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st: Hotdeck problem
For my thesis, I am using the hotdeck program to impute values for
missing cases in my income variable. Currently, I am trying to hotdeck
my income variable (176 missing) using 3 variables (age=27 missing;
education=13 missing; gender=0 missing; although with 9 overlapping missing
values the combination of these three variables only has 31 missing
cases total). Yet when Stata creates my new, hotdecked income variable,
there are an additional 19 missing cases that I can't account for
(missing=50). Does anyone know why this might be? Another strange thing
is that, when I try to rename my hotdecked income measure before merging
it with my full dataset, all 50 missing cases remain missing after
merging; when I do not rename my hotdecked income
measure before merging, only 42 missing cases remain missing after
merging. I have pasted my Stata output below. Any help would be greatly
Joelle Anderson
Graduate Student, Sociology
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
[email protected]
//First hotdeck imputation, renaming the income variable BEFORE merging
with full dataset
. hotdeck incomeR using IncomeHD, store by(education sex ageR) keep(resp
DELETING all matrices....
Table of the Missing data patterns
* signifies missing and - is not missing
Varlist order: incomeR
pattern | Freq. Percent Cum.
* | 176 11.72 11.72
- | 1,326 88.28 100.00
Total | 1,502 100.00
WARNING: When the <command> option is not selected
then no analysis is performed on the imputed datasets
. use "C:\data\IncomeHD1.dta", clear
. tab incomeR
income |
(income. |
last year, |
that is in |
2004, what |
was your |
total famil | Freq. Percent Cum.
1 | 103 7.09 7.09
2 | 164 11.29 18.39
3 | 222 15.29 33.68
4 | 148 10.19 43.87
5 | 162 11.16 55.03
6 | 265 18.25 73.28
7 | 178 12.26 85.54
8 | 124 8.54 94.08
9 | 86 5.92 100.00
Total | 1,452 100.00
. rename incomeR incomez
. merge resp using "C:\Documents and Settings\anders35\My
Documents\Thesis_3_29.dta", unique sort
. tab incomez
income |
(income. |
last year, |
that is in |
2004, what |
was your |
total famil | Freq. Percent Cum.
1 | 103 7.09 7.09
2 | 164 11.29 18.39
3 | 222 15.29 33.68
4 | 148 10.19 43.87
5 | 162 11.16 55.03
6 | 265 18.25 73.28
7 | 178 12.26 85.54
8 | 124 8.54 94.08
9 | 86 5.92 100.00
Total | 1,452 100.00
//Second hotdeck imputation, renaming the hotdecked income variable
AFTER merging with full dataset
. hotdeck incomeR using IncomeHotD, store by(education sex ageR)
keep(resp incomeR)
DELETING all matrices....
Table of the Missing data patterns
* signifies missing and - is not missing
Varlist order: incomeR
pattern | Freq. Percent Cum.
* | 176 11.72 11.72
- | 1,326 88.28 100.00
Total | 1,502 100.00
WARNING: When the <command> option is not selected
then no analysis is performed on the imputed datasets
. clear
. use "C:\data\IncomeHotD1.dta", clear
. tab incomeR
income |
(income. |
last year, |
that is in |
2004, what |
was your |
total famil | Freq. Percent Cum.
1 | 98 6.75 6.75
2 | 162 11.16 17.91
3 | 220 15.15 33.06
4 | 153 10.54 43.60
5 | 159 10.95 54.55
6 | 267 18.39 72.93
7 | 178 12.26 85.19
8 | 126 8.68 93.87
9 | 89 6.13 100.00
Total | 1,452 100.00
. merge resp using "C:\Documents and Settings\anders35\My
Documents\Thesis_3_29.dta", unique sort
. rename incomeR incomey
. tab incomey
income |
(income. |
last year, |
that is in |
2004, what |
was your |
total famil | Freq. Percent Cum.
1 | 98 6.71 6.71
2 | 164 11.23 17.95
3 | 222 15.21 33.15
4 | 153 10.48 43.63
5 | 159 10.89 54.52
6 | 270 18.49 73.01
7 | 178 12.19 85.21
8 | 126 8.63 93.84
9 | 90 6.16 100.00
Total | 1,460 100.00
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/