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Re: st: Batch job on stata

From   "WEI-JANG HUANG" <>
To   <>
Subject   Re: st: Batch job on stata
Date   Wed, 23 Apr 2008 15:44:01 -0400

Partha and Mathew,

I took your suggestions and got it to work when I issued the command in the directory where the do file is.  Thank you both for helping out!


>>> Partha Deb <> 4/22/2008 12:06 PM >>>
Mathew's suggestion is right on.  But to make your life even easier in terms 
of permissions and keeping track of where your do and log files are/go, try 
the following.

cd dirname

where dirname is the directory in which you stored your do file.


nohup stata -b do &


stata -b do &

Partha wrote:
> When Stata is run in batch mode it automatically creates a log file with
> the name of the do file being run in the directory from which Stata is run.
> Your problem is probably that you do not have write permission for the
> directory.  You can check with `ls -l', or attempt to create a file  `touch
> myfile'.  Try starting from another directory, your home directory for
> example.
> For running batch jobs I prefer:
> nohup stata -b do mydofile &
> nohup tells linux not to stop the process if the terminal window is closed.
> Mathew
>> Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 16:23:51 -0400
>> From: "WEI-JANG HUANG" <>
>> Subject: Re: st: batch job on Linux server
>> Partha,
>> I tried what you suggested and now it's telling me 'unable to
> open.....log'.  Did you need to specify the full path name when issuing
> 'stata' command?  I'm suspecting >I might be at the wrong place
> (directory).
>> Weijang
>>>> Partha Deb <> 4/18/2008 10:17 PM >>>
>> Commands as you have described work for me.  However, if your mydofile has
> an
>> extension, e.g.,, you'll need to add that to the file
> specification
>> stata - bb do &
>> The ampersand at the end will allow you to get back to your prompt (%)
> while
>> the Stata job is running.
>> Hope this helps.
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Partha Deb
Department of Economics
Hunter College
ph:  (212) 772-5435
fax: (212) 772-5398 

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