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Re: st: True batch mode

From   "Russell V. Lenth" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: True batch mode
Date   Wed, 09 Apr 2008 21:39:17 -0500


The problem with method 2. is that -capture- suppresses all output (why, I don't know). I hope I don't have to resort to 3. or 4., just to get behavior that I should expect out-of-the-box.

So I tried approach 1....

---- file stata.bat ----
@echo off

start "title needed" /w "c:\Program Files\Stata10\wstata.exe" /e do %1

echo Exit code: %errorlevel%
---- end ----

It "works" in a sense; however, the error code is 0 even if there is an error in the do file. And if I try to trap errors in the do file using -capture-, I don't get any output when it runs correctly.

This is ridiculous. You shouldn't have to pull teeth to do this. For batch processing, Stata should behave like everything else -- run in the foreground and return an appropriate exit code. It's nice to have the OPTION of running in the background, but it shouldn't be shoved down your throat.

Russell V. Lenth, Professor
Department of Statistics
& Actuarial Science (319)335-0814 FAX (319)335-3017
The University of Iowa [email protected]
Iowa City, IA 52242 USA

Sergiy Radyakin wrote:

On 4/9/08, Russell V. Lenth <[email protected]> wrote:
When I try to run Stata in batch mode on Windows...

       DOS> wstata /e do

... it runs in the background, returning a new DOS prompt before the job is
done.  That's fine if I'm doing it manually, but I want to run Stata as part
of a process, and the next step needs Stata to be finished creating its
output before it starts.  I suppose I could have Stata write some new file
at the very end, but then if there's an error, that file will never get
written.  Ideas?

Depends on the skill level:

1. start /w ........
    /w = /wait


DOS>delete file_marker
DOS> wstata /e do

// --- ---
 capture do  // capture will ensure we return back to write
the marker
  write file_marker
// --- end of ---

put your program into

3. CreateProcessEx(lcExe,lcCommandLine,lcStartDirectory,;

4. ShellExecuteEx(LPSHELLEXECUTEINFO lpExecInfo);

Both 3 and 4 are very similar and converge at one point to the same
thing. Which one to use is a matter of convenience.
5. if none of the above is ok, I can suggest other variants

Best regards, Sergiy Radyakin

[BTW, the context here is Windows, version Stata/IC, but I need to extend to
other platforms.  e.g., looks like maybe this isn't a problem on Linux --
just don't put an ampersand?]

Russell V. Lenth, Professor
Department of Statistics
 & Actuarial Science            (319)335-0814    FAX (319)335-3017
The University of Iowa           [email protected]
Iowa City, IA 52242  USA

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