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Re: st: error message after using -reoprob-
At 08:53 PM 4/24/2008, J. Li wrote:
Hi all,
I am using -reoprob- to estimate a dynamic ordered probit panel data
model with random effects. The dependent variable is self-assessed
health status with 5 ranks and only the first lag is included in the
regressor list. I got some strange error message for some of my
regressions. The command I used is as following:
xi: reoprob $yvar hlthclag1 hlthclag2 hlthclag3 hlthclag5 agec genderc
i.area fsize birthage lnhincome schoolm2 schoolm3 schoolm4 schoolf2
schoolf3 schoolf4 pmkfe pmknm mlnhincome mschoolm mschoolf if
qpropeducu==1, i(persruk)
The error message showed up when fitting the constant-only model as
__00000W not found
What might be the problem here? Thanks very much!
There is a temporary variable it cannot find for some reason. Before
running reoprob, you can give the command -set trace on- and then
look to see what is happening when the program dies. The problem may
or may not be obvious.
I would also use the actual y variable name rather than $yvar, and I
would compute the area dummies beforehand rather than use xi. It
probably won't matter, but then again the simpler your syntax perhaps
the less likely it is that reoprob will make a mistake.
You might also try using regoprob, available from SSC. Same syntax
as what you have, except add the -pl- option at the end of your command.
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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