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st: new Stata macro -stcband- available from SSC
Dear Stata Users,
thanks to Kit Baum, a new Stata package called
-stcband- is now available from the SSC Archive.
-stcband- graphs and optionally saves the
confidence bands for the survival function.
The usual pointwise confidence interval the
survival function are valid for a single fixed
time. Often limits which contains
S(t) for all t in an interval [tlow,tup] are of
interest. Two important types of confidence bands are the equal precision
bands (Nair,1984) and the Hall-Wellner bands
(Hall and Wellner, 1980). To construct these confidence bands critical values
are taken from NairTables.dta or
HallWellnerTables.dta (see Klein and Moeschberger textbook).
There are three possible forms for the confidence
bands: linear, log-minus-log and arcsine-square
root transformed (probably the best).
Downloading ancillary files in one of your
`"`c(adopath)'"' directory you can run an example.
As usual, to install type
ssc de stcband
Best regards
Enzo Coviello
Unit� di Statistica ed Epidemiologia ASL BA/2
piazza V. Emanuele, 14
tel. +39 080 3357867
tel (home) +39 0883 695055
mobile 347 5016016
Enzo Coviello
Unit� di Epidemiologia e Statistica ASL BARI
Piazza V. Emanuele 14
70054 Giovinazzo (Bari)
tel./fax +39 080 3357867
mobile +39 347 5016 016
home +39 0883 695055
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