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st: Sxpose : Process horizontal variables

From   "Richter, Ansgar" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Sxpose : Process horizontal variables
Date   Tue, 15 Apr 2008 15:54:03 +0200


I am currently working on the following problem and it would be great if
someone had an idea how to proceed.

I have two datasets (exemplary illustration):

Dataset  1:

                Description1    Firm1           Firm2           Firm3
                        xyz     123              456             789
                        abc     321              654             987

Dataset 2:
                Firm            Employees       TotalAssets
                -----           ---------       -----------
                Firm1             123               123

First, I would like to "transpose" this dataset into a vertical order to
merge (later on) dataset1 with dataset2. However, as the dataset contains
string values as well as numerical values, neither the "xpose" nor the
"sxpose" command seems to be applicable.
(Xpose does exactly what I need, however I loose the string values, sxpose
(with force option) gives  a "type mismatch" error).
After applying "xpose", Dataset 1 looks a follows: (variable firm was newly

Dataset 2_xpose:

Firm  v_1    v_2
----  -----  ---
Firm1  123   321
Firm2  456   654
Firm2  789   987

First Question: Do you have any suggestion how I can prevent that the
string-variable ("description") is lost?

Second question:
I would like to calculate the sum of v_1 and v_2 for each row, how can I
implement this?

Many thanks for your suggestions!



Prof. Ansgar Richter, PhD
Chair of Management & Consulting
Institute of Industrial Services Management
European Business School (EBS)
International University Schloss Reichartshausen
EBS Campus Wiesbaden
S�hnleinstrasse 8D
65201 Wiesbaden
Phone +49 (0) 611 36018 920
Fax   +49 (0) 611 36018 902
[email protected]
EBS European Business School gemeinnuetzige GmbH
Amtsgericht Wiesbaden HRB 19951
Umsatzsteuer-ID DE 113891213
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Christopher Jahns, Rektor; Sabine Fuchs, Reimar Palte, Prokuristen
Verwaltungsrat: Dr. Hellmut K.Albrecht, Vorsitzender

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