Jon's criterion in general was
"a series of consecutive zeros following any positive number"
In the example he gave, the only positive numbers were all 1.
I took a series of consecutive zeros to mean two or more zeros.
How can zeros be consecutive if they occur singly?
But if that is so, A does _not_ contain such a series, but C does.
So, Jon's example does not match his criterion.
I now guess that Sergiy is correct and that Jon did not mean what he
Another way into this is to set aside
1. "111111"
2. "00000"
What remains are mixtures of 1s and 0s. We want to find patterns that
are just 1s followed by 0s. These are the complement of patterns
any "01".
In Sergiy's example these would be
if !(strpos(yrs, "01") | strpos(yrs, "00000") | strpos(yrs, "11111"))
[email protected]
Sergiy Radyakin
I guess Nick's solution will give a false-positive in observation C
(which also has a pattern 100), but not identify observation A, which
ends in one 0 following a 1.
I interpret the question as "how to identify observations ending in
0-spell after 1-spell". Here is how:
input str5 years
& strpos(years,"1")>0
the code requires at least one occurance of 1-spell, if this is not
necessary, remove "& strpos(years,"1")>0".
On 4/16/08, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> I don't understand what differentiates A and B from the other three,
> but you can concatenate all and then search for patterns.
> . egen all = concat(yr?)
> . l if strpos(all, "100")
Jon Schwabish
> I'm hoping someone can help me with this b/c I'm
> totally stumped. I have a wide data set and am trying
> to identify observations that have a series of
> consecutive zeros following any positive number.
> For example, say I have 5 years of data and the
> following information for 5 observations:
> ObsA 1 1 1 1 0
> ObsB 1 1 1 0 0
> ObsC 1 1 0 0 1
> ObsD 1 0 1 1 1
> ObsE 0 0 0 0 1
> The variable names are something like yr1, yr2, yr3,
> yr4, yr5. I would like to create a variable that
> differentiates ObsA and ObsB from the other three.
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