There are two distinct issues here.
-set dp- affects output (display of results). It has no effect on how
variables are interpreted on input. A variable that contains "12,3" will
be read in as string regardless of this setting.
As several have pointed out, -destring, dpcomma replace- is a good fix
for that.
[email protected]
Kit Baum
Olga writes
My data contains commas as decimal points.
It looks like:
5,48 6,1 12,7
6,13 6 12,7
I want to destring it and replace comma with a period.
As Olga is coming from a part of the world where that is proper
numeric punctuation, she should try
set dp period
and see what happens. For instance, if I (with an Anglo-American
version of Stata) do
set dp comma
> Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
> make | 0
> price | 74 6165,257 2949,496 3291 15906
> mpg | 74 21,2973 5,785503 12 41
> rep78 | 69 3,405797 ,9899323 1 5
> headroom | 74 2,993243 ,8459948 1,5 5
I see commas where I am accustomed to see periods (full stops).
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