31 2008)
st: Transition tables
sara khan
(Thu May 15 10:56:31 2008)
st: RE: Transition tables
Nick Cox
(Thu May 15 11:30:57 2008)
st: RE: Transition tables
(Fri May 16 09:46:32 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: Transition tables
(Fri May 16 09:46:37 2008)
st: power analysis for mixed models
(Thu May 15 10:40:10 2008)
st: RE: power analysis for mixed models
Lachenbruch, Peter
(Thu May 15 10:56:31 2008)
Re: st: RE: power analysis for mixed models
(Thu May 15 11:03:41 2008)
Re: st: RE: power analysis for mixed models
Steven Samuels
(Thu May 15 11:03:42 2008)
Re: st: RE: power analysis for mixed models
(Thu May 15 12:00:43 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: power analysis for mixed models
(Fri May 16 09:46:27 2008)
st: a second test.
(Thu May 15 10:30:38 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: a second test.
(Fri May 16 09:46:26 2008)
st: RE: graph question
Nick Cox
(Thu May 15 09:21:00 2008)
st: Re: Re: GMM or 2SLS with cluster adjustment or others
Kit Baum
(Thu May 15 08:30:21 2008)
st: Re: how to regress and outreg by year?
Kit Baum
(Thu May 15 08:00:04 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Re: how to regress and outreg by year?
Ziyang Wang
(Thu May 15 10:05:11 2008)
st: Re: how to regress and outreg by year?
(Fri May 16 09:46:25 2008)
st: Problems with STATA 10, e.g. saving file causes variables to dropout
Christian Wei�
(Thu May 15 07:53:17 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Problems with STATA 10, e.g. saving file causes variables to dropout
Svend Juul
(Thu May 15 15:03:25 2008)
st: Re: infix problem
Kit Baum
(Thu May 15 07:53:17 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: Re: infix problem
(Fri May 16 09:46:24 2008)
st: graph question
Tunga Kantarci
(Thu May 15 05:40:25 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: graph question
(Fri May 16 09:46:37 2008)
st: reshape problem
Simon Oertel
(Thu May 15 05:40:25 2008)
Re: st: reshape problem
Eva Poen
(Thu May 15 06:00:04 2008)
st: RE: reshape problem
Martin Weiss
(Thu May 15 06:10:05 2008)
st: AW: RE: reshape problem
Simon Oertel
(Thu May 15 06:40:12 2008)
Re: st: Too many decimal places for ODBC - thanks
Gawrich Stefan
(Thu May 15 04:00:48 2008)
How to run loops with outreg (was st: How to regress and outregbyyear?)
Roy Wada
(Thu May 15 04:00:48 2008)
st: Is there an ideal do file editor?
Ziyang Wang
(Thu May 15 01:20:14 2008)
Re: st: Is there an ideal do file editor?
Daniel Becker
(Thu May 15 05:30:09 2008)
Re: st: Is there an ideal do file editor?
Friedrich Huebler
(Thu May 15 10:05:17 2008)
Re: st: Is there an ideal do file editor?
(Fri May 16 09:46:26 2008)
Re: st: Is there an ideal do file editor?
(Fri May 16 09:46:34 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Re: st: Is there an ideal do file editor?
Ziyang Wang
(Thu May 15 13:31:58 2008)
Re: Re: st: Is there an ideal do file editor?
Friedrich Huebler
(Thu May 15 14:22:58 2008)
Re: Re: Re: st: Is there an ideal do file editor?
Ziyang Wang
(Fri May 16 01:40:18 2008)
Re: Re: st: Is there an ideal do file editor?
Ziyang Wang
(Fri May 16 08:00:06 2008)
Re: Re: st: Is there an ideal do file editor?
Sergiy Radyakin
(Fri May 16 09:46:38 2008)
Re: Re: Re: st: Is there an ideal do file editor?
Martin Wang
(Fri May 16 10:41:46 2008)
Re: Re: Re: st: Is there an ideal do file editor?
Sergiy Radyakin
(Fri May 16 11:30:45 2008)
Re: st: Is there an ideal do file editor?
Phil Schumm
(Fri May 16 11:50:38 2008)
st: =?utf-8?B?UmU6IEhvdyB0byBydW4gbG9vcHMgd2l0aCBvdXRyZWcgKHdhcyBzdDogSG93IHRvIHJlZ3Jlc3MgYW5kIG91dHJlZyBieXllYXI/KQ==?=
(Thu May 15 01:03:32 2008)
Re: st: st: Re: How to run loops with outreg (was st: How to regress and outreg byyear?)
Eva Poen
(Fri May 16 05:50:07 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: =?utf-8?B?UmU6IEhvdyB0byBydW4gbG9vcHMgd2l0aCBvdXRyZWcgKHdhcyBzdDogSG93IHRvIHJlZ3Jlc3MgYW5kIG91dHJlZyBieXllYXI/KQ==?=
(Thu May 15 10:05:17 2008)
st: SUM question
Yamamoto, Satomi
(Wed May 14 22:40:02 2008)
Re: st: SUM question
Richard Williams
(Wed May 14 22:50:03 2008)
RE: st: SUM question
Yamamoto, Satomi
(Wed May 14 23:40:12 2008)
Re: st: SUM question
David Bell
(Thu May 15 07:53:17 2008)
RE: st: SUM question
Nick Cox
(Thu May 15 09:03:45 2008)
RE: st: SUM question
(Fri May 16 09:46:31 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: SUM question
Svend Juul
(Thu May 15 02:03:23 2008)
RE: st: SUM question
Nick Cox
(Thu May 15 09:10:50 2008)
RE: st: SUM question
Yamamoto, Satomi
(Thu May 15 13:50:25 2008)
RE: st: SUM question
(Fri May 16 09:46:43 2008)
st: What's New in Econometrics
Scott Merryman
(Wed May 14 21:00:01 2008)
Re: st: What's New in Econometrics
Robert A Yaffee
(Thu May 15 02:30:11 2008)
st: R: What's New in Econometrics
Carlo Lazzaro
(Thu May 15 02:50:09 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: What's New in Econometrics
(Fri May 16 09:46:29 2008)
st: Update to -oaxaca- available from SSC
Ben Jann
(Wed May 14 15:40:19 2008)
st: Unit Root and VECM on Unbalanced Panel Data
Farooqi, Fuad
(Wed May 14 13:25:32 2008)
How to run loops with outreg (was st: How to regress and outreg byyear?)
Roy Wada
(Wed May 14 13:10:12 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
How to run loops with outreg (was st: How to regress and outreg byyear?)
Roy Wada
(Thu May 15 04:30:07 2008)
st: creating a variable using -if-? programming needed?
Ekaterina Selezneva
(Wed May 14 13:03:22 2008)
Re: st: creating a variable using -if-? programming needed?
Scott Merryman
(Wed May 14 13:25:46 2008)
RE: st: creating a variable using -if-? programming needed?
Nick Cox
(Thu May 15 09:30:36 2008)
Re[2]: st: creating a variable using -if-? programming needed?
Ekaterina Selezneva
(Thu May 15 10:40:14 2008)
RE: Re[2]: st: creating a variable using -if-? programming needed?
Nick Cox
(Thu May 15 11:51:14 2008)
Re[4]: st: creating a variable using -if-? programming needed?
Ekaterina Selezneva
(Thu May 15 12:10:12 2008)
Re[4]: st: creating a variable using -if-? programming needed?
(Fri May 16 09:46:51 2008)
RE: Re[2]: st: creating a variable using -if-? programming needed?
(Fri May 16 09:46:50 2008)
RE: st: creating a variable using -if-? programming needed?
(Fri May 16 09:46:41 2008)
Re: st: creating a variable using -if-? programming needed?
(Fri May 16 09:46:40 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: creating a variable using -if-? programming needed?
(Fri May 16 09:46:39 2008)
st: loop for creating my village dummies
Nirina F
(Wed May 14 12:50:22 2008)
st: RE: loop for creating my village dummies
Rodrigo Alfaro A.
(Wed May 14 13:25:51 2008)
Re: st: RE: loop for creating my village dummies
Nirina F
(Thu May 15 09:50:45 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: loop for creating my village dummies
(Fri May 16 09:46:33 2008)
st: Problem using/understanding "mlmatbysum"
Mike Brewer
(Wed May 14 11:20:23 2008)
st: How to regress and outreg by year?
Ziyang Wang
(Wed May 14 11:10:47 2008)
st: RE: How to regress and outreg by year?
Newson, Roger B
(Wed May 14 14:03:30 2008)
Re: st: How to regress and outreg by year?
Ben Jann
(Wed May 14 15:30:33 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Re: st: How to regress and outreg by year?
Ziyang Wang
(Thu May 15 00:50:12 2008)
Re: Re: st: How to regress and outreg by year?
Roy Wada
(Thu May 15 03:40:12 2008)
st: editor does not allow the use of command line
(Wed May 14 11:00:25 2008)
st: RE: editor does not allow the use of command line
Nick Cox
(Wed May 14 11:41:49 2008)
st: RE: RE: editor does not allow the use of command line
Nick Cox
(Wed May 14 11:50:05 2008)
st: Re: RE: RE: editor does not allow the use of command line
(Wed May 14 12:13:44 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: editor does not allow the use of command line
Bromiley, Philip
(Thu May 15 12:50:24 2008)
st: RE: editor does not allow the use of command line
Nick Cox
(Thu May 15 13:01:38 2008)
st: RE: editor does not allow the use of command line
Martin Weiss
(Thu May 15 14:00:21 2008)
st: editor does not allow the use of command line
(Fri May 16 09:46:25 2008)
st: Re: infix problem?
Kit Baum
(Wed May 14 09:20:15 2008)
Re: st: Re: infix problem?
Hau Chyi
(Wed May 14 09:51:20 2008)
RE: st: Re: infix problem?
Nick Cox
(Wed May 14 11:10:55 2008)
st: Re: GMM or 2SLS with cluster adjustment or others
Kit Baum
(Wed May 14 09:20:05 2008)
st: RE: Re: GMM or 2SLS with cluster adjustment or others
Yu-Luen Ma
(Wed May 14 17:03:51 2008)
Message not available
st: Re: GMM or 2SLS with cluster adjustment or others
Kit Baum
(Wed May 14 18:20:02 2008)
st: RE: Re: GMM or 2SLS with cluster adjustment or others
Yu-Luen Ma
(Wed May 14 21:40:04 2008)
st: RE: GMM or 2SLS with cluster adjustment or others
Rodrigo Alfaro A.
(Thu May 15 08:20:23 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: Re: GMM or 2SLS with cluster adjustment or others
Kit Baum
(Thu May 15 08:00:04 2008)
st: infile and dictionaries and the small data mindset
E. Paul Wileyto
(Wed May 14 08:31:09 2008)
Re: st: infile and dictionaries and the small data mindset
Friedrich Huebler
(Wed May 14 09:31:24 2008)
Re: st: infile and dictionaries and the small data mindset
E. Paul Wileyto
(Wed May 14 10:40:43 2008)
Re: st: infile and dictionaries and the small data mindset
Friedrich Huebler
(Wed May 14 13:00:37 2008)
Re: st: infile and dictionaries and the small data mindset
E. Paul Wileyto
(Wed May 14 13:35:27 2008)
st: How to perform multivariate simulation with copula
Matias Gutierrez
(Wed May 14 07:30:09 2008)
Re: st: How to perform multivariate simulation with copula
Scott Merryman
(Thu May 22 07:07:13 2008)
st: minor problems with Statalist
Nick Cox
(Wed May 14 07:20:07 2008)
Re: st: minor problems with Statalist
Jeph Herrin
(Wed May 14 09:00:45 2008)
Re: st: minor problems with Statalist
Elizabeth Allred
(Wed May 14 09:20:08 2008)
Re: st: minor problems with Statalist
Jeph Herrin
(Wed May 14 13:42:50 2008)
[no subject]
(Wed May 14 06:50:31 2008)
st: Residuals in ivreg and xtivreg
Paulo Regis
(Wed May 14 06:20:06 2008)
Re: st: Residuals in ivreg and xtivreg
Austin Nichols
(Wed May 14 07:10:08 2008)
[no subject]
(Wed May 14 04:50:11 2008)
st: Naming transformed variables in a program
Paulo Regis
(Wed May 14 04:40:06 2008)
st: RE: Naming transformed variables in a program
Nick Cox
(Wed May 14 05:00:29 2008)
Re: st: Naming transformed variables in a program
Maarten buis
(Wed May 14 05:00:30 2008)
RE: st: Naming transformed variables in a program
Nick Cox
(Wed May 14 07:20:12 2008)
st: GMM or 2SLS with cluster adjustment or others
Yu-Luen Ma
(Tue May 13 17:49:47 2008)
st: xtreg, fe and cluster-robust standard errors
Hanley Chiang
(Tue May 13 15:59:53 2008)
Re: st: xtreg, fe and cluster-robust standard errors
Clive Nicholas
(Tue May 13 21:19:48 2008)
st: combining cross-sections into panel
Gisella Young
(Wed May 14 05:00:29 2008)
Re: st: combining cross-sections into panel
Eva Poen
(Wed May 14 05:06:41 2008)
Re: st: combining cross-sections into panel
Maarten buis
(Wed May 14 05:20:20 2008)
st: Re: xtreg, fe and cluster-robust standard errors
Hanley Chiang
(Wed May 14 13:50:34 2008)
st: advance a -foreach- loop?
Jeph Herrin
(Tue May 13 14:51:18 2008)
st: RE: advance a -foreach- loop?
Nick Cox
(Wed May 14 04:50:08 2008)
Re: st: advance a -foreach- loop?
Austin Nichols
(Wed May 14 07:00:04 2008)
Re: st: advance a -foreach- loop?
Jeph Herrin
(Wed May 14 08:10:49 2008)
Re: st: advance a -foreach- loop?
Austin Nichols
(Wed May 14 09:20:17 2008)
Re: st: advance a -foreach- loop?
Jeph Herrin
(Wed May 14 13:42:47 2008)
Re: st: advance a -foreach- loop?
(Fri May 16 09:46:31 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: advance a -foreach- loop?
Joseph Coveney
(Wed May 14 09:42:23 2008)
Re: st: advance a -foreach- loop?
(Wed May 14 09:42:23 2008)
st: Survival needed replicating results outside of Stata
Jon Haveman
(Tue May 13 12:03:15 2008)
st: How to save current status of Stata (eg. contents of macros, matrix and data)?
Andreas Peichl
(Tue May 13 12:02:50 2008)
[no subject]
Andreas Peichl
(Tue May 13 11:53:58 2008)
st: Too many decimal places for ODBC
Gawrich Stefan
(Tue May 13 11:20:43 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: Too many decimal places for ODBC
(Tue May 13 12:59:56 2008)
Re: st: Too many decimal places for ODBC
Sergiy Radyakin
(Tue May 13 18:49:53 2008)
Re: st: Too many decimal places for ODBC
Joseph Coveney
(Wed May 14 10:00:35 2008)
st: ecm via xtrc
Podesta', Federico
(Tue May 13 10:30:06 2008)
Re: st: ecm via xtrc
Maarten buis
(Tue May 13 11:03:09 2008)
RE: st: ecm via xtrc
Podesta', Federico
(Fri May 16 07:40:35 2008)
st: Categorical data Stata course at ICPSR
Richard Williams
(Tue May 13 08:35:01 2008)
st: paranoid...
Mustillo, Sarah A
(Wed May 14 20:40:04 2008)
Re: st: paranoid...
Richard Williams
(Wed May 14 21:10:00 2008)
st: RE: paranoid...
Forshee, Richard
(Thu May 15 07:40:21 2008)
st: question about subdue multiple dummy variables
Ziyang Wang
(Tue May 13 07:59:48 2008)
RE: Spam: st: question about subdue multiple dummy variables
Rodrigo Alfaro A.
(Tue May 13 08:30:17 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: question about subdue multiple dummy variables
Joseph Coveney
(Tue May 13 08:09:58 2008)
Re: st: question about subdue multiple dummy variables
Austin Nichols
(Tue May 13 08:57:51 2008)
Re: Re: st: question about subdue multiple dummy variables
Ziyang Wang
(Tue May 13 09:00:16 2008)
st: Re: XTmixed vs repeated measures anova
Janet Hill
(Tue May 13 05:49:57 2008)
Re: st: Re: XTmixed vs repeated measures anova
David Airey
(Tue May 13 11:20:49 2008)
st: -infix- problem?
Hau Chyi
(Tue May 13 03:52:25 2008)
st: RE: -infix- problem?
Nick Cox
(Tue May 13 09:00:18 2008)
st: Prob with -rename-
Martin Weiss
(Tue May 13 03:09:50 2008)
Re: st: Prob with -rename-
Johannes Geyer
(Tue May 13 03:39:47 2008)
Antwort: st: Prob with -rename-
Richard Ochmann
(Tue May 13 03:52:25 2008)
st: RE: Prob with -rename-
Nick Cox
(Tue May 13 09:09:50 2008)
st: RE: Prob with -rename-
(Tue May 13 12:50:25 2008)
st: panel tobit with fixed effects
Sartarelli, Marcello
(Mon May 12 19:19:57 2008)
Re: st: panel tobit with fixed effects
Joao Ricardo F. Lima
(Tue May 13 07:59:50 2008)
st: RE: panel tobit with fixed effects
Schaffer, Mark E
(Tue May 13 08:35:01 2008)
Re: st: RE: panel tobit with fixed effects
Austin Nichols
(Tue May 13 08:39:53 2008)
SV: st: RE: panel tobit with fixed effects
Even Bergseng
(Tue May 13 12:50:25 2008)
st: RE: RE: panel tobit with fixed effects
Rodrigo Alfaro A.
(Tue May 13 09:50:48 2008)
st: how to capture data (ID's) for use in macros
Jason Ferris
(Mon May 12 19:03:01 2008)
Re: st: how to capture data (ID's) for use in macros
Scott Merryman
(Mon May 12 20:50:05 2008)
RE: st: how to capture data (ID's) for use in macros
Nick Cox
(Tue May 13 08:57:50 2008)
Altay Turk
(Mon May 12 17:10:04 2008)
st: 2008 SNASUG submission deadline in 3 days
Phil Schumm
(Mon May 12 10:20:32 2008)
Re: st: Re: other ways in dealing with endogeneity other than IV?
(Mon May 12 09:49:55 2008)
st: how to convert xb into probabilities in probit models
yu chenyu
(Mon May 12 09:30:42 2008)
Re: st: how to convert xb into probabilities in probit models
Maarten buis
(Mon May 12 14:51:06 2008)
st: Re: how to convert xb into probabilities in probit models
yu chenyu
(Tue May 13 08:39:53 2008)
st: Unable to use -esttab-
Louis Boakye-Yiadom
(Mon May 12 08:59:58 2008)
Re: st: Unable to use -esttab-
Friedrich Huebler
(Mon May 12 10:03:11 2008)
Re: st: Unable to use -esttab-
Ana Gabriela Guerrero Serdan
(Mon May 12 13:03:06 2008)
Re: st: Unable to use -esttab-
Ben Jann
(Mon May 12 15:50:00 2008)
Re: st: Unable to use -esttab-
Louis Boakye-Yiadom
(Mon May 12 16:50:56 2008)
st: SSC updates: -invgammafit-, -njc_stuff-
Nick Cox
(Mon May 12 04:39:48 2008)
st: tabstat, weights and correct standard errors of means
(Sun May 11 18:39:50 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: tabstat, weights and correct standard errors of means
Svend Juul
(Mon May 12 07:01:26 2008)
Re: st: tabstat, weights and correct standard errors of means
(Mon May 12 08:40:12 2008)
st: updated zanthro WHO 2005 reference population
Ana Gabriela Guerrero Serdan
(Sun May 11 14:04:24 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: updated zanthro WHO 2005 reference population
Svend Juul
(Sun May 11 15:40:58 2008)
Re: st: Graph Editor
Daniel Stegmueller
(Sun May 11 10:09:53 2008)
st: re: how print variables and labels
Kit Baum
(Sat May 10 08:59:52 2008)
st: how print variables and labels?
(Sat May 10 08:29:49 2008)
Re: st: how print variables and labels?
David Airey
(Sat May 10 09:05:28 2008)
Re: st: how print variables and labels?
Alan Acock
(Sat May 10 17:20:00 2008)
st: Changing labels in a string variable
Tomasz Drabowicz
(Sat May 10 07:05:27 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Changing labels in a string variable
Svend Juul
(Sat May 10 07:39:48 2008)
st: Allison Clarke/PSD/Health is out of the office.
(Sat May 10 07:05:26 2008)
st: smcl question
Jeph Herrin
(Fri May 09 22:29:50 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: smcl question
Joseph Coveney
(Sun May 11 03:09:47 2008)
Re: st: smcl question
Jeph Herrin
(Mon May 12 11:03:07 2008)
st: quietly noisily ?
Jeph Herrin
(Fri May 09 22:19:56 2008)
Re: st: quietly noisily ?
David Airey
(Sat May 10 09:05:29 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: quietly noisily ?
Jeph Herrin
(Sat May 10 06:39:50 2008)
Re: st: quietly noisily ?
Joseph Coveney
(Sun May 11 06:29:48 2008)
Re: st: quietly noisily ?
Jeph Herrin
(Tue May 13 08:03:13 2008)
Re: st: quietly noisily ?
Jeph Herrin
(Tue May 13 10:09:47 2008)
st: Two-way clustering
Adrian de la Garza
(Fri May 09 17:01:08 2008)
Re: st: Two-way clustering
Austin Nichols
(Fri May 09 17:20:06 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Re: st: Two-way clustering
(Sun May 11 04:09:50 2008)
RE: Re: st: Two-way clustering
(Sun May 11 06:29:48 2008)
st: Control groups
(Fri May 09 17:01:04 2008)
st: R: Control groups
Carlo Lazzaro
(Sat May 10 01:59:56 2008)
Re: st: Control groups
Steven Samuels
(Sun May 11 12:09:47 2008)
SV: st: Control groups
(Mon May 12 15:20:01 2008)
Re: SV: st: Control groups
Steven Samuels
(Mon May 12 22:19:54 2008)
SV: SV: st: Control groups
(Tue May 13 04:39:51 2008)
st: counting with stata
Gauthier Tshiswaka-Kashalala
(Mon May 19 11:40:38 2008)
Re: st: counting with stata
Maarten buis
(Mon May 19 11:51:37 2008)
st: set seedcommand query
Swati Tyagi
(Fri May 09 15:39:54 2008)
st: R: set seedcommand query
Carlo Lazzaro
(Sat May 10 01:59:55 2008)
st: somersd: clustering with wstrata ?
Feiveson, Alan H. (JSC-SK311)
(Fri May 09 11:20:03 2008)
st: RE: somersd: clustering with wstrata ?
Newson, Roger B
(Fri May 09 11:51:38 2008)
st: RE: RE: somersd: clustering with wstrata ?
Feiveson, Alan H. (JSC-SK311)
(Fri May 09 13:40:01 2008)
st: RE: RE: somersd: clustering with wstrata ?
(Fri May 09 14:00:24 2008)
st: RE: somersd: clustering with wstrata ?
(Fri May 09 12:20:06 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: somersd: clustering with wstrata ?
(Fri May 09 12:20:05 2008)
(Fri May 09 11:20:03 2008)
Re: Rép. : st: Problem with -adoupdate-
Olalekan Uthman
(Fri May 09 13:06:10 2008)
st: longitudinal data with non-detectable measurements
Leny Mathew
(Fri May 09 10:21:37 2008)
st: RE: longitudinal data with non-detectable measurements
Nick Cox
(Fri May 09 10:30:33 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: longitudinal data with non-detectable measurements
Joseph Coveney
(Sun May 11 11:59:52 2008)
Re: st: longitudinal data with non-detectable measurements
Joseph Coveney
(Mon May 12 08:04:42 2008)
Re: st: longitudinal data with non-detectable measurements
Leny Mathew
(Mon May 12 08:40:08 2008)
RE: st: longitudinal data with non-detectable measurements
Nick Cox
(Tue May 13 04:29:51 2008)
RE: st: longitudinal data with non-detectable measurements
(Tue May 13 12:50:25 2008)
Re: st: longitudinal data with non-detectable measurements
Joseph Coveney
(Tue May 13 08:30:17 2008)
RE: st: longitudinal data with non-detectable measurements
Verkuilen, Jay
(Tue May 13 15:30:13 2008)
st: Genome-wide associations in Stata
(Fri May 09 09:33:22 2008)
st: RE: Genome-wide associations in Stata
Newson, Roger B
(Fri May 09 10:30:33 2008)
Re: st: Genome-wide associations in Stata
David Airey
(Fri May 09 11:40:09 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: Genome-wide associations in Stata
(Sat May 10 09:19:53 2008)
st: quasi-variances in Stata
Thomas W. Volscho
(Fri May 09 06:49:54 2008)
Re: st: quasi-variances in Stata
Richard Goldstein
(Fri May 09 09:00:49 2008)
Re: st: quasi-variances in Stata
Daniel Stegmueller
(Fri May 09 11:20:04 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: quasi-variances in Stata
Joseph Coveney
(Fri May 09 09:05:29 2008)
st: quasi-variances in Stata
Thomas W. Volscho
(Sat May 10 06:39:50 2008)
st: quasi-variances in Stata
(Mon May 12 10:00:09 2008)
st: nl with constrains
Olga Lyashevska
(Fri May 09 03:29:54 2008)
Re: st: nl with constrains
E. Paul Wileyto
(Fri May 09 06:05:34 2008)
st: meta analysis question
David Airey
(Thu May 08 20:20:03 2008)
Re: st: meta analysis question
David Airey
(Thu May 08 23:19:54 2008)
st: New package -bynote- on SSC
Newson, Roger B
(Thu May 08 15:52:43 2008)
st: RE: New package -bynote- on SSC
Nick Cox
(Thu May 08 16:00:29 2008)
st: propensity score matching
Charman, Susan
(Thu May 08 15:01:33 2008)
Re: st: propensity score matching
David Kantor
(Thu May 08 15:11:15 2008)
Re: st: propensity score matching
Steven Samuels
(Fri May 09 18:19:49 2008)
st: Increase speed of -replace-
Friedrich Huebler
(Thu May 08 14:15:56 2008)
st: RE: Increase speed of -replace-
Nick Cox
(Thu May 08 14:31:05 2008)
st: Re: Increase speed of -replace-
Michael Blasnik
(Thu May 08 16:00:28 2008)
Re: st: Re: Increase speed of -replace-
Friedrich Huebler
(Thu May 08 19:39:52 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: Increase speed of -replace-
(Thu May 08 14:31:05 2008)
st: Reduced Form with biprobit
Steven J. Carter
(Thu May 08 12:10:01 2008)
Re: st: Reduced Form with biprobit
Partha Deb
(Thu May 08 12:40:57 2008)
Re: st: Reduced Form with biprobit
Steven J. Carter
(Thu May 08 12:50:20 2008)
st: re: Create dataset of variable names and variable labels
Kit Baum
(Thu May 08 12:09:57 2008)
[no subject]
(Thu May 08 11:40:03 2008)
st: Create dataset of variable names and variable labels
Ronnie Babigumira
(Thu May 08 11:30:48 2008)
st: RE: Create dataset of variable names and variable labels
Nick Cox
(Thu May 08 11:39:57 2008)
st: RE: Create dataset of variable names and variable labels
Martin Weiss
(Thu May 08 11:39:57 2008)
Re: st: Create dataset of variable names and variable labels
Sergiy Radyakin
(Thu May 08 11:39:58 2008)
Re: st: Create dataset of variable names and variable labels
Austin Nichols
(Thu May 08 12:32:41 2008)
Re: st: Create dataset of variable names and variable labels
Ronnie Babigumira
(Thu May 08 16:09:54 2008)
st: Plotregion margin zero
Friedrich Huebler
(Thu May 08 11:30:48 2008)
Re: st: Plotregion margin zero
Scott Merryman
(Thu May 08 12:10:01 2008)
Re: st: Plotregion margin zero
Friedrich Huebler
(Thu May 08 13:20:22 2008)
st: platform/OS/ver for max mem?
Frakt, Austin
(Thu May 08 11:20:23 2008)
Re: st: platform/OS/ver for max mem?
Sergiy Radyakin
(Thu May 08 11:50:19 2008)
Re: st: platform/OS/ver for max mem?
Jeph Herrin
(Thu May 15 10:20:54 2008)
RE: st: platform/OS/ver for max mem?
Martin Weiss
(Thu May 15 10:30:43 2008)
st: ml interval data with point mass at zero
Henrik Andersson
(Thu May 08 10:51:05 2008)
st: re: how to suppress the reporting of some regressors?
Kit Baum
(Thu May 08 10:30:28 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: RE: how to suppress the reporting of some regressors?
(Thu May 08 12:09:57 2008)
st: Stata numerical accuracy/precision
Sergiy Radyakin
(Thu May 08 10:10:09 2008)
st: Teach an old dog new tricks
Sergiy Radyakin
(Thu May 08 09:20:32 2008)
Re: st: Teach an old dog new tricks
Austin Nichols
(Thu May 08 11:00:43 2008)
Re: st: Teach an old dog new tricks
Sergiy Radyakin
(Thu May 08 11:30:58 2008)
Re: st: Teach an old dog new tricks
Austin Nichols
(Thu May 08 12:32:41 2008)
RE: st: Teach an old dog new tricks
Rodrigo Alfaro A.
(Thu May 08 12:10:01 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Teach an old dog new tricks
Joseph Coveney
(Thu May 08 22:05:30 2008)
Re: st: Teach an old dog new tricks
Sergiy Radyakin
(Tue May 13 09:20:19 2008)
Re: st: Teach an old dog new tricks
Austin Nichols
(Tue May 13 10:00:38 2008)
Re: st: Teach an old dog new tricks
Joseph Coveney
(Tue May 13 12:10:31 2008)
st: re: multiple rolling regressions
Kit Baum
(Thu May 08 06:59:59 2008)
Re: st: re: multiple rolling regressions
Erasmo Giambona
(Thu May 08 08:10:13 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: re: multiple rolling regressions
Kit Baum
(Thu May 08 08:40:50 2008)
st: Query regarding removing duplicates
Katrina Roper
(Thu May 08 06:20:05 2008)
Re: st: Query regarding removing duplicates
Maarten buis
(Thu May 08 07:30:30 2008)
st: Update to -oaxaca- and accompanying working paper available from SSC
Ben Jann
(Thu May 08 04:09:56 2008)
st: how to suppress the reporting of some regressors?
(Thu May 08 02:39:52 2008)
st: RE: how to suppress the reporting of some regressors?
Schaffer, Mark E
(Thu May 08 03:30:01 2008)
Re: st: RE: how to suppress the reporting of some regressors?
Sergiy Radyakin
(Thu May 08 09:01:40 2008)
st: One sided LR test in Frontier Regression
Altay Turk
(Wed May 07 17:00:08 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: One sided LR test in Frontier Regression
(Sun May 11 04:09:49 2008)
st: Interpretation of tvc in stcox
Jennifer Evans
(Wed May 07 16:50:07 2008)
st: RE: Interpretation of tvc in stcox
Dianna Magliano
(Thu May 08 02:49:54 2008)
Re: st: RE: Interpretation of tvc in stcox
Jennifer Evans
(Thu May 08 13:40:07 2008)
Re: st: RE: Interpretation of tvc in stcox
Enzo Coviello
(Thu May 08 14:00:01 2008)
st: Frontier Model
Altay Turk
(Wed May 07 13:30:01 2008)
st: stdf after nl
Carlo Mengoli
(Wed May 07 13:29:54 2008)
st: Stochastic Production Frontier and Serial Correlation
Altay Turk
(Wed May 07 11:59:57 2008)
st: RE: Stochastic Production Frontier and Serial Correlation
Rodrigo Alfaro A.
(Wed May 07 12:10:12 2008)
st: question about SUM in an regression
adiwan fahlan
(Wed May 07 11:22:05 2008)
st: RE: question about SUM in an regression
Verkuilen, Jay
(Wed May 07 15:50:24 2008)
st: Reshape and file could not open
Nicholas Harrigan
(Wed May 07 11:00:04 2008)
Re: st: Reshape and file could not open
Friedrich Huebler
(Wed May 07 12:30:06 2008)
st: Calculate distance between two zip codes
Knill, April
(Wed May 07 07:19:08 2008)
Re: st: Calculate distance between two zip codes
Austin Nichols
(Wed May 07 07:19:08 2008)
Re: st: Calculate distance between two zip codes
Robert A Yaffee
(Wed May 07 13:30:08 2008)
Re: st: Calculate distance between two zip codes
Maarten buis
(Wed May 07 09:31:10 2008)
Re: st: Calculate distance between two zip codes
Todd Wagner
(Wed May 07 13:50:59 2008)
Re: st: Calculate distance between two zip codes
Maarten buis
(Wed May 07 14:10:05 2008)
RE: st: Calculate distance between two zip codes
Nick Cox
(Wed May 07 14:10:06 2008)
Re: st: Calculate distance between two zip codes
Austin Nichols
(Wed May 07 20:49:54 2008)
st: Help with table command
Sina Grasmann
(Wed May 07 06:40:07 2008)
st: RE: Help with table command
Martin Weiss
(Wed May 07 06:49:53 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: Help with table command
(Wed May 07 09:21:20 2008)
st: RE: Help with table command
Martin Weiss
(Wed May 07 09:31:25 2008)
st: Re: metan
Kit Baum
(Wed May 07 05:50:30 2008)
st: RE: Re: metan
Nick Cox
(Wed May 07 07:32:22 2008)
st: RE: RE: Re: metan
Nick Cox
(Thu May 08 13:20:23 2008)
st: Re: other ways in dealing with endogeneity other than IV?
Kit Baum
(Wed May 07 05:40:02 2008)
st: RE: Re: other ways in dealing with endogeneity other than IV?
Luis Ortiz
(Wed May 07 06:10:14 2008)
st: RE: Re: other ways in dealing with endogeneity other than IV?
Luis Ortiz
(Wed May 07 06:10:14 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Re: other ways in dealing with endogeneity other than IV?
(Sun May 11 04:09:50 2008)
st: New versions of -estparm- and -addinby- on SSC
Newson, Roger B
(Wed May 07 03:59:56 2008)
st: matching procedure
Richter, Ansgar
(Wed May 07 02:09:55 2008)
Re: st: matching procedure
Stas Kolenikov
(Wed May 07 09:01:02 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: matching procedure
Svend Juul
(Wed May 07 07:00:12 2008)
st: Median level
Ziad El-Khatib
(Wed May 07 00:30:06 2008)
st: RE: Median level
Dianna Magliano
(Wed May 07 00:30:07 2008)
Re: st: RE: Median level
Ziad El-Khatib
(Wed May 07 00:50:18 2008)
Re: st: Median level
Joao Ricardo F. Lima
(Wed May 07 20:19:57 2008)
st: correcting standard errors for model with repeated observations insame time period
Adrian de la Garza
(Wed May 07 00:19:06 2008)
Re: st: correcting standard errors for model with repeated observations in same time period
Austin Nichols
(Wed May 07 07:19:09 2008)
RE: st: correcting standard errors for model with repeatedobservations in same time period
Adrian de la Garza
(Wed May 07 11:22:08 2008)
st: metan
David Airey
(Tue May 06 22:09:54 2008)
st: subinstr does not replace but repeats
Carlos Eduardo Hernandez Castillo
(Tue May 06 21:09:55 2008)
Re: st: subinstr does not replace but repeats
Austin Nichols
(Tue May 06 21:30:16 2008)
st: Customizing display of response variable's name in -ml display-
Joseph Coveney
(Tue May 06 19:39:57 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Customizing display of response variable's name in -ml display-
Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP
(Wed May 07 13:51:00 2008)
st: Assessment of fit output from -clogit; missing dx2 and dbeta values
(Tue May 06 16:36:02 2008)
st: Calculating RSE for point estimates
Dayna N KIRK
(Tue May 06 16:35:48 2008)
st: RE: Calculating RSE for point estimates
Nick Cox
(Tue May 06 17:00:13 2008)
st: RE: Calculating RSE for point estimates
Dayna N KIRK
(Wed May 07 15:00:43 2008)
st: CKLS interest rate model estimation
Stephen Knights
(Tue May 06 15:52:17 2008)
st: n in probability functions
David Airey
(Tue May 06 15:50:29 2008)
st: RE: n in probability functions
Nick Cox
(Tue May 06 15:52:11 2008)
st: Renaming File Names
Raphael Fraser
(Tue May 06 14:10:38 2008)
Re: st: Renaming File Names
Friedrich Huebler
(Tue May 06 14:50:57 2008)
Re: st: Renaming File Names
Raphael Fraser
(Wed May 07 09:42:47 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Renaming File Names
n j cox
(Tue May 06 14:20:22 2008)
Re: st: Renaming File Names
Raphael Fraser
(Tue May 06 14:41:14 2008)
Re: st: Renaming File Names
Mingfeng Lin
(Tue May 06 14:41:14 2008)
Re: st: Renaming File Names
Raphael Fraser
(Tue May 06 15:00:31 2008)
st: Renaming File Names
(Tue May 06 14:30:33 2008)
st: Data management problem
David W. Harless
(Tue May 06 13:50:19 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Data management problem
n j cox
(Tue May 06 14:20:28 2008)
Re: st: Data management problem
David W. Harless
(Tue May 06 14:41:15 2008)
Re: st: Data management problem
Austin Nichols
(Tue May 06 14:41:15 2008)
Re: st: Data management problem
Austin Nichols
(Tue May 06 15:50:39 2008)
Re: st: Data management problem
David W. Harless
(Wed May 07 12:00:01 2008)
st: nesting commands
Tunga Kantarci
(Tue May 06 13:40:05 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: st: nesting commands
Maarten buis
(Tue May 06 13:50:18 2008)
Re: RE: st: nesting commands
n j cox
(Tue May 06 14:20:28 2008)
st: Measure of fit for ARCH model
Beat Hintermann
(Tue May 06 13:30:30 2008)
Re: st: Measure of fit for ARCH model
Robert A Yaffee
(Tue May 06 13:40:05 2008)
RE: st: Measure of fit for ARCH model
Rodrigo Alfaro A.
(Tue May 06 14:21:16 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: st: Measure of fit for ARCH model
Maarten buis
(Tue May 06 13:40:05 2008)
Re: st: Semi parametric regression
n j cox
(Tue May 06 13:00:01 2008)
st: re: other ways of dealing with endogeneity other than IV?
Kit Baum
(Tue May 06 12:52:24 2008)
Re: st: re: other ways of dealing with endogeneity other than IV?
Austin Nichols
(Tue May 06 13:19:07 2008)
RE: st: re: other ways of dealing with endogeneity other than IV?
Luis Ortiz
(Wed May 07 04:10:32 2008)
Re: st: Other ways of dealing with endogeneity apart from IV?
(Tue May 06 12:00:28 2008)
RE: st: Other ways of dealing with endogeneity apart from IV?
Luis Ortiz
(Tue May 06 12:10:51 2008)
Re: st: xtpoisson, fe: 42 groups (93 obs) dropped because of all zero outcomes! Why?
(Tue May 06 12:00:27 2008)
Re: st: Serial correlation in unbalanced panel
(Tue May 06 12:00:26 2008)
Re: st: Probit models with Newey-West st.errors and lagged variables
(Tue May 06 12:00:26 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Probit models with Newey-West st.errors and lagged variables
(Tue May 06 13:00:11 2008)
st: RE: Data management in Stata 9.0
Maarten buis
(Tue May 06 11:50:51 2008)
Re: st: RE: Data management in Stata 9.0
Eva Poen
(Tue May 06 12:10:50 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: RE: Data management in Stata 9.0
n j cox
(Tue May 06 12:57:57 2008)
st: Draw graph after stpiece
Thong Pham
(Tue May 06 10:10:01 2008)
Re: st: Draw graph after stpiece
Maarten buis
(Tue May 06 11:40:28 2008)
Re: st: Draw graph after stpiece
(Tue May 06 13:00:11 2008)
st: Estore and estout with ltable
Luis Ortiz
(Tue May 06 10:02:02 2008)
Re: st: Estore and estout with ltable
Ben Jann
(Tue May 06 10:25:42 2008)
st: Gregory and Hansen Cointegration with Break Tests
Gareth Campbell
(Tue May 06 09:20:13 2008)
Re: st: problems with xi3
Ben Jann
(Tue May 06 02:40:21 2008)
st: identifying perfect outcome predictor
Feiveson, Alan H. (JSC-SK311)
(Mon May 05 12:44:17 2008)
st: RE: identifying perfect outcome predictor
Newson, Roger B
(Mon May 05 13:20:24 2008)
st: RE: RE: identifying perfect outcome predictor
Feiveson, Alan H. (JSC-SK311)
(Mon May 05 13:30:17 2008)
st: RE: Penalized Maximum-likelihood
Chen, Xiao
(Mon May 05 17:20:17 2008)
st: RE: RE: Penalized Maximum-likelihood
Rodrigo Alfaro A.
(Mon May 05 17:50:00 2008)
st:: RE: identifying perfect outcome predictor
Newson, Roger B
(Tue May 06 16:11:20 2008)
Re: st: RE: identifying perfect outcome predictor
Richard Williams
(Mon May 05 17:20:22 2008)
st: question
adiwan fahlan
(Mon May 05 18:50:01 2008)
st: "Please wait while windows configures Stata 9"
Keith Dear
(Mon May 05 22:20:12 2008)
RE: st: RE: identifying perfect outcome predictor
Feiveson, Alan H. (JSC-SK311)
(Tue May 06 08:51:50 2008)
st: Re: reproducing results of a random number generation within a loop using seed
Conner Mullally
(Mon May 05 11:40:35 2008)
Re: st: Re: reproducing results of a random number generation within a loop using seed
Steven Samuels
(Mon May 05 12:00:38 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: Re: reproducing results of a random number generation within a loop using seed
Conner Mullally
(Mon May 05 13:05:26 2008)
st: Puja Vasudeva Dutta is out of the office.
(Mon May 05 11:40:32 2008)
st: New version of -dotex- on SSC
Newson, Roger B
(Mon May 05 11:02:33 2008)
st: RE: programming with stata,
Lachenbruch, Peter
(Mon May 05 11:02:28 2008)
st: programming with stata,
Tunga Kantarci
(Mon May 05 11:01:56 2008)
Re: st: programming with stata,
Maarten buis
(Mon May 05 11:20:52 2008)
RE: st: programming with stata,
Rodrigo Alfaro A.
(Mon May 05 18:00:47 2008)
st: Survival analysis
Enrique Soto Pedre
(Mon May 05 10:50:40 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: Survival Analysis
Luciana Lopes
(Thu May 08 08:20:19 2008)
st: reproducing results of a random number generation within a loop using seed
Conner Mullally
(Mon May 05 10:50:39 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: reproducing results of a random number generation within a loop using seed
Svend Juul
(Mon May 05 12:00:37 2008)
st: mfx in ivprobit
Nishant Dass
(Mon May 05 10:31:53 2008)
Re: st: mfx in ivprobit
Ramani Gunatilaka
(Mon May 05 11:40:35 2008)
Re: st: mfx in ivprobit
Nishant Dass
(Mon May 26 14:09:50 2008)
st: multiple rolling regressions
Erasmo Giambona
(Mon May 05 10:21:22 2008)
Re: st: multiple rolling regressions
Erasmo Giambona
(Thu May 08 05:00:40 2008)
Re: st: multiple rolling regressions
Austin Nichols
(Thu May 08 09:30:40 2008)
Re: st: multiple rolling regressions
Erasmo Giambona
(Thu May 08 12:32:43 2008)
Re: st: multiple rolling regressions
Austin Nichols
(Thu May 08 12:40:57 2008)
Re: st: multiple rolling regressions
Erasmo Giambona
(Fri May 09 05:30:04 2008)
Re: st: multiple rolling regressions
Austin Nichols
(Fri May 09 10:40:08 2008)
Re: st: multiple rolling regressions
Erasmo Giambona
(Fri May 09 10:50:36 2008)
RE: st: multiple rolling regressions
Nick Cox
(Fri May 09 11:06:09 2008)
Re: st: multiple rolling regressions
Austin Nichols
(Fri May 09 13:10:11 2008)
Re: st: multiple rolling regressions
Erasmo Giambona
(Tue May 13 11:53:58 2008)
Re: st: multiple rolling regressions
Erasmo Giambona
(Tue May 13 15:30:19 2008)
Re: st: multiple rolling regressions
Austin Nichols
(Wed May 14 06:50:30 2008)
Re: st: multiple rolling regressions
Austin Nichols
(Wed May 14 09:20:15 2008)
Re: st: multiple rolling regressions
Erasmo Giambona
(Wed May 14 10:00:36 2008)
st: Re: A Thought
Kit Baum
(Mon May 05 09:00:31 2008)
st: catplot problem
Tunga Kantarci
(Mon May 05 05:40:05 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: catplot problem
n j cox
(Tue May 06 12:58:02 2008)
Re: st: catplot problem
Tunga Kantarci
(Wed May 07 03:59:56 2008)
Re: st: catplot problem
Maarten buis
(Wed May 07 04:10:30 2008)
Re: Re: st: catplot problem
n j cox
(Wed May 07 06:32:50 2008)
Re: Re: st: catplot problem
Tunga Kantarci
(Wed May 07 07:50:04 2008)
Re: Re: st: catplot problem
Maarten buis
(Wed May 07 09:21:20 2008)
RE: Re: st: catplot problem
Nick Cox
(Wed May 07 09:31:24 2008)
RE: Re: st: catplot problem
Tunga Kantarci
(Wed May 07 10:40:34 2008)
RE: Re: st: catplot problem
Maarten buis
(Wed May 07 11:42:48 2008)
RE: Re: st: catplot problem
Tunga Kantarci
(Wed May 07 11:59:54 2008)
RE: Re: st: catplot problem
Nick Cox
(Thu May 08 14:00:01 2008)
RE: Re: st: catplot problem
Nick Cox
(Sun May 11 10:59:57 2008)
RE: Re: st: catplot problem
(Mon May 12 09:49:55 2008)
st: proportionality of risks
Chiara Mussida
(Mon May 05 04:05:31 2008)
st: RE: Negative variance for multiple imputed multilevel model
Maarten buis
(Mon May 05 02:40:01 2008)
st: A Thought
Raphael Fraser
(Sun May 04 23:00:05 2008)
Re: st: A Thought
Rafal Raciborski
(Sun May 04 23:50:04 2008)
Re: st: A Thought
Richard Williams
(Mon May 05 00:05:35 2008)
st: RE: A Thought
Martin Weiss
(Mon May 05 05:05:31 2008)
Re: st: A Thought
Friedrich Huebler
(Mon May 05 13:20:22 2008)
st: using estout with nlcom?
James Baldwin
(Sun May 04 21:19:58 2008)
Re: st: using estout with nlcom?
Austin Nichols
(Sun May 04 21:50:02 2008)
Re: st: using estout with nlcom?
James Baldwin
(Sun May 04 22:00:05 2008)
st: re: programming with Stata
Kit Baum
(Sun May 04 14:00:15 2008)
st: re: Stata programming
Kit Baum
(Sun May 04 14:00:13 2008)
st: programming with stata
Tunga Kantarci
(Sun May 04 10:49:58 2008)
st: RE: programming with stata
Rajesh Tharyan
(Sun May 04 11:20:07 2008)
Re: st: programming with stata
Maarten buis
(Sun May 04 12:00:04 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: programming with stata
Tunga Kantarci
(Sun May 04 12:39:59 2008)
Re: st: programming with stata
Maarten buis
(Sun May 04 12:59:59 2008)
Re: st: programming with stata
Tunga Kantarci
(Sun May 04 13:19:58 2008)
Re: st: programming with stata
Maarten buis
(Sun May 04 13:42:37 2008)
Re: st: programming with stata
Friedrich Huebler
(Sun May 04 13:49:57 2008)
Re: st: programming with stata
Austin Nichols
(Sun May 04 13:49:58 2008)
Re: st: programming with stata
Tunga Kantarci
(Sun May 04 14:00:15 2008)
st: storing t value from a t-test
Armelini, Guillermo
(Sun May 04 09:39:58 2008)
st: RE: storing t value from a t-test
Martin Weiss
(Sun May 04 10:00:10 2008)
Re: st: storing t value from a t-test
Richard Williams
(Sun May 04 10:00:11 2008)
st: Re: Granger with fixed effect - panel data
Kit Baum
(Sun May 04 02:30:06 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: Re: Granger with fixed effect - panel data
(Mon May 05 09:51:07 2008)
st: -mixlogit- updated on SSC
Arne Risa Hole
(Sun May 04 02:20:01 2008)
st: re; Granger with fixed effect - panel data
Kit Baum
(Sun May 04 02:20:01 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: re; Granger with fixed effect - panel data
(Mon May 05 09:51:07 2008)
st: Unused value labels [was: File sizes in Stata & SPSS (was Weights)]
Friedrich Huebler
(Sat May 03 10:10:13 2008)
st: How to draw a smoothed hazard curve with graph twoway
Pyy-Martikainen Marjo
(Sat May 03 07:30:11 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: How to draw a smoothed hazard curve with graph twoway
Svend Juul
(Sat May 03 08:50:10 2008)
Re(2): st: How to draw a smoothed hazard curve with graph twoway
Pyy-Martikainen Marjo
(Sat May 03 09:40:04 2008)
st: How to draw a smoothed hazard curve with graph twoway
(Mon May 05 09:51:08 2008)
st: pooled OLS
(Sat May 03 06:39:59 2008)
st: Question!
Daniel Haile
(Sat May 03 06:39:59 2008)
tobit error message [was: Re: st: Question!]
Maarten buis
(Sat May 03 07:00:11 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Question!
Hind Sbihi
(Sun May 04 17:05:28 2008)
st: Question!
(Mon May 05 10:09:55 2008)
Re: st: Question!
Friedrich Huebler
(Mon May 05 13:20:18 2008)
Re: st: SUR and a system of logit models
F. Gao
(Fri May 02 21:50:03 2008)
st: Option -scale()- with pie charts
Sergiy Radyakin
(Fri May 02 20:30:07 2008)
Re: st: Option -scale()- with pie charts
Maarten buis
(Sat May 03 01:51:18 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Option -scale()- with pie charts
Vince Wiggins, StataCorp
(Mon May 05 11:10:07 2008)
Re: st: Option -scale()- with pie charts
(Mon May 05 11:20:57 2008)
Re: st: Option -scale()- with pie charts
Sergiy Radyakin
(Mon May 05 12:22:42 2008)
st: hete&autocorr in a system of equations
Samira Bakhshi
(Fri May 02 20:10:02 2008)
st: suffix
Tunga Kantarci
(Fri May 02 16:10:14 2008)
Re: st: suffix
Richard Williams
(Fri May 02 16:32:27 2008)
Re: st: suffix
Maarten buis
(Fri May 02 16:32:35 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: suffix
Stephen P. Jenkins
(Sun May 04 06:50:21 2008)
st: Semi parametric regression
Mahesh Ramachandran
(Sun May 04 09:29:57 2008)
Re: st: Semi parametric regression
Maarten buis
(Sun May 04 10:40:04 2008)
Re: st: Semi parametric regression
Mahesh Ramachandran
(Sun May 04 12:05:27 2008)
Re: st: Semi parametric regression
Maarten buis
(Sun May 04 12:30:00 2008)
st: Semi parametric regression
Gauthier Tshiswaka-Kashalala
(Mon May 05 01:10:23 2008)
st: suffix
Tunga Kantarci
(Sun May 04 10:59:58 2008)
st: value labels in codebook
Lektzian, David
(Fri May 02 14:51:07 2008)
Re: st: value labels in codebook
Sergiy Radyakin
(Fri May 02 15:11:18 2008)
RE: st: value labels in codebook
Lektzian, David
(Fri May 02 16:32:36 2008)
Re: st: value labels in codebook
Sergiy Radyakin
(Fri May 02 16:51:28 2008)
RE: st: value labels in codebook
Lektzian, David
(Fri May 02 17:40:11 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: value labels in codebook
Svend Juul
(Sat May 03 03:10:03 2008)
Re: st: value labels in codebook
Alan Acock
(Sun May 04 09:29:58 2008)
st: clogit with cluster vs. not
(Fri May 02 14:41:18 2008)
st: Re: No Convegence in Likelihood Estimation
Maarten buis
(Fri May 02 13:40:28 2008)
Re: st: Re: No Convegence in Likelihood Estimation
Robert A Yaffee
(Sat May 03 04:10:05 2008)
Re: st: Re: No Convegence in Likelihood Estimation
Michael Stobernack
(Mon May 05 09:00:31 2008)
st: update ldecomp available on ssc
Maarten buis
(Fri May 02 13:30:21 2008)
Re: constraints in xtgls and xtpcse [was: st: QUESTION]
Samira Bakhshi
(Fri May 02 12:11:10 2008)
st: VB: RE: by with multiple commands
Henrik Andersson
(Fri May 02 11:50:20 2008)
st: time invariant vars and fixed effects
Stefano Costalli
(Fri May 02 11:50:18 2008)
Re: st: time invariant vars and fixed effects
Austin Nichols
(Sun May 04 02:30:11 2008)
R: st: time invariant vars and fixed effects
Stefano Costalli
(Sun May 04 03:00:27 2008)
st: RE: time invariant vars and fixed effects
(Mon May 05 04:30:18 2008)
st: To calculate F tests
Claude Francoeur
(Fri May 02 11:32:45 2008)
st: Label range
Friedrich Huebler
(Fri May 02 11:20:59 2008)
Re: st: Label range
Maarten buis
(Fri May 02 11:33:00 2008)
RE: st: Label range
Nick Cox
(Fri May 02 12:31:55 2008)
st: RE: Label range
Newson, Roger B
(Fri May 02 11:43:17 2008)
Re: st: Label range
Ben Jann
(Fri May 02 12:31:55 2008)
Re: st: Label range
Friedrich Huebler
(Sat May 03 09:40:02 2008)
st: Correct code for Poi's QUAIDS model
(Fri May 02 09:50:41 2008)
st: RE: Correct code for Poi's QUAIDS model
Nick Cox
(Fri May 02 10:41:31 2008)
Re: st: RE: Correct code for Poi's QUAIDS model
(Fri May 02 11:00:18 2008)
Re: st: Correct code for Poi's QUAIDS model
Brian P. Poi
(Fri May 02 10:50:33 2008)
Re: st: Correct code for Poi's QUAIDS model
(Fri May 02 11:00:23 2008)
st: by with multiple commands
Henrik Andersson
(Fri May 02 09:40:41 2008)
st: RE: by with multiple commands
Nick Cox
(Fri May 02 10:13:12 2008)
st: Announcing: povguide program
David Kantor
(Fri May 02 09:31:24 2008)
st: Granger with fixed effect - Panel data
Claude Francoeur
(Fri May 02 09:23:20 2008)
Re: st: Granger with fixed effect - Panel data
Joao Ricardo F. Lima
(Fri May 02 09:50:43 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Re: st: Granger with fixed effect - Panel data
Claude Francoeur
(Fri May 02 10:20:37 2008)
RE: st: File sizes in Stata & SPSS (was Weights )
Paul Seed
(Fri May 02 09:10:55 2008)
RE: st: File sizes in Stata & SPSS (was Weights )
David Kantor
(Fri May 02 09:50:43 2008)
RE: st: File sizes in Stata & SPSS (was Weights )
Lachenbruch, Peter
(Fri May 02 10:41:32 2008)
RE: st: File sizes in Stata & SPSS (was Weights )
Steichen, Thomas J.
(Fri May 02 11:50:20 2008)
RE: st: File sizes in Stata & SPSS (was Weights )
Steichen, Thomas J.
(Fri May 02 12:32:14 2008)
RE: st: File sizes in Stata & SPSS (was Weights )
Martin Weiss
(Fri May 02 10:00:37 2008)
st: Collinearity in svy
Simon, Alan (CDC/CCHIS/NCHS)
(Fri May 02 08:30:30 2008)
Re: st: Collinearity in svy
Richard Williams
(Fri May 02 10:20:55 2008)
st: probit & conformability error in inteff
(Fri May 02 06:51:20 2008)
Re: st: probit & conformability error in inteff
Maarten buis
(Fri May 02 07:20:13 2008)
st: RE: probit & conformability error in inteff
Nick Cox
(Fri May 02 07:20:13 2008)
Re: st: probit & conformability error in inteff
Joao Ricardo F. Lima
(Fri May 02 10:13:12 2008)
[no subject]
(Fri May 02 06:50:41 2008)
st: Data Envelopment Analysis
(Fri May 02 05:40:16 2008)
Re: st: Data Envelopment Analysis
Maarten buis
(Fri May 02 06:00:31 2008)
st: Predict after a dynamic XTprobit model with Heckman selection
yu chenyu
(Fri May 02 05:20:05 2008)
st: Dear Statalisters,
Winky K O Ho [BRE]
(Fri May 02 04:40:18 2008)
st: RE: Dear Statalisters,
Rajesh Tharyan
(Fri May 02 06:50:38 2008)
st: RE: Dear Statalisters,
Winky K O Ho [BRE]
(Mon May 19 01:50:10 2008)
st: R: RE: Dear Statalisters,
Carlo Lazzaro
(Mon May 19 02:10:10 2008)
st: eliminating unique values
Stefano Costalli
(Fri May 02 03:10:11 2008)
st: RE: eliminating unique values
Martin Weiss
(Fri May 02 03:41:22 2008)
Re: st: eliminating unique values
Eva Poen
(Fri May 02 04:31:34 2008)
RE: st: eliminating unique values
Nick Cox
(Fri May 02 05:40:16 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: eliminating unique values
Stefano Costalli
(Fri May 02 04:40:20 2008)
st: Constrained Lowess
Sergiy Radyakin
(Thu May 01 18:10:16 2008)
st: RE: Constrained Lowess
Nick Cox
(Fri May 02 06:00:31 2008)
Re: st: RE: Constrained Lowess
Sergiy Radyakin
(Fri May 02 12:32:13 2008)
RE: st: RE: Constrained Lowess
Nick Cox
(Fri May 02 12:32:13 2008)
Re: st: RE: Constrained Lowess
Austin Nichols
(Sun May 04 02:20:02 2008)
st: fixed-effects with dummy variables
(Thu May 01 16:30:17 2008)
Re: st: fixed-effects with dummy variables
David Greenberg
(Fri May 02 16:00:46 2008)
Re: st: fixed-effects with dummy variables
(Sun May 04 13:49:58 2008)
st: A System of Panel Data
Samira Bakhshi
(Thu May 01 16:30:17 2008)
Re: st: A System of Panel Data
Maarten buis
(Thu May 01 16:51:19 2008)
st: clogit and autocorrelation
(Thu May 01 16:21:58 2008)
st: RE: clogit and autocorrelation
Nick Cox
(Fri May 02 07:30:38 2008)
st: RE: RE: clogit and autocorrelation
Nick Cox
(Fri May 02 07:40:23 2008)
st: Deleting Characters of a Var Name by index Number
Kyle Caswell
(Thu May 01 14:51:05 2008)
st: RE: Deleting Characters of a Var Name by index Number
Nick Cox
(Thu May 01 15:10:27 2008)
st: RE: RE: Deleting Characters of a Var Name by index Number
Nick Cox
(Thu May 01 15:20:08 2008)
st: Re: RE: RE: Deleting Characters of a Var Name by index Number
Kyle Caswell
(Thu May 01 15:20:08 2008)
st: RE: Re: RE: RE: Deleting Characters of a Var Name by index Number
Nick Cox
(Thu May 01 15:30:17 2008)
Re: st: Deleting Characters of a Var Name by index Number
Philipp Rehm
(Thu May 01 15:20:07 2008)
RE: st: Deleting Characters of a Var Name by index Number
Nick Cox
(Thu May 01 15:20:08 2008)
Re: st: Deleting Characters of a Var Name by index Number
Maarten buis
(Thu May 01 15:20:07 2008)
Re: st: Deleting Characters of a Var Name by index Number
Sergiy Radyakin
(Thu May 01 15:20:08 2008)
RE: st: Deleting Characters of a Var Name by index Number
Nick Cox
(Thu May 01 15:30:16 2008)
st: Stata comments
Sergiy Radyakin
(Thu May 01 13:50:27 2008)
st: RE: Stata comments
Nick Cox
(Thu May 01 14:10:46 2008)
Re: st: Stata comments
Maarten buis
(Thu May 01 14:20:45 2008)
Re: st: Stata comments
Sergiy Radyakin
(Thu May 01 15:01:56 2008)
Re: st: Stata comments
Maarten buis
(Thu May 01 15:30:17 2008)
Re: st: Stata comments
Stas Kolenikov
(Thu May 01 14:30:18 2008)
st: Matrix manipulation.
Victor Mauricio Herrera
(Thu May 01 12:21:14 2008)
Re: st: Matrix manipulation.
Maarten buis
(Thu May 01 14:10:46 2008)
Re: st: Matrix manipulation.
Victor Mauricio Herrera
(Fri May 02 00:00:02 2008)
Re: st: Matrix manipulation.
Maarten buis
(Fri May 02 00:51:25 2008)
Re: st: Matrix manipulation.
Thomas Gschwend
(Fri May 02 05:20:06 2008)
st: truncated and censored data
esther kessler
(Thu May 01 11:00:40 2008)
Re: st: truncated and censored data
Steven Samuels
(Sun May 04 14:05:27 2008)
RE: st: Weights
Martin Weiss
(Thu May 01 09:12:40 2008)
Re: st: Weights
Michael Blasnik
(Thu May 01 15:20:08 2008)
Re: st: Weights
Martin Weiss
(Thu May 01 15:50:57 2008)
Re: st: Weights
Michael Blasnik
(Thu May 01 16:10:31 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: Weights
Joseph Coveney
(Thu May 01 11:42:00 2008)
Re: st: Weights
Steven Dubnoff
(Thu May 01 12:11:48 2008)
st: Can you get BETA coefficients for XTMIXED models?
James Laurence
(Thu May 01 08:40:18 2008)
Re: st: Can you get BETA coefficients for XTMIXED models?
Maarten buis
(Thu May 01 09:20:48 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
st: Can you get BETA coefficients for XTMIXED models?
James Laurence
(Thu May 01 09:10:03 2008)
RE: st: STATA: multivariate probit w/ bootstrap
David Roodman (
(Thu May 01 08:20:26 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: STATA: multivariate probit w/ bootstrap
Stas Kolenikov
(Thu May 01 09:12:41 2008)
Re: st: STATA: multivariate probit w/ bootstrap
Stas Kolenikov
(Thu May 01 09:30:59 2008)
Re: st: STATA: multivariate probit w/ bootstrap
Daniel R. Petrolia
(Thu May 01 09:50:50 2008)
Re: st: STATA: multivariate probit w/ bootstrap
Arne Risa Hole
(Thu May 01 11:20:18 2008)
Re: st: STATA: multivariate probit w/ bootstrap
Arne Risa Hole
(Thu May 01 11:50:21 2008)
Re: st: STATA: multivariate probit w/ bootstrap
Stas Kolenikov
(Thu May 01 12:21:15 2008)
Re: st: STATA: multivariate probit w/ bootstrap
Arne Risa Hole
(Fri May 02 05:30:47 2008)
Re: st: STATA: multivariate probit w/ bootstrap
Daniel R. Petrolia
(Fri May 02 08:21:41 2008)
st: re: unit root test for panels
Kit Baum
(Thu May 01 07:40:19 2008)
Re: st: re: unit root test for panels
Joao Ricardo F. Lima
(Fri May 02 09:40:45 2008)
st: SSC Archive activity, April 2008
Kit Baum
(Thu May 01 07:10:03 2008)
st: Conditional logit
(Thu May 01 07:40:19 2008)
Re: st: Conditional logit
Arne Risa Hole
(Thu May 01 08:31:53 2008)
RE: st: Conditional logit
(Thu May 01 08:40:19 2008)
st: Question?
Samira Bakhshi
(Thu May 01 06:51:19 2008)
st: RE: Question?
Verkuilen, Jay
(Thu May 01 08:10:15 2008)
Re: st: count cases of a string variable,
Tunga Kantarci
(Thu May 01 06:00:03 2008)
Re: st: count cases of a string variable,
Eva Poen
(Thu May 01 06:10:32 2008)
Re: st: count cases of a string variable,
Maarten buis
(Thu May 01 06:21:42 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: st: count cases of a string variable,
Tunga Kantarci
(Thu May 01 07:00:04 2008)
RE: st: urgency, importance, desperation and the like
Paul Seed
(Thu May 01 05:30:08 2008)
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: st: urgency, importance, desperation and the like
Paul Seed
(Thu May 01 06:00:03 2008)
st: count cases of a string variable
Tunga Kantarci
(Thu May 01 04:50:06 2008)
Re: st: count cases of a string variable
Maarten buis
(Thu May 01 05:20:13 2008)
Re st: "No room to add more variables"
Svend Juul
(Thu May 01 03:30:07 2008)
st: "No room to add more variables"
Renuka Metcalfe
(Thu May 01 03:00:22 2008)
st: RE: "No room to add more variables"
Roy, Devesh (IFPRI)
(Thu May 01 08:31:53 2008)
tutorial on panel data system estimation [was: Re: st: Q?]
Maarten buis
(Thu May 01 02:30:04 2008)
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