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Re: st: parameterising strs to avoid cumulative relative survival increase

From   Val�rie Jooste <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: parameterising strs to avoid cumulative relative survival increase
Date   Thu, 27 Mar 2008 11:01:19 +0100

Dear Enzo,
Thank you for you precious help, I tried typing -adjust- in the -strs-
options but got "option adjust not allowed" as a reply from stata... Is it
not implemented with the available -strs- or has it got a syntax I should
Do I need to contact Paul Dickman to get permission to use this option?
I really need this option to be able to use -strs- which I find extremely
useful and practical otherwise.
Thank you

Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 16:22:43 +0100
From: Enzo Coviello <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: st: parameterising strs to avoid cumulative relative survival

Yes, there is.

In -strs- the undocumented option  -adjust- 
allowed to avoid the increase of the realtive survival.
Paul Dickman, the main author of the macro, is 
contrary to the use of this option for several 
reasons  and so the -adjust- option has been removed.

In principle I agree with Paul Dickman even if I 
believe a macro is fundamentally a tool and the 
user has the responsibility to clearly document how they have been obtained.

I would suggest to write directly to Paul Dickman 
hoping that he replies (p < 1/1000000) and he 
reconsiders the opportunity to introduce again -adjust-

Best wishes.


Enzo Coviello
Unit� di Epidemiologia e Statistica ASL BARI
Piazza V.  Emanuele 14
70054 Giovinazzo (Bari)
tel./fax +39 080 3357867
mobile +39 347 5016 016
home +39 0883 695055

>Dear all,
>I am using strs to estimate relative survival and unless I make a mistake,
>notice that excess mortality rate are allowed to be negative and therefore
>cumulative relative survival (ederer I, II or Hakulinen) is allowed to
>Although I find interesting to have an estimation of a negative excess
>mortality rate, I would prefer cumulative relative survival to stay
>rather than increase when the number of deaths is smaller than expected
>during the interval (like in strel). Is there a way to parameterise strs
>this way?
>Thank you for your help
	Val�rie Jooste
	Registre des cancers digestifs
	Recherche �pid�miologique et clinique en canc�rologie digestive
	Inserm UMR 866, "Lipides, Nutrition, Cancer"
	Facult� de M�decine
	BP 87900
	21079 Dijon cedex
	Tel : 03 80 39 33 25
	Fax : 03 80 66 82 51

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