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Re: st: MAC Questions

From   Phil Schumm <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: MAC Questions
Date   Sat, 22 Mar 2008 13:54:12 -0500

On Mar 22, 2008, at 7:57 AM, Fred Wolfe wrote:
Having just acquired a MAC Pro, I wonder if the MAC experts could help me with two questions?

1) In Windows I could open more than one version of Stata at a time. How is that done on the MAC?

Welcome aboard!

You can't have multiple instances of GUI Stata running on OS X. If you need multiple instances, you can use the console version. On my system, I start this (from the Terminal) with the command


which, for convenience, I suggest adding to your executable path.

2) As also use Stata on the PC, what is the best way to save do and adofile with respect to end of line (EOL) settings so that they can be read in windows and in the MAC?

As you may know, in the days before OS X, the standard EOL character on the Mac was a CR. Now the OS X standard has become -- like Unix/ Linux -- a LF, though a few Mac apps still use CR as the default. Of course, Windows still uses (as it always has) both a CR and a LF.

Stata, like all good cross-platform apps, is able to handle all three types of line endings transparently. So, as long as you're working within Stata, you should be fine.

IMHO, the most important thing you should do for yourself first is to select a good text editor for use with OS X. My personal favorite is TextMate, and I can send you a Stata bundle for it if you wish. In my view, TextMate is the most powerful, easy-to-use, and just plain beautiful text editor for OS X. Of course, if you also spend a good deal of time in Windows, then you might want to consider a cross- platform editor (e.g., Emacs, vim, JEdit or Alpha). However, I'd urge you to give TextMate a try. In fact, there's even a TextMate- like application for Windows (, though I don't believe the TextMate developer is involved in the project and I've never tried it.

The important point (before I got distracted) is that any good text editor will -- just like Stata -- be multilingual WRT the different line endings, so if you use one to edit your Stata files you should be all set.

-- Phil

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