Dear Statalist,
I am using the excellent --ivreg2-- to test for weak instruments. I would
like to use the Stock-Yogo critical values that are displayed but do not see
an ereturn scalar or matrix that corresponds to these values. Is there a way
to extract these? I am using the following version of ivreg2: e(version) :
"02.2.08", which I believe is the most recent. I apologize in advance if I
am missing something obvious or if this has been discussed before; my search
of the archives & online help did not turn up an answer to this question.
Many thanks,
PS - I attempted to post this yesterday evening (EDT) but as far as I can
tell it did not make it to the list (i.e. it has not yet shown up in either
archive). I apologize if this is (or becomes) a duplicate post.
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