Dear Statalisters:
Following your postings to my question on tabodds (and I thank Svend and Margaret), I found a solution based on a mixture of what you suggested and matrices. This solution works and I provide below the command lines.
I now have a basic question on the matrix title. I run a loop with three countries. I would like to have the name of the country displayed as the title of each matrix. I read the Stata help and found a partial solution to my problem: matrix list m3, title("`val'") . The title is displayed on the screen within the loop. However, I don't get it in the final matrix which is exported to a tab-delimited file through -mat2txt- (downloadable from ssc).
Is there a way to solve this (little) problem?
Best regards
Herve Stolowy
capture erase tabodds.txt
foreach val in "GBR" "FRA" "AUS" {
count if post_ifrs==0 & small_profit==1 & country=="`val'" & sample_sum==1
scalar N1 = r(N)
count if post_ifrs==0 & small_profit==0 & country=="`val'" & sample_sum==1
scalar N2 = r(N)
scalar odds=N1/N2
matrix m1 = N1, N2, odds
matrix rownames m1 = "Pre IFRS"
count if post_ifrs==1 & small_profit==1 & country=="`val'" & sample_sum==1
scalar N3 = r(N)
count if post_ifrs==1 & small_profit==0 & country=="`val'" & sample_sum==1
scalar N4 = r(N)
scalar odds2=N3/N4
matrix m2 = N3, N4, odds2
matrix rownames m2 = "Post IFRS"
matrix m3 = m1\m2
matrix colnames m3 = "Cases (Small profit)" "Controls (Small loss)" Odds
matrix list m3, title("`val'")
mat2txt, matrix(m3) saving(tabodds) append
tabodds small_profit post_ifrs if country=="`val'" & sample_sum==1
matrix m4 = r(chi2_tr), r(p_trend)
matrix colnames m4 = Chi2 Pr>chi2
matrix rownames m4 = "Score test for trend of odds"
matrix list m4
mat2txt, matrix(m4) saving(tabodds) append
President of the French Accounting Association (AFC)
HEC Paris
Departement Comptabilite Controle de gestion / Dept of Accounting and Management Control
1, rue de la Liberation
78351 - Jouy-en-Josas
Tel: +33 1 39 67 94 42 - Fax: +33 1 39 67 70 86
mail: stolowy at hec dot fr
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