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st: RE: -levpet- with additional state variables - is it possible?

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: -levpet- with additional state variables - is it possible?
Date   Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:03:52 -0000

The Statalist FAQ asks that you identify where non-official commands you
are using come from. There are, I guess, a few thousand such commands.
An experienced user might be familiar with a few hundred, but more
importantly new users will know about almost none, even in their
specific field of interest. So, such details are very widely

You don't say how you got a copy of -levpet- but 

. findit levpet 

points directly to its publication in the Stata Journal with help and
other files accessible for download. 

[email protected] 

Matej Drev

I am trying to estimate a production function with two state variables -
capital stock and r&d stock - using the -levpet- command. However, it
seems that the Stata routine only allows for specification of one such
variable - capital stock. Is there a way to estimate this production
function in Stata using -levpet-? 

I couldn't find help for this online, so I would appreciate any
clarification on this. 

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