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Re: st: MAC Questions

From   Daniel Stegmueller <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: MAC Questions
Date   Wed, 26 Mar 2008 20:33:27 +0100

A somewhat simpler way would be to create a copy of the program  
( You can even rename it to have it distinguishable in the  

As for the editor: Emacs - of course ;)


Am Mar 26, 2008 um 3:29 AM schrieb Michael S. Hanson:
> On Mar 22, 2008, at 2:54 PM, Phil Schumm wrote:
>> On Mar 22, 2008, at 7:57 AM, Fred Wolfe wrote:
>>> 1) In Windows I could open more than one version of Stata at a  
>>> time.  How is that done on the MAC?
>> You can't have multiple instances of GUI Stata running on OS X.
> 	Technically, Phl's statement is not correct.  But it isn't easy or  
> convenient, and Phil's suggestion of using the console version is  
> probably preferred.  But it is possible:
> 	Locate your copy of Stata in the Finder.  Right-click or control- 
> click on the icon and select "Show Package Contents" from the popup  
> menu.  In the window that opens, double-click on the Contents  
> folder, then on the MacOS folder.  You should see two icons  
> (files):  stata-se and StataSE, for example.  The former is the one  
> Phil mentions below.  The latter is the GUI version.  If its icon  
> looks like a miniature computer terminal, double-click on it.  If  
> not, right-click on it, select "Open With  >", and select Terminal  
> from the popup list.  If you already have a copy of Stata running,  
> this will launch another.  You'll see a second Stata icon in your  
> dock, and you can use the application switcher (Cmd-Tab) to move  
> between them.  Unlike with Windows, however, there isn't an visual  
> indication to distinguish them in the dock (save location) or the  
> application switcher.
> 	(Note:  The above works for me on Mac OS X 10.4.x (Tiger).  Your  
> MacPro likely shipped with Mac OS X 10.5.x (Leopard), to which I do  
> not have access.  I suspect it should still work, but would be  
> curious to learn if it does not.)
>> If you need multiple instances, you can use the console version.   
>> On my system, I start this (from the Terminal) with the command
>> /Applications/Stata/
>> which, for convenience, I suggest adding to your executable path.
> 	Indeed, if you have some facility with Unix (i.e., the Terminal),  
> you can create a shell alias for this command.  Notice that if you  
> substitute "StataSE" for "stata-se", this command will launch the  
> GUI rather than the console version.  (That is, this is a one-line  
> shortcut for the list of steps above.)
>>> 2) As also use Stata on the PC, what is the best way to save do  
>>> and adofile with respect to end of line (EOL) settings so that  
>>> they can be read in windows and in the MAC?
>> As you may know, in the days before OS X, the standard EOL  
>> character on the Mac was a CR.  Now the OS X standard has become --  
>> like Unix/Linux -- a LF, though a few Mac apps still use CR as the  
>> default.  Of course, Windows still uses (as it always has) both a  
>> CR and a LF.
>> Stata, like all good cross-platform apps, is able to handle all  
>> three types of line endings transparently.  So, as long as you're  
>> working within Stata, you should be fine.
> 	Note that it is possible to tell Stata in Mac OS X to use either  
> the Unix (LF) or Mac (CR) EOL delimiter.  Look under "Preferences >  
> General Preferences" in the Stata menu.  Unfortunately, IIRC it is  
> not possible to set the PC and Mac versions of Stata to use  
> identical line endings, so....
>> IMHO, the most important thing you should do for yourself first is  
>> to select a good text editor for use with OS X.  My personal  
>> favorite is TextMate, and I can send you a Stata bundle for it if  
>> you wish.  In my view, TextMate is the most powerful, easy-to-use,  
>> and just plain beautiful text editor for OS X.  Of course, if you  
>> also spend a good deal of time in Windows, then you might want to  
>> consider a cross-platform editor (e.g., Emacs, vim, JEdit or  
>> Alpha).  However, I'd urge you to give TextMate a try.  In fact,  
>> there's even a TextMate-like application for Windows ( 
>> ), though I don't believe the TextMate developer is involved in the  
>> project and I've never tried it.
>> The important point (before I got distracted) is that any good text  
>> editor will -- just like Stata -- be multilingual WRT the different  
>> line endings, so if you use one to edit your Stata files you should  
>> be all set.
> 	Agreed.  Personally, I have not been able to grok TextMate --  
> despite paying good money for it -- probably because I have used  
> BBEdit for so many years.  Both are acceptable editors for using  
> Stata;  in my opinion BBEdit has less of a learning curve, but is  
> marginally less capable and substantially less customizable.  It  
> does have a *free* little cousin called TextWrangler (Google it)  
> that should serve your purposes well (albeit with even fewer bells  
> and whistles).  Should you decide to use either BBEdit or  
> TextWrangler -- and I recommend you try either alongside TextMate to  
> find which works best for you -- be sure to check out the Stata  
> language module (for syntax coloring) and the Stata scripts at < 
> >.
> 	An afterthought:  I believe Stata will read .do files regardless of  
> the platform on which they are created (i.e., line endings), but I  
> no longer have access to a Windows version to test that  
> claim.  .dta, .gph, etc. files should be completely cross-platform.
> 	Hope this helps.
>                                        -- Mike
> P.S.  All computers have a MAC (media access control) address, even  
> PCs.
> P.P.S.  Mac : PC :: abbreviation : initialism.
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String Theory summarized:
A: "I just had an awesome idea. Suppose all matter and
     energy is made of tiny, vibrating 'strings'".
B: "Okay. What would that imply?"
A: "I Dunno".

Daniel Stegmueller
Department of Social Sciences
University of Frankfurt

Robert-Mayer-Str. 5
Room 236b
60054 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 798 28508
FAX:   +49 69 798 28206

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