I would not pay much attention to the evidence of a mug.
Nor I have ever seen anyone take the logo so literally.
The mutant form "STATA" seems much more likely to arise from false
analogy with other program names.
Corrections on the list, including those that might be thought of as
pedantic or trivial, are best seen as constructive: not only that you
got a detail wrong, but that you (and anybody else who makes the same
mistake) are better off knowing the right way to do it. Many teachers in
your earlier life probably said that too.
[email protected]
Jeffrey Ladewig
It seems like every month or so, the list (appropriately) corrects
someone for using STATA instead of Stata. I was struck a bit ago,
though, as I looked at my Stata coffee mug, and it seem to me read
STaTa. Low and behold, all of the documentation, the website, etc.
carry the same: STaTa. Maybe someone informed on the font, etc. used
could easily clear this up, but perhaps some of the confusion of
individuals using STATA stems from STaTa itself.
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/