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st: do editor (resized) pinned to always on top

From   "Buzz Burhans" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: do editor (resized) pinned to always on top
Date   Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:10:52 -0400

I have another request/suggestion loosely related to my posts earlier today
regarding troubleshooting -do- files.  It would be very helpful if the -do-
file editor window could be pinned open or set to "always on top" while
working with Stata.  I usually resize it to a small portion of the screen so
I can see my results screen while I run a selection from the do file -but of
course when I navigate in the results window or another Stata window the
-do- editor disappears to the task bar because it gets automatically

It would be a great asset to have the -do- editor window remain visible.

Thanks for listening, and again, no response is necessary.


Buzz Burhans, Ph.D.

Dairy-Tech Group

Twin Falls, ID
Phone: 208-320-0829
Fax: 208-735-1289 

So. Albany VT
Phone: 802-755-6842

Email: [email protected]

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