I am trying to build up a -scatter- command with a -foreach- loop. I
need additional quotes but do not know where to place them. The
problem can be reproduced with the auto data.
. sysuse auto, clear
. tostring rep78, replace
. local scatter ""
. levels rep78, local(rep78)
. foreach r of local rep78 {
local scatter `"`scatter' (scatter mpg weight if rep78=="`r'", msize(large))"'
. di "`scatter'"
(scatter mpg weight if rep78==Unknown function .", msize()
As the error message shows, I need additional quotes somewhere. How do
I have to edit the definition of the macro "scatter"? In the end, the
macro should contain the following string, so that I can draw a graph
with the command -graph twoway "`scatter'"-.
(scatter mpg weight if rep78==".", msize(large)) (scatter mpg weight
if rep78=="1", msize(large)) (scatter mpg weight if rep78=="2",
msize(large)) (scatter mpg weight if rep78=="3", msize(large))
(scatter mpg weight if rep78=="4", msize(large)) (scatter mpg weight
if rep78=="5", msize(large))
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