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Re: st: partially retrospective survival analysis
Alan, the situation you describe is an example of left-censoring.
Recall that right censoring at a time T provides information that the
event time Y >T. The same applies to left-censoring-- Y<T. This is
generally handled by parametric models, as the likelihood
contribution of a left-censored event is F(T), where F(t) = P(Y<t).
In Stata, the programs -stpm- (use the leftvar() option and -intreg-
(and maybe some others) will do this. I cannot find a Stata command
to implement Bruce Turnbull's 1976 nonparametric estimate, but -stpm-
gives flexible models.
(Turnbull, B.W. (1976) The empirical distribution function with
arbitrarily grouped, censored and truncated data. J. R. Statist. Soc.
B, 38, 290-295
On Apr 9, 2008, at 3:23 PM, Feiveson, Alan H. (JSC-SK311) wrote:
Hi - Has anyone seen models for or tried doing a survival analysis
for some observations the data had been observed after the event
occurred? For example, trying to predict time to heart attack given
ECG measurements, but for some patients, the measurements were
after the patient already had been in the hospital after the
attack. So
in one sense the time to event is actually negative and censored at
zero. Probably a better approach would be some sort of
discrete/continuous mixture model where with a certain probability,
event has already occurred and given that it hasn't, a standard
model takes effect.
Al Feiveson
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