Since -bitobit- is a user written command you should try contacting
the author as he may not be a member of Statalist.
At least the -tobit- model you can calculate the other predicted
values (pr(a,b), e(a,b), ystar(a,b) ) from the fitted values
For example:
sysuse auto,clear
tobit mpg gear, ll(17)
predict p, pr(17,.)
predict e, e(17,.)
predict yst, yst(17,.)
predict yhat,xb
local l ((17-yhat)/_b[/sigma])
gen my_p = normprob(-(17-yhat)/_b[/sigma])
gen my_e = yhat + _b[/sigma]*normalden(`l')/normal(-`l')
gen my_yst = my_p*my_e + (1-my_p)*17
sum p my_p e my_e yst my_yst
On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 3:06 AM, Kidist Gebreselasie <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear statalisters,
> would you please help me out with a stata command to
> predict observed y (yhat) and not latent y (y*hat)
> after a bitobit. The 'predict yhat, equation()'
> command seems to predict y*hat as it produces -,+ and
> 0 predicted values. I am interested in predicting the
> observed yhat which I thought should take only
> non-negative predicted values. I appreciate any
> suggestions.
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