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st: RE: destring var, replace dpcomma
-destring RMR , replace dpcomma- works perfectly for me. You need to provide more information. How did the data get there?
For one, check that the variable is indeed called "RMR" and not var1, with the name "RMR" as the first observations. That is what happens when you paste these data into the data editor.
Second, make sure these data are indeed aligned in the columns of your dataset. Pasting into the data editor, they sometimes cluster in the first column, and Stata cannot know what you mean.
Martin Weiss
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-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Olga Lyashevska
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 8:48 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: destring var, replace dpcomma
Dear List,
My data contains comma's as decimal points.
It looks like:
5,48 6,1 12,7
6,13 6 12,7
I want to destring it and replace comma with a period.
I have tried the following but it doesnt work. I get an error r198
'Invalid syntax'.
destring RMR, replace dpcomma
Could you suggest anything?
Thanks in advance,
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