Scott Merryman wrote (excerpted):
Also, the default technique in SAS is IRLS. Stata uses Newton-Raphson. At
least in a couple of examples, changing the technique to NR did increase the
In light of that, what I showed as mimicking the SAS code should read as
Scott shows, i.e., with the -irls- option. It should then run as fast as
the corresponding SAS code.
Another suggestion to the original poster: if your age variable is age in
years, then it's an integer. (And it will still be incremental even if it's
centered and no longer an integer.) If that's the case, and if you haven't
done so already, look into reducing your millions of rows to thousands of
1. defer generating the indicator variables
2. keep the pertinent variables, i.e., year yr00 age ihwt educ agedum
3. -contract year age educ agedum [fweight = ihwt]-
4. _freq is now your frequency weight; you can use -contract . . .,
freq(varname)-, too
Also, consider the following:
1. If age wasn't centered, and if age2, age3 and age4 represent
quartic-polynomial variables, then center age before regenerating the
polynomial expansion. Logistic regression using Newton-Raphson is more
sensitive to near collinearity in the predictors than is linear regression
in my experience.
2. In lieu of polynomial regression (if that's what you're doing), look
into the alternatives available in Stata, e.g., -bspline-, -fracpoly-. You
can avoid agecat, too, as a predictor.
3. If you're doing the leave-one-out looping in order to jackknife
coefficient standard errors, then there is a better way to do that in Stata,
4. Use -adjust-, if you're not saving anything. It won't save time (it
calls -predict-), but it will display odds by education and age-dummy
categories more conveniently.
Joseph Coveney
clear *
set more off
tempfile one
use if year != 100 using r2f3_glm
keep ihwt yr00 year educ age agedum
foreach var of varlist _all {
drop if missing(`var')
replace yr00 = yr00 != 0 // If not already 0/1
contract year age educ agedum [fweight = ihwt]
summarize age [fweight = _freq], meanonly
replace age = age - r(mean)
generate float age2 = age * age
generate float age3 = age2 * age
generate float age4 = age3 * age
xi i.educ*age i.educ*age2 i.educ*age3 i.educ*age4 i.agedum
save `one'
forvalues i = 94/102 {
use if year != `i' using `one', clear
logit yr00 _I* age* [fweight = _freq], nolog
local means
foreach var of varlist age* {
summarize `var' [fweight = _freq], meanonly
local means `means' `var' = r(mean),
adjust `means' by(educ agedum) exp format(%6.1f)
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