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Re: st: Stepping through do file

From   Richard Goldstein <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Stepping through do file
Date   Sat, 29 Mar 2008 10:38:59 -0400

see help, or manual, for -pause-


Buzz Burhans wrote:
Is there a way to step through a do file other than highlighting a line in
the do file editor and running the selected lines?

I need to debug a set of do files. I need to find places where my code is
changing the data improperly - the files run ok, so -set trace on- does not
help the error trapping in this case.

I run repeated selections by highlighting them in the do file editor. If
previous lines created a -tempfile- or local macro, it no longer exists when
I run later set of lines. For instance, if I select lines 1-10 and run them,
and a -tempfile- is created in those lines, when I later try to run lines
further in the do file that use the -tempfile-, the -tempfile- no longer

It would be really nice to step through a do file and keep it active during
the process, so local macros and tempfiles continued to be available in the
later lines.
I am using Intercooled Stata 9.2; moving to 10 but haven't loaded it yet.
Running on Win XP.
Buzz Burhans, Ph.D.

Dairy-Tech Group

Twin Falls, ID
Phone: 208-320-0829
Fax: 208-735-1289
So. Albany VT
Phone: 802-755-6842

Email: [email protected]
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