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st: Analyzing NAEP Data in Stata

From   Bob Fitzgerald <>
Subject   st: Analyzing NAEP Data in Stata
Date   Tue, 08 Apr 2008 08:30:33 -0700

I would be interested in hearing from any list member who has used Stata for NAEP student-level analyses.

The NAEP student data (National Assessment of Educational Progress), are collected during a large national assessment conducted about every two years in the U.S. NAEP items are constructed using IRT methods, and the item selection is based on a matrix sample. The NAEP data contain five plausible values for each response.

I found an earlier request from Brian Jacobs but no substantive replies to his post. I am hoping that the increased availability of NAEP data since 2003 may be associated with an increase in the number of researchers using Stata to analyze these data.

Many thanks.


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