Unknown <[email protected]> writes,
> Could anyone please help me with one of the questions?
> Var1- Storage type str8, display format %9s. It has
> month and year only like: 06/2005 .
> I want to
> 1- change the format to time,
> 2- add day dd/mm/yyyy, and
> 3- set dd for 15 like say: 15/05/2005.
I created an example dataset:
. list
| original |
1. | 06/2005 |
2. | 09/2006 |
Variable original is str8.
Here's one solution:
. gen long newvar = date(original, "MY")
. format newvar %td
. list
| original newvar |
1. | 06/2005 01jun2005 |
2. | 09/2006 01sep2006 |
Variable newvar is a -long-. If we wanted newvar to display as
01/06/2005 and 01/09/2005, we would specify format %tdDD/NN/CCYY
rather than %td.
. format newvar %tdDD/NN/CCYY
. list
<output omitted>
To shift newvar 14 days forward:
. replace newvar = newvar+14
(2 real changes made)
. list
| original newvar |
1. | 06/2005 15/06/2005 |
2. | 09/2006 15/09/2006 |
See -help dates and times-.
-- Bill
[email protected]
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