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st: RE: customised output formats

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: customised output formats
Date   Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:48:17 -0000

I'd call this a case of customised input structures, but there's no
accounting for terminology or taste. 

I don't understand what t and d are here. I guess they are secondary. If
not, you'll have to say more. 

An old Stata maxim is that just because a problem looks like a loop
doesn't mean that looping is the best way to tackle it. Or, you can
often execute a loop just by using basic Stata commands in the right

Another old maxim is that while fancy footwork with files is appealing
to those so inclined, you can often do everything in place. 

I made Daniel's example a smidgen more exciting and put everything in a
single string 

. l

     | var1 |
  1. | frog |
  2. |  1,2 |
  3. |  3,4 |
  4. |  5,6 |
  5. |  END |
  6. | toad |
  7. |  7,8 |
  8. | 9,10 |
  9. |  END |

We have to work first on the identifiers. An identifier occurs just
after any "END", or 
right at the beginning. 

. gen byte holds_id = (_n == 1) | (var1[_n - 1] == "END")

. l

     | var1   holds_id |
  1. | frog          1 |
  2. |  1,2          0 |
  3. |  3,4          0 |
  4. |  5,6          0 |
  5. |  END          0 |
  6. | toad          1 |
  7. |  7,8          0 |
  8. | 9,10          0 |
  9. |  END          0 |

We don't need the "END"s any more. 

. drop if var1 == "END"
(2 observations deleted)

Copy across the identifiers to a new variable: 

. gen id = var1 if holds_id
(5 missing values generated)

. l

     | var1   holds_id     id |
  1. | frog          1   frog |
  2. |  1,2          0        |
  3. |  3,4          0        |
  4. |  5,6          0        |
  5. | toad          1   toad |
  6. |  7,8          0        |
  7. | 9,10          0        |

And then fill in the gaps by a cascaded -replace-:

. replace id = id[_n-1] if missing(id)
(5 real changes made)

. l

     | var1   holds_id     id |
  1. | frog          1   frog |
  2. |  1,2          0   frog |
  3. |  3,4          0   frog |
  4. |  5,6          0   frog |
  5. | toad          1   toad |
  6. |  7,8          0   toad |
  7. | 9,10          0   toad |

Now we can clean up a bit: 

. drop if holds_id
(2 observations deleted)

. drop holds_id

. l

     | var1     id |
  1. |  1,2   frog |
  2. |  3,4   frog |
  3. |  5,6   frog |
  4. |  7,8   toad |
  5. | 9,10   toad |

Now you can work on -var1- using -split-. 

Here's the code in one, assuming one string variable -var1- as a start. 

gen byte holds_id = (_n == 1) | (var1[_n - 1] == "END")
drop if var1 == "END"
gen id = var1 if holds_id
replace id = id[_n-1] if missing(id)
drop if holds_id
drop holds_id

[email protected] 

Daniel Exeter

I have the variables 
Pid, x, y, t, d

For 1000 participants, and there are many observations for each

I'm using an archaic program that uses data in the format:


And so on.

I would think that I need to : 

loop through for each pid
  identify the value of pid
  write this value to an outfile

 loop through all observations of current pid
  extract values for x and y
  write x and y values to outfile
write "end" into outfile

I tried this logic, but I can't seem to append info to the outfile...
any ideas?

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