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st: parameterising strs to avoid cumulative relative survival increase

From   Val�rie Jooste <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: parameterising strs to avoid cumulative relative survival increase
Date   Wed, 26 Mar 2008 12:33:50 +0100

Dear all,
I am using strs to estimate relative survival and unless I make a mistake, I
notice that excess mortality rate are allowed to be negative and therefore
cumulative relative survival (ederer I, II or Hakulinen) is allowed to
Although I find interesting to have an estimation of a negative excess
mortality rate, I would prefer cumulative relative survival to stay constant
rather than increase when the number of deaths is smaller than expected
during the interval (like in strel). Is there a way to parameterise strs
this way? 
Thank you for your help

	Val�rie Jooste
	Registre des cancers digestifs
	Recherche �pid�miologique et clinique en canc�rologie digestive
	Inserm UMR 866, "Lipides, Nutrition, Cancer"
	Facult� de M�decine
	BP 87900
	21079 Dijon cedex
	Tel : 03 80 39 33 25
	Fax : 03 80 66 82 51

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